
X-Men/ Marvel Fan Fic

Started by Midnightphoenix, August 15, 2011, 03:15PM

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This topic is for you to talk about an X-Men/ Marvel fan fic you have. I know X-Men is Marvel but my main focus is X-Men, but I know not everyone is just mainly an X-Men nut like me XD I guess there really is no explaining to do as it should be simple enought to understand...

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

So my X-Men fan fic is called New X-Men. I guess its a bit chessy but its a TV Show for me. With 10-18 episodes per season. All the characters are pretty much female except for very few because I find female heroes underrated and unused or made weaker. Ive been doign this for 4 years or so now and im almost on season 20 I think XD.

Main Team:
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Scarlet Witch

People kind of come and go as they please. You could consider Dazzler, Psylocke, Rogue and a few others main members but these people ^^ are always on the team. Dazz etc are not. But recently I completely changed the course of the show. Mainly it focuses on the X-Men fighting the brotherhood or other villians and Jean becoming the Dark Phoenix. But recently I stripped Jean of the Phoenix force. She has retaken the name Marvel Girl along with an updated look of the Marvel Girl costume. Emma has become evil after many seasons yet this wont last long because after the season im currently on she will be an X-Man again but I will get to that down a little. Kitty was trapped in the bullet much like the comic and is now sporting the fishbowl. Polaris and Wanda left for a short period of time to watch over Genosha in their fathers absence, yet he is leading a team of villians including Emma to stop the X-Men. They have since returned. Rogue has also come back and has taken Emma's spot on the team. The end of the season will have a big saga of the X-Men versus the many villians they have made over the years.

Next Season is pretty much the big change. After the season above I plan for the X-Men to split. But Emma recreates the team, yet its very different then before.

New Season Team (Uncanny X-Men)
Emma Frost
Storm (Sporting updated mohawk look)
Invisible Woman (After the death of the Fantastic four)
She Hulk

Sue, Jen, and Spiderwoman were always guest starring so I made them regulars now. XD As you can see the team is much different. Jean didn't return because of her new hate for Emma, same with Kitty etc. Storm and Jean are friends but not as close as the comics. Jean has an older sister bond to Kitty, and Firestar is Kitty's best friend so if them Jean doesnt return Kitty wont, and if Kitty wont Firestar wont either. This new Season will bring in many new villians corresponding to the new X-Men heroes. Like Ruby Thursday, Titania, Morgan le Fey, etc.

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

OH MY GOD!!! u are exactly in my mind!! i have also imagined a mutant series, but with many characters including people from my life ! Me, along with a friend, sometimes give powers to people and tell what their code name will be (depending on the person) and sometimes burst into laughter !!! Look at my scenario!

Professor X has failed and so did Magneto.....the sentinels have destroyed Genosha, and now all mutants are marginalized, being placed on special areas, with special schools and stuff.  The last election was won by the anti-mutant party, so the planet is controlled by people who just hate mutants !! Apocalypse tries again to take controll by creating a ''cult'' of mutants who worship him as a god. Emma is considered to have lost her powers (no, she just said it to live with other people) and has become a government hooker (yeah lady g!!)While all this happens,  at a simple mutant  junior high-school, (yeah i am 15 :P) kids learn how to use their powers, and have fun , make jokes, u know....teen stuff....all the x-men are 15 years old ,and go to that school ! XD

Season 1 :

Me(Telepathy & Telekinesis)
That Friend(Magnetism)
Jean Grey(cheerleader)
Storm(the nerd, that rages a lot when they taunt her)
Wolverine(he is old and he is the Headmaster)
Psylocke(the miscellaneous girl)
Cyclops(the ladies guy)
Rogue (the tough girl)

Season 2 : Jean Grey unleashes the Phoenix force for the first time , killing many students....Wolverine wants to expell her but Emma (that's where she first appears) representing the government does not let him expell her. Now this season has some funny stuff, like the day scott lost his visor, or the day storm and the mathematics club fight the cheerleaders !!

Season 3 : Yeah i am going to high school that september, so this is probably the last season of this circle........Jean is finally expelled, and taken to antimutant labs, where they try to remove her Phoenix force.....we go to save her , and i accidentally posses the Phoenix.....Emma leads an army of sentinels to destroy all mutants, and the world is in crisis...Apocalypse makes use of this advantage and finds it an opportunity to rise (episode : Rise of the Apocalypse).....The great fight occurs, and in the end, we won!!!! Professor X builds his institute, and tries to make the world recover after this war....P.S.     Emma died (by storm), Wolverine died (Yeah he did)
Apocalypse also died,  and guess who    :*(                (emma killed me )   but i possesed he phoenix so i am returning this september as a white phoenix !!! who knows what  will happen after this epic series!!!

That sounds awesome! I love the highschool/ Jr High theme. I used to have a fan fic like that in which all the X-Men were teens going to school. I also had an X-Men Evolution Fan Fic in which the show was continued beyond season 4. Currently in my Fan Fic much has changed.

Storm has become more head strong and has gotten a much bigger role. Emma has been killed by her Sister. Jean has taken her role as the Leader again and since has taken on the Phoenix Force again. She-Hulk and Spiderwoman have also left.

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Your version of the story is awesome!! but Keyla killed Emma right ?? that sounds very interesting especially if u think that she can replace her and take the role of emma in the team (she is not that powerful but she has an interesting power ) , or if she goes with the brotherhood to destroy the x-men ! Or, Imagine those teams :

Girls Power :

Jean Grey (Leader)
Keyla (support )
Storm (nuker)
Sue Richards (since she is a scientist she can be the hacker and support of course)
Emma Frost (The influencial girl)
Rogue (the badass lady!)
Scarlet Witch ( Voodoo stuff! )

Godlike Power

Dark Phoenix (nuker)
Apocalypse (Nuker)
Galactus (Nuker)
Gabriel Summers (Nuker)
Dr. Doom (nuker)
Magneto (nuker)

Now, about my scenario, this septemeber some mutants that died will not appear, but others, new will. (Scarlet Witch, Sue, Pixie, Surge,)
Also jean will continue (there is a girl at my school that has RED RED RED hair !!! yeah, they call her Hailey Williams) and so will do storm , scott, Logan, and rogue

That sounds good! Very interesting! Adrienne Frost was the one who killed Emma. Along time ago in one of my Seasons Magneto kidnaped several mutants to use their mutant abilitys to make clones. Adrienne, for some reason, was one of the mutants he took and somehow her powers were inhanced and she become a class 5 mutant with new Energy projection powers. With her new powers it allowed her to actually hurt Emma, so she killed her. Sometimes I do alt Future arks, and currently I have decided to do an Age of X ark

Fortress X (Location of X-Men)

- Shadowcat
- Emma Frost (Possible Clone imposter) (Had lost all her mutant abilitys when Magneto tried to clone her but has since gotten her Diamond form back, but is now able to shape the diamond into Huge fists or Wolverine like claws.)
- Rogue (Had lost the ability to absorb peoples powers, thoughts etc. Still has Super strength, Flight, and now has Energy Projection.)
- Phoenix (Thought to have been killed but recently rejoined the team.)
- Mystique (When mutant prisons were made she went into hidding on Utopia a place ruled by Polaris, now by "Emma", but was found out as a mutant and is now working with the X-Men)

The Main Villian is a look alike to Emma Frost, so It is "Unknown" if the one on the X-Men is real or fake.
- Mangeto (Was once the main villian and clonedmany mutants and is the reason for Emma's lose of powers along with many others.
- Polaris (Had taken her fathers place, but was "Killed" By Rogue)
- Invisible Woman (Was since found on Utopia and is now helping the X-Men)

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Great Idea !! I like that sue was a villain in the beginning , and speaking of her , i got to tell u something .....Today i was  at a book store to buy a book (the left hand of god) when i saw the comics ! i read one (X-men first class) and found that it was a story about jean....Well an ordinary evening she was just hanging out with sue ( she was hugging her all the time , and they were a cool team ) they somehow saved they day, and the reporters asked them questions like ''So u are thinking of creating the fantastic 5 ?? "" and stuff like that......

P.S. we would make a great x-men movie together :P :D XD

Quote from: MystiCosmic on September 05, 2011, 11:12AM
Great Idea !! I like that sue was a villain in the beginning , and speaking of her , i got to tell u something .....Today i was  at a book store to buy a book (the left hand of god) when i saw the comics ! i read one (X-men first class) and found that it was a story about jean....Well an ordinary evening she was just hanging out with sue ( she was hugging her all the time , and they were a cool team ) they somehow saved they day, and the reporters asked them questions like ''So u are thinking of creating the fantastic 5 ?? "" and stuff like that......

P.S. we would make a great x-men movie together :P :D XD

I have always thought Sue and Jean make a great team. I make fan fic team ups with them a lot! And we could make a great movie! XD

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Yeah ! :D   btw, I  have a cousin in New York and, he got a part time job as a cinema judge -- so he is informed for the films that are supposed to come-- and he told me that the x-men films that may come  are  (i have percentage of how sure it is and, probable date)                                                     

                             1.  X-men Origins : Magneto (100% , maybe in April -2012)
                             2. X-men Origins : Emma Frost (100%, maybe on Christmas of 2012 )     
                             3.  X-men : The Wolverine (60 % ,something like the second part of x-men origins wolverine , do not know date)
                             4. X-men First Class 2 (90% , maybe in 2013 )
                             5. X-men Origins : Storm or Deadpool (not sure) (70% , this movie will be available in cinemas, at least 2 years later )

                                           ???. X-men 4 (he did not tell me anything about, but i believe that a fourth movie will be created)


See X-Men Origins Magneto and Emma were planned, Magnetos more so, but they were dropped I dont see them getting picked up again. The Wolverine I see talk about all the time so Im sure it will come eventually

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

yeah u are probably right....Deadpool will be out, and so Gambit movie...look here u can even see 2014 !     

XD Thats a lot of movies lol Looks good tho :D

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS