Marvel Avengers Alliance

Started by thomasng65, July 08, 2012, 11:40PM

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Special Ops 5 with Vision and Ultron. Looks cool although I hope they give us at least some time to stock up and recollect our bearings. Vision should be fun though. Hopefully he will be a generalist or infiltrator. People are already calling him the Emma killer with phasing and mental resistance.

Lol. Kindy early for another spec ops. I barely have CP left >_>.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 11, 2012, 09:14AM

Special Ops 5 with Vision and Ultron. Looks cool although I hope they give us at least some time to stock up and recollect our bearings. Vision should be fun though. Hopefully he will be a generalist or infiltrator. People are already calling him the Emma killer with phasing and mental resistance.
Yea generalist or Tactician actually, hes more of that in my opinion. I just wish they release some new chars soon -_- cuz the game is starting to get boring really boring xD

Well theyd better start new normal.missions first and better roulation. the system is screwed. Try challenged mode. They say you will get maximum xp gain. You will get the same XP in frekkin normal mode. And still you get medpacks for boss loot.

Quote from: P.Frost on November 12, 2012, 04:13AM
Yea generalist or Tactician actually, hes more of that in my opinion. I just wish they release some new chars soon -_- cuz the game is starting to get boring really boring xD
Well they did release Quicksilver, Hercules, and Beast just recently. And Ghost Rider is still available. I suppose if you have them and all the other previously released characters then you can get bored :D

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 12, 2012, 02:21PM
Well they did release Quicksilver, Hercules, and Beast just recently. And Ghost Rider is still available. I suppose if you have them and all the other previously released characters then you can get bored :D
Nah I dont I dont want them either I got every hero I wanted except Emma and Im not really interested in getting any of these, I dont buy heroes that I dont like only hero I have that I dont like is Iron Man xD
But I might get Quick idk game is lagging atm and they are having maint so probably something is coming up so Im waitting

Dr. Strange's new costume has been released with buffs. Season 2 of the PvP tournament has started with Cable as the ultimate reward.

Mockingbird, Captain America, and Emma Frost have been nerfed. Phoenix, Spider-Woman, Black Panther, and Iron Fist were buffed.

Also other changes to Ghost Rider and Human Torch (you can determine if it is a nerf or buff ;) )

Got Dr's costume moment it was relleased and Its worth it xD hes awesome

I got Beast, he's good even at a low level. I want Dr. Stranges costume, but I'm savin up... But Im so close to Ghost Rider XD lol

Tigra has been bumped up to the upcoming heroes list.

Quote from: Scabbia on November 14, 2012, 06:29PM
I got Beast, he's good even at a low level. I want Dr. Stranges costume, but I'm savin up... But Im so close to Ghost Rider XD lol
Its really good Dr Strange new costume if u ask me he was even good before he was buffed up xDDDDD
Its def worth it especially Tact for PvP 3 turns against Blasters xD

Quote from: P.Frost on November 15, 2012, 03:39AM
Its really good Dr Strange new costume if u ask me he was even good before he was buffed up xDDDDD
Its def worth it especially Tact for PvP 3 turns against Blasters xD

Yeah, I got to see how he was in PVP, killed him off quick, but his buff helped the other team members so they killed me -_- lol. And I aint gettin Ghost Rider, cause I don't have all the characters needed for those...side mission (green sheild things) in Mission 2 so i can fight Dormammu -_- I just can't win for losen' lol.

I played with a lot of Facebook games myself, but this just makes me angry every time I launch it :D I mean, really, it's one of those games where you are either lucky or you have a lot of free cash :D

I got Ghost Rider yesterday. I can finally relax and accept energy gifts again instead of ISO-8s lol. And it cost me a stupid load of Gold bars I saved up from leveling and stars -_____________-.

On my other FB acc I am trying to get a weapon, on every frekin mission complete I ALWAYS GRAB THE ICON NEXT TO IT WHICH ENDS UP BEING A FREKIN FOCUS PATCH @#&*($&@#*($&*(@#*($&@#*(&$*(@

Lol. I wish the "loot" was like the bosses in WoW (WoWarcraft). You get a chance to get an item for a specific "class" like heal, protect or damage dealer, but no. You get crap, crap, 1 command point, crap and crap and oh there's a weapon but you'll get crap instead.

Quote from: Marvintage on November 15, 2012, 07:38PM
Lol. I wish the "loot" was like the bosses in WoW (WoWarcraft). You get a chance to get an item for a specific "class" like heal, protect or damage dealer, but no. You get crap, crap, 1 command point, crap and crap and oh there's a weapon but you'll get crap instead.

Couldn't have said it better... *thumbs up* lol