
To all Modders

Started by delvinho, June 13, 2012, 08:16AM

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1. How long did it take to make your first mod?

2. What problems did you face your first time modding?

3. how successful was your first mod

4. How long does it take you to make mods now on average?

1) I actually haven't finished any of my first mods still XD The first one I finished took 4-6 weeks probably. Seven or eight max.
2) Problem solving. It wasn't my first mod but there were some things I just couldn't figure out with Patriot so I left him for a few months and when I came back I noticed some very newbie problems I had
3) Havok was the first mod I completed and he was fairly successful. He plays pretty well and everything works like I wanted it to at the time. However now with more experience. I need to go back and work out some balance and effects problems, but there was nothing too bad about it
4) It honestly depends. Speed took less than a week cause it didn't involve too much effects editing but my current one (secret, sorry) has taken less than a week to get the coding right and may take another week to color all of my effects

June 14, 2012, 07:51PM #2 Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 07:54PM by iammingy
1. About a month or so. I had help though.
2. Problems were mainly learning the different concepts/knowledges and trying to apply them to my mod.
3. My first mod was Toxin. You tell me whether it was successful or not. :P
4. It takes longer now because (A) I weigh quality much higher than quantity (B) I got a busier life.

By the way, I think you posted in the wrong forum? :confused:

i am doing my first full mod has taken me a week now.
animations are the only problem i have.other than one effect.
we will have to  just wait see untill it releases.

I might just be a pothole in the road to you big guy, but it's going to be one heck of a deep pothole!

1. My first mod was Rogue and it took me months. But most of this was either in the field of ideas or downright procrastination. To actually make the mod it took me about 2 weeks total. But I just code, skins and icons were made by other people I trust.

2. I did find some problems with the coding, but I fixed them by experimenting really. I'm very anal retenctive with my mods, so there's hundreds of tries and changes along the way and a lot of playing under several different circumstances to check balance and bugs. Some new things I found out was how to make the EP drain work, and even better, in conjuction to normal dmg. Also I didn't know how to add sounds or make loadscreens and had to pick that up along the way.

3. VERY! It's my most dowloaded mod to this day (though Iron Man is getting pretty close) and I received all kinds of praising and compliements. I only updated it twice and it was very minor stuff. Mostly minor improvements, not bug fixing.

4. Well, I mod in spurts of the moment. So it all depends on how my willpower is at the time. If I'm very enthused I can finish a whole coding part in a week or work on 15 characters in a row doing boosters or mini boosters, cause I just won't stop till I finish what I want. If I'm not in a particular modding mood I can procrastinate forever cause it's very very hard for me to force myself to mod unless it's just minor adjustments. Also, of course, it depends on how much time you've got. Sometimes life's hectic, sometimes you're on vacation. Plus, we already have to force ourselves to do a bunch of thing we don't really want to every day just to make a living, so modding is supposed to be fun. I mean, you do it in your spare time.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

1. I think it took me about a week (but of course I had all the time in the world then as I wasn't working). It may have took longer... not sure...

2. My problems was just understanding what the next step was. (skinning, load screens, powers, effects, etc.) I figured everything out eventually, except the mannequins, but that's just cause I don't have the patience to learn 3D animations or whatever it is. lol.

3. Overall, Gredin (my first mod), was descent, I think. Now that I've stepped away from MUA for awhile and came back, though, I see some things I could have done different. (Which I plan on doing.) Like it was said before, he feels too much like Dr. Strange, he needs more uniqueness.

4. Well, if I wasn't working, less than a week. Now that I am working, it takes quite awhile lol.

My first mod was Crystal and it me about a month to finally put her together. I will agree with NowhereMan on one thing,It usally don't take along time to put them together(skin,Talent/Powers/icons/sounds etc.)

What takes all your time is putting your ideas into the effects & moves which sometimes can be painfully & joyfully at the same time and then sometimes life don't go the way you wanted(family needs helps,Job takes all your time,  or you got to study for school) and then you have slow down or stop all together

but take my mod Crystal for example,I want her her to be very different from any other character coming up with her effects was draining even with people giving me ideas because you usually going to be the one siting at notepad editing files but i like think Crystal come out well in the end

It depends on the person I seen some people release mods just under a week so to answer your question for #4 It varies from person to person

July 13, 2012, 02:39PM #7 Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 07:15PM by sbarth13

1. How long did it take to make your first mod?
I would say several months. This was mostly due to trying different things to see what would work. Also, trying to play around with several animation sets to see which ones i liked.

2. What problems did you face your first time modding?
I had absolutely zero experience with coding and computer programming. So i had to read through a lot of posts and tutorials to try to figure out what to adjust, add, or delete. There are still many things that i don't know if its coded right. I try to look through what other people do to get an idea of what i need.

3. how successful was your first mod
Ok i think. My first full attempt was wonderman. Not a high demand character, but last time i checked it had about 50 downloads.

4. How long does it take you to make mods now on average?
a couple months, but thats mostly because i only work on it a few times a week. if i worked on it daily, probably only a couple weeks, unless i ran into troubles, or constantly had to reinstall the game.

1. How long did it take to make your first mod?
Mod as in modification or character? First modification was a skin which took me about 3 hours (including finding out how to export and import images without bothering the modders ;P)

My first mod took me I guess a week or two.

2. What problems did you face your first time modding?
Well, no experience with coding.. If I was a mutant, I'd have the ability to learn fast really. I DO learn fast. And with the help I got on my first mod (Forge) it went really well. Same with the first skins: also Forge.

The coding & animations are bitches. That's the truth.

3. How successful was your first mod?
Seriously I don't know. Most people around here say "awesome work" but the question is: do they download and play? :P
I didn't check the download count at all, nor will I do it. Laziness I guess lol.

4. How long does it take you to make mods now on average?
If I really want to and I am not busy with work (bored like now) I'd say five to seven days.  Skins are different. I can make those as fast as 5 minutes or depending on the big changes to a texture and detail.