
Pre-order bonuses: Spiderman Edge of Time & X-men Destiny

Started by Quentin Hex, July 13, 2011, 04:13PM

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Aaaand since neither offer extends to the Wii or the DS and these games won't get PC ports, I say "phooey". I only hope that Destiny's DS port will not suck as badly as MUA2's did.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

No Edge of Time isn't for the PC.

But so was Shattered Dimensions and they still made it for the PC later.
So I hope that Edge of Time will be made for the PC later on

Wow, those are some piss-poor EoT costumes. Who will honestly play with these? People want playable Venom and Carnage, not something this ridiculous.

And the X-Men ones look like rip-offs of Tron:Legacy.

Correction : SOME people want Playable venom and/or Carnage, I would rather have a playable Black cat or something

Geez, to much Venom fans here :P
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I'm all for Ricochet. I was a fan of the costume when Spidey wore it, I enjoyed the dude that inherited the title in Slingers, and since he (along with Prodigy, as Dusk is dead and Hornet inactive, last I checked), is still around in the 616 'Verse. Plus, wasn't he one of the 198 or something?

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Polygone on August 08, 2011, 06:00AM
Correction : SOME people want Playable venom and/or Carnage, I would rather have a playable Black cat or something

Geez, to much Venom fans here :P

mmm I would loooovvvveee to play as Black kitty sense would go off the radar if that was made available and including playable catwoman in arkham city

:D Ahh polygone, a playable Black Cat would be amazing! I think there are to many people complaining here, wait till the game comes out play it then if you still hate it complain. I mean come on im sure the people whinning about the game are going to be some of the first to buy it, and if not the first they will get it eventually. So save your complaining untill after you have played :)

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This time I hope we get a ben reilly spider-man costume for EOT. That was like the only costume missing from SMSD and I was really angry about it.

The only ones I would play with are Venom :venom: and the Amazing Spider-man :spiderman: 616 earth.

No way, honesly? Venom :S

Well, im personally willing to give both games a go, Edge of time because I dig the 2099 universe plus the bosses look better (I think im gonna enjoy kicking Anti-venoms butt :P)

And X-men destiny,well....It has X-men in the title, so thats why I probally am gonna enjoy this :P

Just a few Questions

X-men Destiny is online right? Is it Free to play??
Are there any more bosses revealed other then Anti-Venom for Edge of time (Im not talking about our obivous final boss, Mysterio, who has now been featured in 2 games as an endboss already :P)
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Newest Release : Raven

You wont kick Anti-Venom's ass:)


Anti-Venom Kills Spider-man (Peter Parker) in Edge of Time maybe later he will be Spidey's partner when the mind control wears off.

Still, He IS a boss battle, meaning you CAN kick and hit him, that he kills Spidey doesnt matter, because its in a cutscene, So I just enjoy the minutes I get to kick his ass :D

Also, you probally meant defeat, because I dont think Anti-Venom is gonna be partners with a corpse :P
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

August 10, 2011, 07:40AM #14 Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 07:45AM by Eddie Brock Venom
No I meant KILL.


Anti-Venom kills Spidey in the present than you play in the past and future and try to prevent it!

In the year 2099, Alchemax scientist Walter Sloan seeks to gain power and fortune by traveling back in time to the present day in order to use his knowledge of future technology to found Alchemax much ahead of time. This causes the future of 2099 to change to a dystopia where Alchemax rules the world with an iron fist. Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 is aware of the plan and finds out that Sloan's actions are not only responsible for the changes in the timeline but will also cause the death of Peter Parker / Spider-Man at the hands of Anti-Venom. Miguel warns Peter of the impending danger, and both Spider-Men must work together across time to save the future and Peter Parker's life.

Characters in Edge of Time (till now):

Amazing Universe

    -Mary Jane Watson

2099 Universe
    -Spider-Man 2099
    -Walter Sloan
    -Black Cat 2099