
Angel Mod (Update 09/10/07)

Started by matt710, July 15, 2007, 10:06PM

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July 15, 2007, 10:06PM Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 02:30PM by BaconWizard17
Next up angel.  I am taking a break from the dangerroom until I can crack how to add an additional boss, which sux cause I already made goblin queen and dark phonix as bosses.  But anyway angel will have a charging attack from flight, one that is radial like that for an xtreme, healing factor, transfusion boost, wing flap knockback, and the 2 wind abilities from storm.  He is a difficult one to think of abilities for but then again I can always add more melees.

Original link:

ADMIN NOTE: if you would like to use this mod, please use the version of the mod from the XML2 Character Number Fix to prevent clashes with other mods:,10782.0.html
  From the Ashes she will rise.

can you give him an ability that adds a sword for enhanced piercing melee for a certain amount of time?  He weilds a sword at times in the comics- just an idea.

July 15, 2007, 10:38PM #2 Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 10:42PM by matt710
I was actually thinking of that, I was trying to decide whether he should always have it, like deadpool, or sheave it when done.  Decisions, decisions, decisions... Thnx for the suggestion though.  I have to start looking for a sword bolton cause I think deadpool has it in his skin.  Maybe nightcrawler, or that may be in his skin too.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

how about naming his Xtreme Gaurdian Angel, or at least give him a power named that which either shields his allies or gives them regenerating health?

as for the sword... it may interfere with some of his melee and powers- see if it could be added on during the power as a bolton.

theres no sword bolton in XML2, everyone that uses a sword has it as part of their skin.  theres a nightcrawler sword bolton but its actually a bat.  A sword attack would be great, also maybe a laser or guns.  I agree he is really hard, basically all he has is wings and a healing factor, i just needed 4 powers for his npc and it was hard, lol.  Hopefully someone with the Xbox or Ps2 version of the game can rip one of the sword boltons, it would come really handy for this character and a couple of future characters that im going to work on.
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What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

July 15, 2007, 11:49PM #5 Last Edit: July 16, 2007, 12:10AM by BlowFly
I have idea for boost! If you or someone else can do boost to get bigger his wings and that would give him more speed in flight and dmg to wing attaks. And he needs attack like Rouges torpedo strike.

I don't know about making the wings bigger, but the speed increase is very possible.  I actually added the torpedo strike it was the chaging attack I was talking about.

  From the Ashes she will rise.

July 16, 2007, 10:48PM #7 Last Edit: July 16, 2007, 10:55PM by matt710
Angel is coming along nicely.  He has 5 powers, 2 boosts, and one xtreme so far.

Basically the xtreme and 1 power was already present.  Nodoubt added one of storm's wind abilities and I liked it so much I added the other (he is hard to find moves for anyway).  I also added torpedo strike, which I have to figure out how to make it look right.  The boosts are transfusion and humming bird essence.  Transfusion is basically heal, but I want to add different animations.  Does anybody know about what the bleed animation is called?  I want to change it to that.  Humming bird essence puts gives him basically a big cafine boost...   :D  (movement speed up) and also adds to his AR. 

I also want to add passives (one being healing), another xtreme (which will probably be revitalize with an added bonus), another power, and maybe another boost. 

PS I am looking into his feathers attack to see if I can salvage it in any way, but I doubt it.  It sux that there are no sword boltons separate from skins in XML2 cause it would rock.  I am not too familiar with boltons, are they basically an IGB I can edit?  If so can I maybe edit the bat thing nightcrawler has?  I also have the ps2 versions of xml2 and MUA, can I rip a sword bolton via my computer from the ps2 disks?
  From the Ashes she will rise.

yep boltons are igbs, and it depends.  For example i cant see wolverine's claws in texture finder, but other boltons you can, i think you can see the bat in texture finder.  Theres also a spear, you could have a spear attack.  Yeah a sword bolton would be great.
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What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

I fixed torpedo strike's animations.  Now he charges at the enemies at short distances.  He also now has 2 passives: Advanced regeneration and Wing Mastery.  I noticed, however, he doesn't fly by hitting jump twice.  Just a minor fix probably, I will look into it tomorrow.  Also I may be abot to salvage the feather thing from archangel by making it a gust move.  I doubt there is a blind status, so I may either make it make the enemies get confused or nullify them.  I just want to recolor his former feather attack, transfusion, and xtreme (I want it to look more like gusts coming towards the enemy.  After the abilities are done on to icons, skins, and Huds.  Oh well, more tomorrow.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

I still can't get him to fly!  What makes a character fly anyway?  I may have to add it to the powerstyle.  I will try that.  If anybody knows of any other suggestions please tell me.  By the way, he is almost done powers wise.  Just one more slot to replace his feather attack, which if I can get flight to work I will use something with that.  Anyway his 2nd extreme is Advanced Restoration, which restores characters to max HP and gives them the ability to recover from mortal injury (death) once durring the boost.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

I think you need to add it in the herostat!?!

EDIT: something like:

  talent {
  level = 1 ;
  name = flight ;

Yeah thats done, I just coppied it from Jeans herostat for that.  If I remember correctly Dark Phoenix had something in her ps file.  I'll see what it is.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

yup it was the powerstyles.  The weirdest thing.  No other characters besides dark phoenix and angel needed it in their powerstyles.  Maybe any additional flight characters need it to fly?
  From the Ashes she will rise.

angel is pretty much done.  He was a lot of work with his combos.  It seems that he was incapible, so I added them back in by reordering his strikes.  It looked weird when he struck wings first.  Anyway attack ground and heavyattack2 freeze him up so they were removed.  All other combos should work.  I got rid of the feathers power and replaced it w/ another charge attack.  I just want to redo the power animations of the boosts, and maybe athe menu animation upon selection, he needs something he just stands there.  ea_power1 and ea_power3 are the same so I will change one of them.  I will post screen shots and powers. 
Question, do you all want him once the powers are ironed out or after I add more skins?  As of now he only uses one.  If I release before skins are done, I can just release an update.
  From the Ashes she will rise.