HeroSelect V1.6 RELEASED (international language support)

Started by Norrin Radd, July 08, 2007, 12:34AM

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sweet BliZZ, thanks for the confirmation!  :highfive:
also, glad it works for you  :thumbsup:

what a beautiful picture too, although it would be nice if we could have more than 27

I know, even with 30 I would feel more content. (Cyclops, Iron Fist, Namor) Meh, that damned char limit! :soapbox:

July 23, 2007, 05:58PM #92 Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 06:00PM by Norrin Radd
off topic:
where did you get the xmen herostats, i downloaded some mods but it didnt come with the herostat (eg. gambit),  :bawling:

nevermind, i found some on the Main Page on How to install mod, but there are only a few there, anyways theres gambit and cable, so i should be ok

If you go to the first post of the Converted X-Men Legends Characters thread that's where BliZZ posts all the herostats.

Sweet! You have just made life easier for the PC users of MUA.

OK, I'm still having problems.
Just to check some stuff.
Does the order of the names in the first part of herostat.cfg have to correspond exactly to the order of the names in the latter section (where all the powerstyles etc are defined)?

Does every entry in herostat.cfg HAVE to have an entry made in the "add character" section of the Heroselect GUI? Would the herostat still compile if there are herostat.cfg characters who havent been set up in the GUI?

Do the "menulocation =" lines in the herostat.cfg definitions matter? IE if I add a custom character to herostat.cfg who has the same "menulocation =" as an existing "default" character is that a problem?

Is it very sensitive to extra lines between entries? I noticed once that I had left an extra line between "}" and the "endoffile" entry, and it wouldnt compile till it was removed.

Could there be any entries that wouldn't throw a "regular" compilation of herostat (I usually use the XMLBCUI to compile/decompile my herostats/npcstats) but might cause it not to compile from within HeroSelect?

Is it possible to change the default path for the "launch MUA" field?
Is it possible that having a non-standard install location for MUA (ie "c:\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\") could cause a problem.

Sorry for the bombardment of questions but I'm still unable to get the thing to work for me properly (ie with more that 2 custom characters at a time), despite trying all sorts of entries, some from working NPCstats, some from working herostats, and various combinations of characters.

July 24, 2007, 08:32AM #97 Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 08:40AM by Norrin Radd
1. I believe the order of the first part DOES NOT matter, since you should be able to mix around your default team with no troubles

2. All entries in herostat.cfg DO NOT need to be added to the gui. If they arent added they can be chosen randomly, or by default, just not by selection.

3. The menulocations dont matter. I have some that say 'AA' and 'XX' and I have some that are doubles and most likely triples and it works. (if there are doubles, the program will look for the next available slot)

4. yes line spacing is important, because lines with no information on them (blank lines) are sometimes troublesome to deal with

5. i'm not extremely clear on what you are saying here, but if the entry (or whole herostat.xml) wont compile when you do it manually, then it wont work when you use the program.

6. if your game is located in another folder you will need to change the entry on the gui, but this doesnt affect anything about the herostat compilation. the only thing this will affect is whether when you click Launch MUA it will run or not.
BUT if your herostat is located in a different directory than what is indicated in herostat.cfg you will need to change that, using the exact same format as what came with the original zip file

but it sounds like you can get it to work, for some characters anyway, so #6 is not your problem (if you can get it to work sometimes).

By some careful trial and error I have finally gotten FOUR customs to show up.
Clearly many of my entries have enough wrong in them to upset compilation.

ok, if you think you may get compilation errors, do this:
put the characters you think are f'ed in the default team location. (spots 2-29 if you have the latest version, 2-27 if not)
double click on Characterselect.exe
press 'c' then enter
pick 27 characters
then choose the default option (i think its 3)
then you will see compilation details,
it will say if there are errors
then type 'q' and enter to exit

good luck

Congratulations on your ascension to Marvel Modder, Norrin.

I have a strange problem. It seems sometimes when you select a team that team does not show up. The team you chose previous to that sticks around. Grant you after a couple times I can get it to work and I can always check my engb file to make sure. Just a strange problem, the same as the one I emailed you about. Nothing I can't work through just strange.

you may have to wait a while before you load the game. When you select the team with the Accept Team button it takes a while for the program to load the team (especially if you have many on your list as i saw you did).

this happened to me once, when i clicked Accept Team and then load MUA my old team was there. When i reloaded the program and repicked the team, i went a lot slower after hitting Accept Team and it worked.

Just out of curiousity how long did you wait? Right now the only thing that seems to be working is random, well I haven't tried default. Select team seems to do nothing now. Somehow it finally worked the other day. Random works every time. After picking my team and hitting accfept I wait 30 seconds then open the engb file with nbastuff utility and the 3 random characters are still there not the 27 I have chosen.

i'm not sure, since you say it works sometimes, i cant deduce the problem. if random works, then the only thing i could think that is wrong is your gui teamates, you may need to remove them all (remove character) and then re add them all to the list (not redo the cfg list, just the Heroselect program list). This may be the problem, because the teamates list in the gui is not affected for random team.