Changes in the forum

Started by fox456, April 30, 2012, 02:27PM

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I know we have some new official Marvel Modders and Moderators who have fresh ideas for the forum.  I've already seen some changes in the forum lately -- particularly the child boards and post values.  Can someone explain these new features?  (LOL, I suppose the "child boards" are self-explanatory!)
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At first the post value was called karma and the good / bad was applaud / smite.  I had the same question that you did and blaw said in the general talk thread:
Quote from: BLaw on April 29, 2012, 12:50PM
It's like a Facebook LIKE function. Except smiting means not liking ofcourse.

So when you click good that person's plus side goes up and same for if they click bad, the negative goes up.  This is what I understand.
MY deviantART account:

^- that.

People are allowed to press [good] if the post has value. If the post or poster gives a bad karma or is totally offtopic and doesn't bring anything into the topic at all or simply rude (which should be reported anyway), press [bad].

Childboards are to make the forum more accessible and makes it easier to find stuff around the forum.

OK, thanks guys for the info.
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