
help me

Started by lucsantunes, March 06, 2012, 06:38PM

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How can i take a print screen in the game? I Try f11 and sprint screen, But isn't work

I take a print screen so I'm going to picasa and is there screenshots

You need to press prt screen on your keyboard
Go to paint or any other photo program
on paint press file and then press paste (prt screen copys your screen)
edit the photo to your liking (by making it smaller most of the time)
save it
upload it to an image uploading site (i use photobucket)
(make an account etc)
From photobucket, hover your mouse over the photo to reveal the IMG link
click on it
go to any forum you wish to upload your picture to
in a message (like this one) right mouse button and paste

tadaa :D

If you did things properly, it should look somewhere like this

My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven