
SkinnerUI question....

Started by channel, June 25, 2007, 10:16PM

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i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say. i changed -DXT1 to DXT1 for mua and there whenever i export bmp the color palette changes for example blades skin becomes bluish and when i edit that bmp and import it back again i can finally see the changes i did to the bmp however it still doesnt show in the mua. man im close to giving up on this skinning business.

November 04, 2007, 12:56PM #106 Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 01:27PM by cvc
Serph21 hang in there let me go see what I did and I'll tell you.

Ok this is Ironman MUA 1502 put this in the cfg--- 1502.igb,DXT1,512,512,769450,256,256,1572714,128,128,690362,64,64,1605474.
Put 1502 out of MUA actors folder in the windows
after you work on it save it. In the skinner import it than export it and it should work.I always make at lease 3 layers.

See the white and black lines.Make sure to get the 1502 out of windows. 
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 11:32AM
i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say.

What XML? You don't need to edit any XML files for skinning...

Quotei changed -DXT1 to DXT1 for mua and there whenever i export bmp the color palette changes for example blades skin becomes bluish and when i edit that bmp and import it back again i can finally see the changes i did to the bmp however it still doesnt show in the mua.

If this is the problem, then don't add the dash in front of "DXT" in the CFG file.... Just use Irfan View (or swap the color channels in PS) to switch from RGB --> BGR and vice versa.

Quoteman im close to giving up on this skinning business.

Now, you see why poeple here get frustrated in modding... This is only the beginning...haha

Quote from: iammingy on November 04, 2007, 02:36PM
Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 11:32AM
i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say.

What XML? You don't need to edit any XML files for skinning...

what i meant was i haven't tried editing xml models. :) sorry for not being so clear. anyway imma try what cvc said. :) thanks

Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 07:19PM
Quote from: iammingy on November 04, 2007, 02:36PM
Quote from: Serph21 on November 04, 2007, 11:32AM
i havent tried editing xml but i did tried what you're trying to say.

What XML? You don't need to edit any XML files for skinning...

what i meant was i haven't tried editing xml models. :) sorry for not being so clear. anyway imma try what cvc said. :) thanks

Oh no, it's alright. If you have questions, just ask. :)

You can try Norrin Radd's new skinner, too. :)

In TextureFinder or when you injected the skin using SkinnerUI and tested in-game?  If it's TextureFinder you're having problems with, I recommend looking at THIS topic, starting with Iammingy's post to find out how to use it.

this is skinner ui not in game but when i placed the skin in a gave me pixleated, colerful dots like cavillac's pic of the texturefinder. o- yes.i got my offsets :)