
Has anyone done.......?

Started by cable2099, August 18, 2007, 10:12AM

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August 18, 2007, 10:12AM Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 11:00AM by cable2099
Has anyone done load screens for Sabretooth and Pyro? Also has anyone done any Gear specific items for these characters and the unlockables? I forgot to add: Is it possible to change the special teams for Sabretooth and Pyro? i.e. Be able to get Brotherhood of Evil when I add Sabretooth and Pyro instead of nothing. All I get for Sabretooth is AoA for his Skin. If anyone has please let me know so that I can download them. Thanks.

August 23, 2007, 02:08PM #1 Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 02:27PM by cable2099
Anyone have anything for this one? Any hints or where I can go to edit the special teams?

search ftw

If you don't find it, there's a request forum.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

August 23, 2007, 03:56PM #5 Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 05:05PM by cable2099
Ok but I am still curious how to edit the team bonuses for XML2? FTW is not very helpful AFAIK. Maybe I am not looking in the right area. If someone could point me in the right direction that could help or just explain to me how to do it that would be nice. Of course, waiting for help here is like waiting for the DLC for MUA to come out on the other systems.

August 23, 2007, 07:31PM #6 Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 07:34PM by Norrin Radd
Quote from: cable2099 on August 23, 2007, 03:56PM
Of course, waiting for help here is like waiting for the DLC for MUA to come out on the other systems.

dude, get an attitude adjustment. i dont remember anyone being paid to help you or anything.
if you type in something like 'team bonus' in the little search thingy it might help too, you know to find stuff on your own while waiting for someone to answer you, god forbid if it takes more than an hour for someone to answer you.

Cable -- why are you asking for stuff that's right there in the Knowledge Base?  If you used the search function it would take you like 10 seconds to find what you need.  If you're gonna have some crappy attitude then take a walk, man.

I did try team bonus in the search and I did do exactly what everyone said and guess what it erased all of my team bonuses for the game including and I dont know why the back ups that I made. So I had to uninstall and reinstall again and it was fine but it made me upset that I had to do that again when it should have worked in the first place.

Here's a novel idea:  Get the program that decompiles the files (XMLBcui).  Decompile the team bonus file.  Look at the existing entries.  Change stuff.  Recompile.  That's how you learn, and that's how everyone else learned.  It's so simple once you open up the file.  That's where you start.  I don't have XMLBcui on my computer so I can't show you a sample entry and explain it to you, so you're on your own if you can't find out how (which there are MULTIPLE threads on how to edit these kinds of files.... maybe not EXACTLY what you are looking for, but that's part of taking what you learned and applying it to different situations).
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Quote from: cable2099 on August 23, 2007, 03:56PM
Ok but I am still curious how to edit the team bonuses for XML2? FTW is not very helpful AFAIK. Maybe I am not looking in the right area. If someone could point me in the right direction that could help or just explain to me how to do it that would be nice. Of course, waiting for help here is like waiting for the DLC for MUA to come out on the other systems.

Seriously, I thought we'd been through this before. When it takes a couple of hours to answer, that is NOT a long wait. When the answer already exists and you must FIND IT, and no one answers, that is also not a long wait. School is back in session, and I imagine lots of people (myself included) are affected by that time and have very limited "computer time". Answering the questions of someone who has a highly disrespectful attitude is not a priority. Should you take a snarky attitude again, I (and I encourage others to follow suit) will no longer answer you. You are not entitled to anything from us, and if you don't like it, then you are welcome to gtfo.

Here is also a novel idea: Read people's posts better. I said that I did what everyone said to do and that would mean to download the XMLB.cui and I did that. I downloaded all files from the site and it is very confusing what to download when you download V. 2.2 and find out that it is not all what you need and that you need to download the original XMLB and even then the other files that you download you need to place into the folder for the XMLB instead of extracting them into he file. Would it not be more simple to just download one file and it have everything in it? And also to make the instructions easier to understand. This very confusing: Run as:
   xmlb-compile [-s] -d file.engb > file.txt   [to decompile xmlb/engb file]

   xmlb-compile [-s] [-b] file.txt file.engb   [to compile txt file to xmlb]

                       -d means to decompile
                       -b is debug printing and is optional
                       -s run silent and is optional
               1) Copy xmlb-compile.exe to c:\windows (first time use)
               2) Open a DOS box (programs-accessories) and run it, or
                  Open Windows Explorer, right click on the folder with xmlb
         file and Open command Shell
Would it not be simple to put this file with the xmlb in the first place instead of separate? I am new to this whole modding thing and want that the programs I download to be complete and not: Download this file first and then this file and then this file and it will be complete. Also when I ask a question it is because I dont have time to search for the answers. You people may have all the time in the world to search but I do not. So it gets frustrating when I need help with something and no one answers or even gives me a link to anything. This was not aimed at Blizz. :)

You need XMLBCUI, it's got a windows-based front end that makes this easier.

And lose the attitude man, you're not making any friends with it.  And if you don't have time to use the search function, you probably don't have time to mod.  That's a fact.

Also Blizz is right I and others are not entitled to anything but yet we have this site and the mods and we own the license to the game but yet we as the consumer are not entitled to anything especially when we did not buy the license to the game? If a person pays money for a product they are entitled to what they pay for but when a company fails to make the product better it is the consumers job to make it better if they want to because we feel entitled to a better product because we paid for it. If no one is entitled to anything than why make these mods?

1. Here is also a novel idea: Read people's posts better.

Yes, we do read your posts, but are you suggesting that we mind read and know what your problem is when you dont explain everything? Saying that you did 'exactly what everyone said' is quite vague. A suggestion for future questions is to a) be polite. b) explain what the problem is with information that might be useful to help you. c) while waiting look to see if you can solve the problem on your own. d) realize there is a learning curve involved in modifying the game and that you may not be able to do everything at once, even with people's help

2. I downloaded all files from the site and it is very confusing what to download when you download V. 2.2 and find out that it is not all what you need and that you need to download the original XMLB and even then the other files that you download you need to place into the folder for the XMLB instead of extracting them into he file.

xmlbcui works great for me, it has a graphical user interface so maybe that will be less confusing for you. It is a great priveledge that we have tools such as these to help modify the game. If you have ever used command line programs before the instructions are actually quite easy to understand, so if you have no experience with this types of programs, yes the instructions may be somewhat difficult to understand, but you cant expect the creator to go to your machine and run it for you. If you have questions about how to use it, search the forums or ask for help. saying that the instructions are not clear for you is fine, but not really useful information to anyone else.

3. Also when I ask a question it is because I dont have time to search for the answers. You people may have all the time in the world to search but I do not. So it gets frustrating when I need help with something and no one answers or even gives me a link to anything.

You seem to have quite a bit of time to reply to other topics, so i very much doubt you dont have time to search for things. Also, if you get frustrated it would be best not to take your frustration out on people who can possibly help you.

Also, back up your files before modifying them

4. If no one is entitled to anything than why make these mods?

for fun silly