
Marvel Avengers Alliance

Started by thomasng65, July 08, 2012, 11:40PM

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That's for sure. I just played through a mission (I haven't completed one in ages) and wanna know what it gave me? A command point. One damn command point. I was like :D It was so lame, that I couldn't even be angry about it :D

LMAO You should see me when I only get one. I slam my hands on the desk and start screamin at the monitor, like anyone can hear me. lol. And then look around to make sure noone DID hear me >_> <_<

Well, I just stop in motion and laugh at the whole thing. I'm pretty sure, that the game is taunting me, though

Quote from: Suigetsu on November 17, 2012, 05:03AM
Well, I just stop in motion and laugh at the whole thing. I'm pretty sure, that the game is taunting me, though
Haha the game enjoys taunting everyone ;)

BTW here are more pics for Tigra. Hope to see her as an infiltrator or generalist. We have too many scrappers XD.

I got a weapon today! Woohoo!! On my fb account on which I don't need a weapon because I have the freakin possessed pistol already -__________________-'. And can't add it to my pvp bonus either ><'. Which reminds me, anyone doing pvp? I'm kinda stuck around 1100 rating (in the 2% top-ish ratings). Everytime I go to work and come back I see my rating dropped big time -________________________-'

Quote from: Marvintage on November 17, 2012, 03:24PM
I got a weapon today! Woohoo!! On my fb account on which I don't need a weapon because I have the freakin possessed pistol already -__________________-'. And can't add it to my pvp bonus either ><'. Which reminds me, anyone doing pvp? I'm kinda stuck around 1100 rating (in the 2% top-ish ratings). Everytime I go to work and come back I see my rating dropped big time -________________________-'

I do PVP but I've never been good at any game. I'm in the 25% range lol. But that's cause my good characters aren't the "good ones" for PVP and my weapons suck.

Game is still teasing me. For the second day in a row, the daily bonus reward command point....This game loves to tease and taunt :D

Well I have enough CP atm to buy any new 90 CP character, I've been getting a bit more CP lately O_o

I can already see my near-future:

Day 114: Still only 1 command point. Every day the same. I think the game is becoming a living entity. I have to watch my back from now on

Mockingbird will be released for the first time ever in the store...but only for a limited time. So start saving up! She comes out tomorrow!

Storm has also been changed up a bit. She's a whole lot better now that her abillties help her other attacks and your teamates. I used her in PVP, she's pretty awesome ^_^

November 22, 2012, 07:36PM #86 Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 09:48AM by MarvelFan12345
Quote from: Scabbia on November 22, 2012, 05:35PM
Storm has also been changed up a bit. She's a whole lot better now that her abillties help her other attacks and your teamates. I used her in PVP, she's pretty awesome ^_^
She is amazing now. They've been giving updates to some of the weaker characters these days...first Dr. Strange and now Storm. Hoping Phoenix is next.

EDIT: Mockingbird has been released for 200 CP so start saving now. I definitely recommend her...even with the outlandish price!

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 22, 2012, 07:36PM
She is amazing now. They've been giving updates to some of the weaker characters these days...first Dr. Strange and now Storm. Hoping Phoenix is next.

EDIT: Mockingbird has been released for 200 CP so start saving now. I definitely recommend her...even with the outlandish price!

Yeah, I love Storm now that they've changed her. And I think they did change some things about Phoenix, but I think it was just her 4th skill, instead of burning, it does that circle of fire or somethin, where it makes the enemy more vulnerable to magic attacks and burns them each round. Which made no sense to me since Phoenix isn't a magic being.

Quote from: Scabbia on November 23, 2012, 04:14PM
Yeah, I love Storm now that they've changed her. And I think they did change some things about Phoenix, but I think it was just her 4th skill, instead of burning, it does that circle of fire or somethin, where it makes the enemy more vulnerable to magic attacks and burns them each round. Which made no sense to me since Phoenix isn't a magic being.
Her Mind Link lasts an extra round and her Phoenix Fire now causes Soulfire instead of fire. The main difference is that soulfire is mystic fire so less people have resistances to it (like Thor, Human Torch, etc.) I'm guessing since Jean utilizes cosmic fire, which does not need oxygen to burn, it made sense for her fire to hurt other people like the ones listed above. So rather than make a whole new fire type, they just reused soulfire for her.

But some of the other heroes had major changes with passives like Ms. Marvel, Human Torch, Dr. Strange, and Storm, so I am hoping that Phoenix gets some new passives as well. I mean Human Torch has a handful of new passives so how can the Phoenix herself not have any special ones?

November 30, 2012, 06:16PM #89 Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 06:35PM by MarvelFan12345
So the Vision special ops has been pushed back. Instead they are releasing a new one featuring Valkyrie. Also a new costume for Black Widow has been released along with general buffs for her.