
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Darth Vader

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Vader ( Fun Fact : In dutch, Vader means Father, foreshadowing the fact that *SPOILER* He is Luke's father *END OF SPOILER) xd
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Winner: Darth Vader

Darth Vader gains another victory here tonight and he is quite thrilled about it.

Backstage we see Ash Williams walking around. He was not on the show last week after the attack at Backlash by Evil Ash shocked the world.

We go back out to the arena. Daphne and Scrappy Doo make their entrance down to the ring for a match. Both have not yet competed and are ready for some competition.

The Four Horsemen ride out on the stage. They look down to the ring. The ones known as War and Famine ride down to the ring and exit from their horses. They climb into the ring and prepare for the match

Scrappy Doo & Daphne vs War & Famine
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

War and Famine

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Winner: War & Famine

The Horsemen get the win sending Mystery Inc into their first losses each.

We see Scooby Doo and Shaggy were watching the match from backstage on a monitor. As they stand there the screen turns to black and they seem highly scared already

Dahak: Scooby Doo! You will pay!

Scooby: Rahak! Run!

Scooby and Shaggy run off away from the monitor as Dahak's voice laughs evily.

We then head back to Lois Lane

Lois: My guest at this time, Doctor Doom.

Doom: Hello Lois Lane.

Lois: Doctor Doom, tonight you go one on one with Raiden in the main event.

Doom: Yes i am well aware of that. Signs of Nick Fury's predictable booking.

Lois: Are you concerned?

Doom: Not really. Raiden has no chance of winning outside of a bad fluke.

Lois: So you go into this match not at all concerned?

Doom: You said it Lois.

Doom walks off from the interview, as we go back out to the ring.

Perry the Platypus makes his entrance and waits in the ring.

Scorpion is his opponent and he is in no mood for games. However as Scorpion makes his entrance we again see that Quan Chi is watching from the back some place.

The bell is rung and the match begins

Perry the Platypus vs Scorpion
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Scorpion

Scorpion gets the win and is happy with it but he's got vengeance on his mind and beating a Platypus was not it. He heads off.

Perry is not happy with his loss but he heads to the back where he runs into Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Doof: Perry the Platypus man, you lost already?

Perry stares

Doof: Maybe this wrestling thing isn't for you.

Perry: *Platypus Sounds

Doof: Don't give me that Perry the Platypus, you just watch next week and see how it is done!

Back out in the ring, Ash makes his entrance and grabs a mic

Ash: I admit i was a bit surprised when my no-good doppelganger Evil Ash decided to follow me here to the WWE. He cheap shotted me and i don't like it. Evil Ash if you want a piece of me, we should do it in the ring. So let's not mix any words, how about we make it you versus me at Judgment Day?

Nick Fury makes his way down to the ring

Fury: Ash i appreciate your desire but i am the one who books matches around here. You make a very good point. These fans want to see real in-ring action, not just cheap shots. So in this case i'm going to agree with you. At Judgment Day, we'll see Ash Williams vs Evil Ash!

Ash: Best decision you've made.

Fury: I'm not done yet, both you are your opponent will both be in singles action next week. So i suggest you get ready for that as soon as possible.

Ash: Now wait a minute.

Fury: Don't worry you've got a week.

Fury exits the ring leaving Ash standing there to deal with the consequences.

We go backstage to Apollo Creed who is standing by with Ermac

Creed: Last week i proved i was not a joke to everyone. I don't personally know you or what you are about but tonight we're partners. Don't let me down and we'll get along great.

Ermac: We'll win the match.

Creed: Good spirit there ninja.

Apollo Creed and Ermac both make separate entrances down to the ring for the match.

There opponents make an entrance together as it is the team of Spike and Buffy. They both watch out through the crowd to make sure the mysterious cloaked figure is nowhere in site.

Once both teams are ready in the ring, the ACME referees ring the bell

Apollo Creed & Ermac vs Spike & Buffy
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Spike and Buffy

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