

Started by CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil, January 29, 2016, 01:28PM

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Quote from: venomkiller17 on January 07, 2017, 04:55PM
I was glad we decided to go back, and by the way great skins! :thumbsup:
Thanks venomkiller17!

January 16, 2017, 04:30PM #121 Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 04:41PM by CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil
I'm still going to convert other skins from the moon knight (or maybe hawkeye too, who knows ...), they decide to first introduce the default skin and then create a pack for it. And before and back to convert skins of other characters, I'll finish soon the moon kinght pack and the upgrade of the final spider pack.






Great work !! Hope you can release more skins of this two characters!

It's nice to see moon knight since he doesn't have much modded skin in this forum.
-this site and all modders here help me too much. thanks a lot to keep MUA game alive-

Quote from: milo on January 20, 2017, 09:17PM
It's nice to see moon knight since he doesn't have much modded skin in this forum.
Thanks milo!
Is developing the moon knight pack, in a week or two I'll finish it!

wow... thanks master caique. the only annoying thing of skin mods is only on cape. i saw on GTA V and many game mods, they have same problem with frozen cape.
-this site and all modders here help me too much. thanks a lot to keep MUA game alive-

Quote from: milo on January 22, 2017, 04:47PM
wow... thanks master caique. the only annoying thing of skin mods is only on cape. i saw on GTA V and many game mods, they have same problem with frozen cape.
Is because in the conversion of models, we apply the bones and have no way to put force on the vertices of the capes that makes her sway, would have to apply an animation as the new games do for the capes or extra bones, the models of the knight of the moon Made by the game itself mua also has frozen capes.That is does not exist extra bones for capes.In GTA V I do not know if they have same issue with the capes, but it's the problem I have here in MUA.

Quote from: CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil on January 22, 2017, 06:14PM
Is because in the conversion of models, we apply the bones and have no way to put force on the vertices of the capes that makes her sway, would have to apply an animation as the new games do for the capes or extra bones, the models of the knight of the moon Made by the game itself mua also has frozen capes.That is does not exist extra bones for capes.In GTA V I do not know if they have same issue with the capes, but it's the problem I have here in MUA.

And what's about creating something like animated bolton (for example pixie wings)? For those characters, whose always have the cape. 
"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

Quote from: Agent Bachello on January 24, 2017, 07:52AM
And what's about creating something like animated bolton (for example pixie wings)? For those characters, whose always have the cape. 
Well, I do not know how to play in mua animation (yet ...), and wing are different from cape, and all the characters converted by all the modders of marvel mods have frozen capes, and I do not see problem in that. But when I learn something about animation, I edit the capes of my characters.

Quote from: CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil on January 24, 2017, 10:51AM
...and wing are different from cape

I was incorrect. I would like to say, that maybe it's better to create models without the capes. And then, add the moving cape (as an animated bolton) to hero's skins via editting character's herostat.

Something like this:

Whiteking's works
Quote from: whiteking on March 10, 2010, 06:21PM
The new links to my skins:

Scarlet Witch modern (with cape):
Scarlet Witch modern (no cape):

"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

Quote from: CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil on January 24, 2017, 10:51AM
... and all the characters converted by all the modders of marvel mods have frozen capes, and I do not see problem in that.
I agree, I do not see anything too much in the cape being frozen, most of the character skins with cape converted by you and other modders are beautiful and give to play and have fun.

Quote from: crazymarvelfan123 on January 24, 2017, 02:16PM
I agree, I do not see anything too much in the cape being frozen, most of the character skins with cape converted by you and other modders are beautiful and give to play and have fun.

I also agree with it. Since i can't contribute much like other professional modder here. Srsly they made this game looks great. They are heroes in real life.

And master caique, i want to report that Hawkeye classic skin have abug. When he jump he will appeared on the weird position. i dont know is it from my own game or not. Im really sorry, i didnt complained, i just want to give feedback. :)
-this site and all modders here help me too much. thanks a lot to keep MUA game alive-