Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 for PS4 and Xbox One

Started by Joosteh, June 17, 2016, 03:12PM

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Quote from: nodoubt_jr on July 29, 2016, 02:41PM
Patches were released.  Looks like MUA2 is working now.  MUA1 did not add DLC.

I'll be buying MUA2 later today, but not MUA1.  I already own MUA1 on PC, PS2 and PSP lol I'll wait and see if they add the DLC later

They fixed controller support, save issues, and the sound issues?  If so I guess I'll buy it again.  Controller support pissed me off because not only were some buttons mapped wrong, some didn't work at all.  There was no way to swap characters.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

I hope the PSP exclusives are in that pack
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Yeah so I repurchased the bundle and reinstalled the games and got the new "patch" for both.

They didn't fix dick.  Maybe audio from what I hear, but game still crashes while tabbing and controller support is still a fucking nightmare.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Guessing it was just a patch for the Xbox achievements. "Rosemann shared via Twitter that both DLC for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and fixes for the PC port are incoming. More information will be forthcoming from Activision." So yeah, more patches on the way I guess.

Quote from: DJay Saint on July 29, 2016, 09:50PM
Yeah so I repurchased the bundle and reinstalled the games and got the new "patch" for both.

They didn't fix dick.  Maybe audio from what I hear, but game still crashes while tabbing and controller support is still a fucking nightmare.

Thanks for informing me of this. I was considering getting them this weekend when I heard of the patches, but I play with a controller as well, and until they fix controller support, they aren't getting a dime.

Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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All of them
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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Quote from: Gevth on July 28, 2016, 05:46PM
How much time did it take for WB Games to fix Arkham Knight?

Totally didn't buy that game... totally didn't pre-order that game... totally didn't keep it past the return date hoping hoping hoping HOPING they'd fix it... why... why...

In case anyone hadn't seen it yet, it seems to have been confirmed that the MUA1 DLC will be coming in the future.

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I like that they're finally hearing what people are saying, but stuff like this should've been included in the first place, not after fan outrage.
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Quote from: Polygone on July 31, 2016, 11:16AM
I like that they're finally hearing what people are saying, but stuff like this should've been included in the first place, not after fan outrage.

Funny how most gaming companies only REACT - they don't actually plan things out until something blows up in their face.

At this point it seems most game companies just want to release games as fast as possible, and then deal with the problems later.

They really should have waited to release these "remasters" until they were actually done updating them, making sure they worked properly and were able to include everything that should have been included to begin with.

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This was an epic fail. I always believed that you should never do anything half-ass. Complete the project, work out all the kinks and bugs, give it trial runs, whatever you have to do before you release it to the public. Sure, you may miss something that was overlooked, but horrible controller support in itself is an embarrassment to Activision. No excuses. I'd rather they take their time, make sure everything functions smoothly, and release it later, than to rush the release, building excitement, only to crash and burn, receiving scathing comments from angry fans. When you put your name or your company's name on a product, you should be proud of the end result. They've done a lackluster job, and should be ashamed of themselves.

In addition, in an age where you have to pay money for extra characters or features (damn, I miss the days of hidden codes and/or beating the game to unlock stuff for free), the least they could have done was make sure all of the DLC was in the game, and then more features as an added incentive to get you to buy a game that is nearly 10 years old. Or at the very least, lower the price tag to sweeten the deal. Instead, they offered less features than the original, at a hefty price tag. No, thanks. You want my hard-earned money, Activision? You're gonna have to do a LOT better than that.

Quote from: superaceman34 on July 28, 2016, 03:50PM
Random but fun thing I tried, adding the line to start the game with that hero:

start_game = normal ;

in charinfo.xmlb worked and I started with Cable.

How did u do that? i tried that like 50x and it hasn't worked. i tried changing both XMLB and ENGB.

I did swap names Jean with Iron Man, didn't work, i removed the start_normal line from iron man and gave it to jean, nothing.