HeroSelect V1.6 RELEASED (international language support)

Started by Norrin Radd, July 08, 2007, 12:34AM

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July 23, 2007, 10:37AM #75 Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 10:48AM by Norrin Radd
so you have problems for random AND default?
can you let me know what is in your herostat.xml after you select "Accept Team"
i never use default or random, so i'm not too sure of the problems

also, if you edit the herostat manually, and add characters not including spiderman, wolverine, captain america, and thor, you will get your hulk problem as well (or something similar, but i'm sure you know more about that than me), but this shouldnt happen for the default team using my program

did you change some of the lines from 2-28 (the default characters)? i am wondering why only iceman worked because he's not the first guy. if what happens is the first guy loads then the rest dont, there could be problems with the cfg file setup

note that i did try using random and default before, and i checked the herostat.xml to make sure everything was cool, and it looked good

how many characters did you pick for random?

XMLB characters {
   stats {
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = bruiser ;
   body = 7 ;
   canthrowally = true ;
   characteranims = 170_Hulk ;
   characteranimsclass = humanoid_large ;
   charactername = Hulk ;
   ignoreboundsscaling = true ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 26 ;
   mind = 4 ;
   name = Hulk ;
   playable = true ;
   powerstyle = ps_hulk ;
   scale_factor = 1 ;
   scriptlevel = 3 ;
   skin = 17003 ;
   skin_01_name = Classic ;
   skin_02 = 02 ;
   skin_02_name = Original ;
   skin_03 = 01 ;
   skin_03_name = Planet Hulk ;
   skin_04 = 04 ;
   skin_04_name = Joe Fixit ;
   sounddir = hulk_m ;
   strength = 12 ;
   team = hero ;
   textureicon = 7 ;
      Race {
      name = Mutant ;

      Race {
      name = XMen ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = hulk_power1 ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = healing_factor ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = no_grab ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = fightstyle_default ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = might ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = block ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = melee_moves ;


   stats {
   autospend = support ;
   isteam = true ;
   name = team_character ;
   skin = 0002 ;
   xpexempt = true ;


^ Contents of my herostat

Sorry, those must have been both random, cause default works now :shy:

Anyway, Panther shows up in slot 26 for default and Blade in 96. Any way to change it so "default"'ll read Hulk in 26 and those 2 in their proper slots? I added Hulk right after Wolvy and before "endoffile", is it set up to read 27 or only 25 for default?


July 23, 2007, 11:05AM #77 Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 11:11AM by Norrin Radd
it only reads 25 for default, but i can change it, its just some people may complain if they only have 25 characters, mind you i dont know why they would be using the program anyway.

about the menulocation for default, it depends on where they are in the list, ill think about it a little more.

1. if you want default to be 27 let me know (i will then change it for everyone though)
2. if random works for you, please let me know as i'm not clear now if it works for you, i assume you just had the random number of characters set to 1 though (see the 'Characters' up/down button in the random options menu) 
3. i will get back to you on the black panther/blade/hulk location situation

1. That'd be nice, so I can revert to my "default team" for the save games. An easy way to set it up would be to tell people to add their choices for default right after Wolvy with slots 26/96 as their menulocations.

2. I am an idiot. Shoot me now :runaway:

Yeah, that was the "problem" :rofl:

3. Thanks.

July 23, 2007, 11:16AM #79 Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 11:19AM by Norrin Radd
good, so the program works, why dont people have confidence in it?! Just joking, haha.

Ok, i will change the default to 27 characters, change the pdf, and find out what is going on with the default menulocations. I will only be able to start looking at it tonight.

@blizz:  :soapbox: you get nice screenshots

July 23, 2007, 02:50PM #80 Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 03:12PM by Norrin Radd
um, blizz can you check what your menulocations are for black panther and blade in herostat.cfg, because it works fine for me, i got them in locations 4 and 20 respectively when i chose default

hm, it seems random at where the spots are chosen for those first two characters,
so dont bother checking your .cfg
i'll figure it out

Fixed!, this should also fix the menulocations for random selection, so their 'preferred' location will be whatever is written down in the their menulocation line in herostat.cfg. I will up the default characters to 27 and release it soon.

thanks for pointing this out BliZZ

They appear to fill the 2 unfilled spots (in my case 26/96)

So just expanding the default to 27 should probably fix it.

EDIT: nvmind, I see you fixed it.... :laugh:

fixed and released.

by the way, if lets say your 2 last default characters have the menulocation XX (literally) or any other spot that is already taken, then the 26th default character will fill spot 26 and the 27th will fill spot 96.

if however some of your default team members have conflicting menu locations, it is ok, but they will obviously be mixed around because more than one of them cant have the same location

if the menulocation spot is already taken for a character, it starts from 1 to 26 then 96 to find the next open one, then takes it

OK, I've added about six "custom" characters (from my npc27 Mod), but my problem is this:
I can never add more than two of them at a time "in game".
Individually, or as mixed pairs they can be "selected", but if I try to select 3,4,5 or more of my "custom" characters, two appear, and the slots that he rest of them have been selected to get filled by a "custom defaultman" (ie one of my customs who now seems to be defaultman).
Have I misunderstood?
I should be able to replace more than just two characters at a time, right?
I'm guessing that I'm screwing something up myself again, but I thought I'd check....

I am no expert but you should be able to add as many customs as you want. I believe I added 6 or so and when I select them as a team they all show up. I have not tried characters from the NPC27 mod yet though I don't see why that would be a problem. I have Rhino, Shocker, Gladiator, Enchantress and all PSP characters chosen at the select screen and they work. I know that does not help you just letting you know it is possible.

Quote from: Bane1 on July 23, 2007, 04:36PM
I am no expert but you should be able to add as many customs as you want. I believe I added 6 or so and when I select them as a team they all show up. I have not tried characters from the NPC27 mod yet though I don't see why that would be a problem. I have Rhino, Shocker, Gladiator, Enchantress and all PSP characters chosen at the select screen and they work. I know that does not help you just letting you know it is possible.

Thanks, I figured I must be messing it up myself again :ugh:
Back to square one for me, methinks...

July 23, 2007, 04:48PM #86 Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 04:53PM by Norrin Radd
can you look at your herostat.xml and your herostat.cfg, look at the entries of your new characters, then could you tell me what the differences are?

you can definetely use however many you want, which is more than 2, but obviously less than 28

basically you can try to manually add your characters using xmlb-compile and see if they work (i mean using 3 or 4 of them), if they do work, then its probably a .cfg or adding characters correctly into the gui problem

if you want to test whether it is a gui problem, put these characters as one of the default ones, then select default and accept team and check out your herostat.xml

if you cant figure out what's wrong then just show me the herostat.cfg

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 23, 2007, 04:48PM
can you look at your herostat.xml and your herostat.cfg, look at the entries of your new characters, then could you tell me what the differences are?

you can definetely use however many you want, which is more than 2, but obviously less than 28

basically you can try to manually add your characters using xmlb-compile and see if they work (i mean using 3 or 4 of them), if they do work, then its probably a .cfg or adding characters correctly into the gui problem

if you want to test whether it is a gui problem, put these characters as one of the default ones, then select default and accept team and check out your herostat.xml

if you cant figure out what's wrong then just show me the herostat.cfg

I couldn't see any difference twixt herostat.cfg and herostat.xml (but I AM tired, so I'll look again tomorrow.)
It's probably just me being lazy, I should just add one, test, add one, test etc etc etc.
That's what I'll do tomorrow.

Magnifico! Default team works perfectly, and changing around which characters are in which slot works like a charm.

Using Default:

For the record, I've got a damn long character list and I haven't run into any problems (except with random, which I haven't re-tried yet)

This is my list of characters, and they all seem to work fine:

Now I've gotta check out some Avenger character mods.....