
YouTube DLC Video

Started by jonchang, August 11, 2007, 07:07PM

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Here's the link:

Feedback would be much appreciated. I was at my friend's house playing MUA on the 360 when they filmed this footage on the Helicarrier.

cool ive never seen what the screen looks like when more than one human players play since ive only played alone. was there 4 human players? and were they all playing from the location, or were you using live?

3 players, and no XBox Live. The screen is bumped out toward default, so the characters are harder to see, and you can't zoom in, although you could adjust the angle.

is there only one player that can adjust the camera angle?

No. Which is why when multiplayer, it gets quite annoying struggling for control over the camera. :laugh:

The Youtube vid you have linked to is a couple of months old and from a 360 blog run by various game developers, not you. Unless this was a "mistake", and you linked to the wrong vid, you've got some 'splanin to do.

uh-oh, doesnt look good

August 11, 2007, 10:24PM #9 Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 11:34PM by Midnight Curse
Oh, sry. it's a misunderstanding. I was playing at my friend's house w/o. DLC 360. Happy reunion gathering. See four players on the 360, while the host used the PC. He called us to watch it when he found it, and I thought it was wikid. So he sent it to me, and I thought I'd share it here. No, I am not making this up.

Quote from: Midnight Curse on August 11, 2007, 07:07PM
I was at my friend's house playing MUA on the 360 when they filmed this footage on the Helicarrier.
Quote from: Midnight Curse on August 11, 2007, 10:24PM
Oh, sry. it's a misunderstanding. I was playing at my friend's house w. DLC 360. Happy reunion gathering. See four players on the 360, while the host used the PC. He called us to watch it when he found it, and I thought it was wikid. So he sent it to me, and I thought I'd share it here. No, I am not making this up.

Lie much?

Ok, maybe not when they did so, but anyway we watched the vid rite after it was released on YouTube. But we were nearly the first to watch it when it came out.

Heh, BliZZ beat me to it.  This is most definitely the pre-release vid that came out before the DLC did.

I am well aware of that. I apologize for not making clear who "they" is. "They" is the Gamerscore Blog dudes. For my MUA on 360, then I got the DLC shortly after I signed membership for this forum.