Marvel NOW! Relaunch

Started by Tony Stark, October 12, 2012, 07:50PM

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Quote from: mj fan on December 31, 2012, 09:24AM
Agreed But honestly i'll wait and try if the story is going to be better cause right now i am so angry
They just killed one of the best characters For what? In many scenarios across the comic book genre, superheroes or villains have been killed plenty of time off only to come back to life a few issues later or like jean grey to make us wait and act like "i want her back!" and make us sad but the result is that i honestly don't buy their comics anymore Looks like garbage to me. They die and then, return thanks to some amazing miracle or twist in the storyline..that's soo boring  :mad: I am mad, sooooooo mad right now..Hate otto He acts like a pervert
C'm on! With Mj?!?

Seems like Otto isn't wasting time... xD
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January 01, 2013, 02:35AM #76 Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 02:51AM by mj fan
xD xD xD I thought i was going to vomit lol He's in the peter's body but.. : P Poor Mj if only she knew.. xD

I just can't believe some people buy such stories That sounds terrible. Well ok they want to know.. (maybe they are right because it (can) be good).. .But the truth is that it encourages writers to create such horrible stories I hope they won't make like the ultimate spider man series..
.. I'll wait and see what's going on Or do like i always do: read the book at the bookseller and then leave without paying xD
But really I don't really find this switch up to be that interesting.
I don't see Superior Spider-Man being that much different, except a boring spider man, having looser morals(which we already have Kaine for).

I used to buy ALL the series I mean it, every episode (xmen, spidey, avengers..) and all And that was really expensive as you may know..)..but now i think writers are a little..joking

Quote from: mj fan on January 01, 2013, 02:35AM
xD xD xD I thought i was going to vomit lol He's in the peter's body but.. : P Poor Mj if only she knew.. xD

I just can't believe some people buy such stories That sounds terrible. Well ok they want to know.. (maybe they are right because it (can) be good).. .But the truth is that it encourages writers to create such horrible stories I hope they won't make like the ultimate spider man series..
.. I'll wait and see what's going on Or do like i always do: read the book at the bookseller and then leave without paying xD
But really I don't really find this switch up to be that interesting.
I don't see Superior Spider-Man being that much different, except a boring spider man, having looser morals(which we already have Kaine for).

I used to buy ALL the series I mean it, every episode (xmen, spidey, avengers..) and all And that was really expensive as you may know..)..but now i think writers are a little..joking

January 02, 2013, 11:58AM #78 Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 01:14PM by Hyperman360
So Spider-Man's ruined... and now they're just straight-up trolling us with the new cover:

But here's something cool:

Iron Man's getting a more traditional armor again (though the helmet makes me think of a mystical skateboarder).

More like Captain Ironic-Man. Though I DO like the suit, even the helmet.

As for Spider-Man, glad I'm not reading comics now lol.

Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 02, 2013, 11:58AM

Iron Man's getting a more traditional armor again (though the helmet makes me think of a mystical skateboarder).
I like the new armor, though the helmet looks a little like the Flash to me, but it's really cool.
As for Spider-Man, I'll continue to check out Avenging, but I'm mainly sticking with USM and Scarlet Spider.

Crapcom Rage quit moments, Spidey fans:

">:O: Dingleberging Crapcom!"
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Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on January 03, 2013, 05:25AM
Crapcom Rage quit moments, Spidey fans:

">:O: Dingleberging Crapcom!"
I don't think that's an entirely accurate assessment. It just seems the current staff of Spider-Man (With the exception of Chris Yost who is currently writing Avenging and SS, and Bendis who is writing USM) has lost their damn minds.
Everything else in Marvel is fine (imho)

I honestly don't think anything is wrong with capcom, people just need to get over it when a character they like doesn't appear in a few games.

I have to say I like and dont like marvel NOW. I obviously love that Jean is back and that she really wants to stick around in the future and set things right because of how screwed up everything is. I know that she will probably not be staying forever but its nice to have her back somewhat. The Spiderman thing I didn't really know about since I don't keep up with him very much but I don't really understand why they made Peter and Dr Ock change bodies and then keep it that way, seems a bit silly, and the whole thing with MJ is pushing it a little bit, but what can you do. And like most everyone else I like the new Iron Man costume, except for the helmet its not very fitting for Tony I don't think. It reminds me of Ultron and Vision some what.

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2013, 10:43PM
I honestly don't think anything is wrong with capcom, people just need to get over it when a character they like doesn't appear in a few games.

I have to say I like and dont like marvel NOW. I obviously love that Jean is back and that she really wants to stick around in the future and set things right because of how screwed up everything is. I know that she will probably not be staying forever but its nice to have her back somewhat. The Spiderman thing I didn't really know about since I don't keep up with him very much but I don't really understand why they made Peter and Dr Ock change bodies and then keep it that way, seems a bit silly, and the whole thing with MJ is pushing it a little bit, but what can you do. And like most everyone else I like the new Iron Man costume, except for the helmet its not very fitting for Tony I don't think. It reminds me of Ultron and Vision some what.
I agree, I personally am a big fan of Capcom (some of my favorite series come from Capcom; Devil May Cry, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Resident Evil, etc) I never got the hate that they get from people, it's weird.
I like that the original X-men are in the present (sounds hokey on paper, but Bendis is pulling off very well) it's really cool. So far I'm enjoying all of the Marvel NOW stories, except Spidey (I'm going to give Avenging a chance, 15.1 was very good despite the fact Ock is Spider-Man) So to fill the web-head hole in my heart, I'm gonna stick with Scarlet Spider and USM (Kaine and Miles are my current favorite Spider-people.)
And the new Venom storyline for USM is gonna rock hard!

Agreed Capcom is a great company, and I am a huge fan of all their games, but I don't really understand the hate either. They get it a-lot and I just don't get why.

I had forgot about the new Avengers title with the mixture of X-Men and Avengers, I am excited to see how that plays out too, and I agree They really are pulling All New X-Men off very well. To me it seemed like a pretty tough story line to bring in, but I feel like it needed to be done, and they are executing it very nicely.

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To me it seems All new Xmen is sort of a what if.

"What if we could actually see what's become of our cause at the very beginning when we aren't even sure the dimensions it will take, and if it's something we ought to dedicate our lives to in the long run."

I think it was a fresh idea for them to do this, and I have to say of all the books I am enjoying this one the most...well until i see Psylocke's X-Force. I am really anxious to let my eyes read that book! If just to superficially silently yell " Mohawk 'Ro! You're back!! Oh how I've missed you!"

If AvX was a gimmick, it worked for me. I am starting to get into Avengers again, although i wasn't ever really into them ( the last time i read it on a monthly basis for about 4 months, the west coast avengers were...well...on the west coast, and Sersi and Hercules were in Avengers Prime,  Xavier had just been rescued from the clutches of the shi'ar skrulls, and Storm was wearing a short 'do that I liked very much and wearing a costume that was black...not white or silver -.-

I'm not sure what to think about the death of Peter Parker, since he probably will be back in about a year if not sooner ( you all know nothing stays dead in those books lol).

And correct me if I am wrong...did the red skull actually lift Xaviers brain from his corpse? Let's hope Lilandra has another clone body lying around somewhere.....

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Quote from: RoMunroe on January 04, 2013, 01:27PM
To me it seems All new Xmen is sort of a what if.

"What if we could actually see what's become of our cause at the very beginning when we aren't even sure the dimensions it will take, and if it's something we ought to dedicate our lives to in the long run."

I think it was a fresh idea for them to do this, and I have to say of all the books I am enjoying this one the most...well until i see Psylocke's X-Force. I am really anxious to let my eyes read that book! If just to superficially silently yell " Mohawk 'Ro! You're back!! Oh how I've missed you!"

If AvX was a gimmick, it worked for me. I am starting to get into Avengers again, although i wasn't ever really into them ( the last time i read it on a monthly basis for about 4 months, the west coast avengers were...well...on the west coast, and Sersi and Hercules were in Avengers Prime,  Xavier had just been rescued from the clutches of the shi'ar skrulls, and Storm was wearing a short 'do that I liked very much and wearing a costume that was black...not white or silver -.-

I'm not sure what to think about the death of Peter Parker, since he probably will be back in about a year if not sooner ( you all know nothing stays dead in those books lol).

And correct me if I am wrong...did the red skull actually lift Xaviers brain from his corpse? Let's hope Lilandra has another clone body lying around somewhere.....
Yup, Red Skull did in fact take Prof. X's brain (and has somehow gained psychic powers, wtf? lol) But then again it is the Marvel universe, the very same universe where there's a talking Raccoon with big guns and a girl who can kick almost anyone's ass while dressed as a squirrel :P
I'm kind of interested in the new X-Force (The one with Storm, not so much the one with Cable) I really enjoyed the last run so I hope this one won't disappoint (I doubt it will disappoint imo)

You know what change I want to see? Iron Man acting more like the Robert Downey Jr portrayal.

Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 06, 2013, 04:02PM
You know what change I want to see? Iron Man acting more like the Robert Downey Jr portrayal.
I thought he did?
btw, I know a spoiler from Superior Spider-Man #1.  All I'll say is......saw that coming.