Spider-Man Web Bullets Fix

Started by Maegawa, July 05, 2015, 02:23PM

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I was playing around with nshinnosuke's Gambit Booster, and I noticed a difference between his Card Shuffle and Spider-Man's Web Bullets, as you can see in the gifs below.

Note how Gambit's cards damage the enemy twice and Spider-Man's webs damage him once even though he fires 2 webs.

So I opened both powerstyles' entries and found two lines that define that:

      trigger {
      actorbolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      attack_bone_pos = 20 -12 40 ;
      damage = %gam_p1_dmg ;
      index = 1 ;    <---- Looky here
      name = card_throw ;
      time = 0.4 ;

      trigger {
      name = sound ;
      sound = char/igam_m/p1_charge ;
      time = 0.4 ;

      trigger {
      actorbolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      attack_bone_pos = 20 -12 40 ;
      damage = %gam_p1_dmg ;
      index = 2 ;    <---- and here
      name = card_throw ;
      time = 0.8 ;

      trigger {
      name = sound ;
      sound = char/igam_m/p1_charge ;
      time = 0.8 ;

      chain {
      action = samepowerclick ;
      result = power1 ;

      chain {
      action = Idle ;
      result = idle ;



      trigger {
      actorbolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
      attack_bone_angles = 0 0 0 ;
      attack_bone_pos = 40 -5 27 ;
      damage = %spider_p1_dmg ;
      damagescale = none ;
      name = webbing_bullet ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      effect = char/spider/p1_power ;
      fxlevel = 2 ;
      name = effect_sound ;
      sound = char/spider_m/p1_power ;
      time = 0.5 ;

      trigger {
      actorbolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      attack_bone_angles = 0 0 0 ;
      attack_bone_pos = 39 3 26 ;
      damage = %spider_p1_dmg ;
      damagescale = none ;
      name = webbing_bullet ;
      time = 0.5 ;

      chain {
      action = Idle ;
      result = idle ;

      chain {
      action = samepowerclick ;
      result = power1_loop ;


See? The 2 webbing_bullet triggers lack the index = 1 and index = 2 lines. All I did next was simply add those lines to the two triggers, it should look like the code below:
      trigger {
      actorbolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
      attack_bone_angles = 0 0 0 ;
      attack_bone_pos = 40 -5 27 ;
      damage = %spider_p1_dmg ;
      damagescale = none ;
      index = 1 ;    <---- Add index = 1 here
      name = webbing_bullet ;
      time = 0 ;

      trigger {
      effect = char/spider/p1_power ;
      fxlevel = 2 ;
      name = effect_sound ;
      sound = char/spider_m/p1_power ;
      time = 0.5 ;

      trigger {
      actorbolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      attack_bone_angles = 0 0 0 ;
      attack_bone_pos = 39 3 26 ;
      damage = %spider_p1_dmg ;
      damagescale = none ;
      index = 2 ;    <---- and index = 2 here
      name = webbing_bullet ;
      time = 0.5 ;

      chain {
      action = Idle ;
      result = idle ;

      chain {
      action = samepowerclick ;
      result = power1_loop ;


After that, Spider-Man's Web Bullets power worked like it should, with each web bullet doing separate damage. I tested it with Iceman's Ice Shards and it worked (should work with Ironman's Uni-Beam too), just add the index = 1 and index = 2 lines to the triggers that define each projectile.

Note how both webs damage the enemy now.
Click here for my releases.
And here for my workbench.

Opa! Vleu pelo tutorial Maegawa! Eu fiz aqui e deu certo. Eu também achava o dano deste poder desproporcional pelo tanto de energia que ele consumia. Vleu!