Marvel Contest of Champions

Started by Polygone, August 02, 2014, 12:40PM

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August 02, 2014, 12:40PM Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 12:19PM by Polygone
New game announcment! Fighter with marvel characters!

Reveal trailer :

Characters seen so far
-Black Panther
-Iron Man
-Captain America
-Iron Fist
-Black Bolt
-Electro(?) Next to Captain America in first pic
-Star Lord
-Ronan The Accuser
-Scarlet Witch
-Winter Soldier
-Miss Marvel (Captain Marvel)

-Characters involved but not confirmed playable
-The Collector
-Kang The Conquerer
-Galactus/Eternity/Kronos/Korvac(? At the end of NY Comic con trailer )

Stages :
-Avengers Tower
-Odin's Throne Room
-Sanctum Sanctorum
-The Raft(? Prison like stage)
-Asteroid M
-Shuma Gorath Dimension(? Weird dimension with a single floating eye observing the fight)

Feel free to post your thoughts!
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

They just released an interesting mini game called Browser Beatdown.
It's kind fun. You can play as Storm, Drax, Spider-Man, Captain America, or Hulk.

Looks pretty fun, to bad it won't be coming to consoles.

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Doesn't seem to work for me, but awesome that they realesed something nonetheless.
I updated the info at the first post, including all the cool new stuff the NY Comic Con trailer showed, I'm suprised at the roster size
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven