
Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog

Started by Outsider, June 30, 2017, 07:41PM

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December 30, 2023, 09:49PM #450 Last Edit: December 30, 2023, 11:18PM by Outsider
Ladies and gentleman, a new kombatant has entered the fray. Frost is now her own mod and ready to whoop some ass. Click on her portrait at the Warrior Select screen (first post) to check her out. A reminder of her bio below:

Having thawed out from being severely frozen, Frost had betrayed her sifu, Sub-Zero, turned herself into a cyborg, and formed the Cyber Lin Kuei. Now Frost aids Shao Kahn in the alternate Earthrealm war, having received orders from Kronika. She also seeks to become more powerful than Sub-Zero's medallion. She eventually met a green-skinned man with a gamma-charged brain, who agrees to aid her. However, a vigilante associated with Earth's moon plans to stop them.

As a result of this, Kitana has been updated, as she longer shares her mod with Frost. Her herostat has changed. And because of that, the MK on MUA Content has also been updated to reflect the change to Kitana. I've also fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze before the character select screen appeared. (PLEASE NOTE: Warriors listed as "Other Kombatants" including Frost have not been added to the MK on MUA Content mod as of yet. I promise I'll get to that now that there's at least four new ones, I just have so much to do at this time.)

Shang Tsung has been updated as well, as the skin he uses to morph into Frost has changed. You don't have to re-install the whole mod though. Frost's skin there is 8260.

Finally, my Scorpion booster has been updated, no longer needing effects from Ghost Rider.

I may decide to go on a bit of a Mortal Kombat run at this time, so I will be bringing a few more kombatants in. Can't tell you how soon they'll come though. Who will they be? Stay tuned. :king: (evil laugh)

Everyone, the following MK warriors have been updated:

Liu Kang: Added new skin and HUD, and some newer animations. Herostat has changed.
Johnny Cage: Added newer animations, including fixed Ball Buster.
Raiden: Added some newer animations, and replaced "Staff Kombat" with new boost "Divine Wisdom." Herostat has changed.
Scorpion: Added new Spear animation and fixed sound of Hellfire Breath from going too long.
Kitana: Added some newer animations.
Jax: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Baraka: Added new skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Sindel: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Nightwolf: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Jade: Added new skin and HUD. Herostat has changed.
Quan Chi: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Fujin: Added new skin and HUD. Herostat has changed.

In addition, because of all the herostat changes, the MK on MUA Content mod has been updated accordingly. It will still take some time before I can add the "Other Kombatants" to it. My apologies for the long wait, as I've been super busy. (I know, I know, I say that all of the time... but sadly it's true.)

Everyone, a new kombatant enters the battle, as Li Mei joins the kast! Her portrait has been added to the warrior select screen at the first post.

Becoming first constable to Princess Kitana's Edenian Guard was a blessing to Li Mei, as she can legally protect her people of Sun Do, who were once enslaved by Shang Tsung & Quan Chi. Aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earth, she was approached by a powerful monarch wearing ten rings who wanted her to serve him. Ready to fight and familiar with these types, she prepares herself. However, a proud master of Kung-Fu appears and stands by her side, knowing of his evil. Li Mei senses his heart is true, and together, the two martial artists battle their powerful foe.

Everyone, a new kombatant enters the battle, as Reiko is here! His portrait has been added to the warrior select screen at the first post.

When Shao Kahn entered an alternate Earthrealm filled with super heroes and villains in his diabolical scheme to conquer it, his war general Reiko was the first to join him. Ever the loyal soldier, Reiko immediately went to work, planning out tactical strategies for the invasion. Suddenly, another soldier appeared in the night, with one of his arms metallic and firearm in hand, ready to take the general on. Never one to back down from a fight, Reiko happily accepted his challenge.

Liu Kang has been updated. His Shaolin Flame boost has turned into a new Fire God boost, where he turns into his alternate universe form -- Fire God Liu Kang, complete with updated icons and a 2nd loading screen of his Fire God form.

Everyone, a new kombatant enters the battle, as Bo' Rai Cho is here! His portrait has been added to the warrior select screen at the first post.
(Please note that this mod was not done by me, but by Ceamonks890. The bio below is a shortened version of the bio listed in his release post.)

A legendary master of combat arts who originates from Outworld but aligns himself with the heroes of Earthrealm, Bo' Rai Cho was a natural choice by the Special Forces to join in the aid of an alternate Earthrealm. Venturing through the portal alongside the other warriors of light, he quickly forges a friendship with a man who fired specialized 'optic' blasts from his eyes, who reminded him of his greatest pupil, Liu Kang. Not desiring all innocent life to be wiped from existence for the sake of appeasing an arrogant dictator's power-hungry desires, Bo' Rai Cho prepares himself for his new journey.

Everyone, here are the following MK warriors have been updated recently...

Liu Kang: Added Bruce Lee skin.
Johnny Cage: Added movie and JCVD skins. Herostat has changed.
Kano: Added MKX and MKO skins. Herostat has changed.
Raiden: Added movie and Shaolin Monks skins. Herostat has changed.
Scorpion: Added MK12 Kuai Liang skin.
Sub-Zero: Added MK12 variant skin.
Sonya: Added movie skin. Herostat has changed.
Reptile: Added two more skins & HUDs, changed idle & menu_idle animations. Herostat has changed.
Mileena: Added MKD skin. Herostat has changed.
Stryker: Added MK7 primary and alternate skins. Herostat has changed.
Smoke: Added MK7 skin. Herostat has changed.
Fujin: Added two MKO skins. Herostat has changed.
Kenshi: Added four more skins & HUDs, changed skin segments to boltons. Herostat has changed.
Skarlet: Added Kold War, MK9 alternate, and Blood Magic skins. Herostat has changed.
Jacqui Briggs: Added MK11 skin, fixed up Shotgun Blasts.
Shao Kahn: Added Shaolin Monks and Dark Kahn skins. Herostat has changed.

Also, the MK on MUA Content Mod has been updated to reflect these changes. This concludes my Mortal Kombat updates for the time being. As more skins come in, I'll update them another time.

I took the models from the PS2 games and used them to recreate some skins previously released in the original mod.
Credits and more details in the picture bellow:


Same as I did for Liu Kang,I took the ps2 models and create PS2 styled versions of previously released skins. I have also included the legit Deadly Alliance 3d model this time.


Using PS2 models I also created new models for Sonya. This time I've received the assistance of fellow Marvel Modder ak2yny by creating a new animation set for the mod.


Also using PS2 models,I made some Kano models. No Shaolin Monks models this time sadly but his Alternate from Deadly Alliance is similar.


Recreations of his originals costumes in the arcades and plus Deadly Alliance and Shaolin Monks, all in PS2 styled models.


Also using PS2 assets. Yes. Some of these are already in the mod, but I've remade them to have them all in one scale. File includes new menu  and idle animations that looks more like his Shaolin Monks stance.


Last but not least, from the playble roster of the original Mortal Kombat, brand new Scorpion models in PS2 era style. I've also redone some of these, removing some segments, adjusting the scale.


Everyone, the MK on MUA Content mod has been updated. It's a small update where now the MyTeam feature can be available at the start of the game.