
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Don't worry it's all fine. Just wanted to know since i don't mind waiting the 3 days but just was curious. I know all about slow internet ha.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: Raphael & Donatello

A win for the turtles brings them happiness. The two take their leave from the ring.

Backstage Lois Lane is standing by

Lois: Ladies and Gentlemen my guest at this time, Candy Cane.

Cane: Hi

Lois: So Candy Cane you are famous for wrestling in the Rumble Roses circuit right.

Cane: Umm yeah.

Lois: So what brings you here.

Cane: The chance to kick ass even with the guys. Although tonight i've got a match with Buffy, she set

the example, girls can kick just as much ass as guys. Later.

Candy Cane walks out as we return to the ring.

Sub-Zero heads down to the ring, he watches the crowd for any sign of Scorpion but he sees none. He waits

in the ring for his opponent.

The new Intercontinental Champion, Adam makes his way to the ring. He laughs at Sub-Zero as the bell rings

Adam vs Sub-Zero
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Adam

Adam is happy that he once again gained a victory.

Backstage Dr. Doofenshmirtz watches on a monitor. Perry the Platypus sneaks up behind him.

Doof: Perry the Platypus, how long have you been standing there?

Perry: *Platypus sounds*

Doof: No reason to get angry i was just asking a question. Now what do you want?

Perry: *Platypus sounds*

Doof: No, No, No, Perry the Platypus i'm not up to anything evil.

Perry: *Platypus sounds*

Doof: I think i would know if i was doing anything evil or not

Perry: *Platypus sounds*

Perry walks off as Doofenshmirtz breaths a sigh of relief for the moment.

In another lockeroom Spike and Buffy are talking

Spike: Weird how the cloaked person wasn't around when you were there.

Buffy: Well yeah whoever it is, is scared.

Spike: That's what you get for being so mean.

Buffy: Well Spike why don't you stay in the back then. I've got a match up next. Keep your eyes open.

Buffy exits

Spike: Fine i will!

The cloaked individual is shown to be standing outside the door to the lockeroom who exits just before Buffy exits out.

Buffy heads down to the ring and stretches preparing for her next match,

Candy Cane makes her entrance destroying a guitar over the head of an ACME referee. Luckily there are more so the match gets under way

Buffy vs Candy Cane
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Buffy

Buffy shows Candy Cane how to get it done, as the crowd cheers.

Backstage Scooby Doo, Shaggy, Daphne and Scrappy Doo are all in their lockeroom.

Daphne: Are you two still concerned.

Scooby: Reah.

Shaggy: Like what Scooby said.

Daphne: But guys Dahak hasn't even been around for weeks.

Shaggy: He's out there somewhere.

Scooby: Reah romewhere.

Scrappy: Calm down Uncle Scooby.

Scooby: Rut Rappy!

Daphne: I'm sure Dahak has gone off to do whatever it is he does, you guys don't need to be taking it so seriously.

Shaggy: I sure hope your right Daphne.

In another part of the backstage area, TOm is chasing Jerry like usual throughout the halls until Tom is grabbed by the Hulk

Hulk: Next week! Hulk want rematch with kitty

Tom nods and Hulk let's him go and walks off. Tom and Jerry both watch as the Hulk walks away. Tom beat him once, can he do it again though?

Back in the ring, Apollo Creed is entering, he's still not too happy he lost his first match in the company but it's a new night tonight.

Tigger bounces out to the ring to have a match. Apollo Creed does not look impressed

Apollo Creed vs Tigger
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way