Marvel Mods

X-Men Legends I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Misc. Modifications => Topic started by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:22PM

Title: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:22PM
Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods

This thread contains any voicepacks that aren't in my character mods and boosters, as well as any miscellaneous sound mods I've made.

Avalon Hub Unique Music,11166.msg202319.html#msg202319

Angel XML1 Prototype Voicepack,11166.msg204028.html#msg204028

Angel XML2 Archangel Voicepack,11166.msg204029.html#msg204029

Blob XML1 Voicepack,11166.msg203323.html#msg203323

Captain Mar-Vell Marvel Heroes Voicepack

Cyclops MUA2 Wii Voicepack,11166.msg203023.html#msg203023

Cyclops XML1 Voicepack

Deadpool Ryan Reynolds Voicepack,11166.msg203197.html#msg203197

Egypt Hub Unique Music,11166.msg202561.html#msg202561

Gambit XML1 and 2 Voicepack,11166.msg203116.html#msg203116

German Nightcrawler Voicepack,11166.msg202480.html#msg202480

Havok Marvel Heroes Voicepack,11166.msg203757.html#msg203757

Human Torch MUA2+USM Voicepack

Hulk THQ Avengers Voicepack

Magneto XML1 Voicepack,11166.msg202815.html#msg202815

Omega Red Boss Fight Music,11166.msg202296.html#msg202296

Psylocke MUA2 Voicepack,11166.msg203286.html#msg203286

Rogue Deadpool Game Voicepack,11166.msg203235.html#msg203235

Spider-Man 90s Theme for Main Menu

Spider-Man Dan Gilvezan Voicepack,11166.msg203997.html#msg203997

Spider-Man Unlimited Theme for Main Menu

The Thing Michael Chiklis Voicepack,11166.msg204731.html#msg204731

Thor Chris Hemsworth Voicepack,11166.msg204082.html#msg204082

Weapon X Ambience Mod,11166.msg202294.html#msg202294

Weapon X Hub Unique Music,11166.msg202295.html#msg202295

X-Men 90s Theme for Main Menu,11166.msg203384.html#msg203384

X-Men Evolution Theme for Main Menu

XML1 Main Menu Music,11166.msg202562.html#msg202562
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:23PM
Weapon X Ambience Mod v3.0

This mod replaces the Weapon X hub ambience files with 1 of 4 choices from X2 Wolverine's Revenge.

These are very subtle in-game but I like them. If you want to hear the ambience more clearly in-game, remove the "town3_c.zss" file from X-Men Legends II\Sounds\eng\t\o and the music will be removed, just leaving the ambience to play on its own.

The audio is included for comparison purposes.

Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:23PM
Weapon X Hub Unique Music v3.0

By default, all the hubs in XML2 each have a slightly different variation on the same music. Each hub has the same song but with different ambient noises on the track, and as BaconWizard17 put it: "Slightly different instruments and style but the same melody."

This mod replaces the Weapon X hub music with the Weapon X 69 Theme from X2 Wolverine's Revenge.

Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:25PM
Omega Red Boss Fight Music

This replaces the ambient track in the Nuwali Temple with the unused Omega Red boss fight music from X2 Wolverine's Revenge, since Omega Red's boss fight in XML2 is in an map in that location.

This music fits the jungle temple map/environment perfectly.

Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 26, 2022, 02:32PM
Avalon Hub Unique Music v2.0

By default, all the hubs in XML2 each have a slightly different variation on the same music. Each hub has the same song but with different ambient noises on the track, and as BaconWizard17 put it: "Slightly different instruments and style but the same melody."

This mod replaces the Avalon hub music with music from the Savage Land in Marvel Heroes.

I have provided 2 different options that I felt fit the same type of mood that XML2's music has.

The songs (in XML2 compatible format) are included so you can hear what it sounds like.


Also, I've updated Weapon X Hub Unique Music and Weapon X Ambience Mod to fix a mistake I made with the installation Instructions.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on March 15, 2022, 07:42PM
German Nightcrawler Voicepack v1.0

**This voicepack features the voice of Nightcrawler from the official German dub of X-Men Legends II.
*The grunts appear to be the same as the English versions, but I have included the grunts from German audio files regardless.
*This is compatible with Cohollow's Nightcrawler booster, but it isn't required.
*I don't know who the voice actor is, as the in-game German credits and German manual from the UK PC DVD that includes this audio doesn't have German voice actor credits.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on April 22, 2022, 04:40PM
Egypt Hub Unique Music v1.0

By default, all the hubs in XML2 each have a slightly different variation on the same music. Each hub has the same song but with different ambient noises on the track, and as BaconWizard17 put it: "Slightly different instruments and style but the same melody."

This mod replaces the Egypt hub music with music from the Egypt levels in the PC version of Spider-Man Friend or Foe. 3 different options are available.

The songs (in XML2 compatible mono form) are included so you can hear what they sounds like. The stereo versions are in my Spider-Man Friend or Foe PC Assets release.


Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on April 22, 2022, 04:40PM
XML1 Main Menu Music v1.0

This mod replaces XML2's main menu music with that of XML1's.
My suggestion is to use this with my Alternate Main Menu Mod which includes the XML1 main menu background.

Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on June 25, 2022, 11:10AM
Magneto XML1 Voicepack v2.0

This is a voicepack featuring Tony Jay as Magneto, who portrayed that character in XML1.
I used his XML1 voices and grunts along with some of his XML1 conversation lines, as well as lines by the same actor from Fallout 1, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and the unreleased Gamecube port of Galleon.
He also uses the XML2 Banter lines and Xtreme callouts, as there are no XML1 versions of those or alternates I could find.
He also still uses his same XML2 power sounds.
Menu Breaks are also included.

-Fixed some audio popping issues.
-His banter for Nightcrawler and Sunfire were too quiet so I made them the same volume as the rest of his banter lines.
-I added more Menu Breaks
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on August 11, 2022, 01:10PM
Cyclops MUA2 Wii Voicepack v3.0

This is a voicepack featuring Cyclops's voiced lines and grunts from the Wii version of MUA2, voiced by Zachary Hanks.
Cyclops was only in the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions of MUA2, but the MUA2 Wii audio is higher quality than the MUA2 PS2 and PSP audio.

He has all the same types of lines that XML2 characters do, except for Xtreme callouts and Banter lines, because MUA2 Wii, PS2 and PSP characters don't have those types of lines. He still uses Cyclops's XML2 lines (voiced by Josh Keaton) for those.

There's also 3 Menu Breaks. One is a normal line I've also used as a Menu Break because it fits in as one. The other two are his actual MUA2 Wii Menu Breaks that I've also used as Respaffirms as they're perfect for it.

I've made 2 versions: 1 for the default version of Cyclops and 1 for my Cyclops Booster.


-I made a version that works with my Cyclops Booster.
-Fixed audio popping issues.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on September 02, 2022, 08:20AM
Gambit XML1 and 2 Voicepack v2.0

This is a greatly expanded voicepack for Gambit using all the grunts and all of his lines from both XML1 and XML2, as well as his 2 XML1 Prototype exclusive No Power lines, all voiced by Scott MacDonald, to make the largest possible Gambit voicepack.
-Gambit doesn't have TauntKD and Too Heavy lines in XML2, so this gives him all of his XML1 ones.
-Because he has more I See You and Victory lines than I could use, I used the best ones from each category for a maximum of 8 for both.
-I used 1 of his XML2 Victory lines for a Levelup line instead because I felt it fit that better and because he had more Victory than I could use.
-I used 1 of his XML1 Solo End lines for a CMD Follow lines because Solo End lines aren't used for XML2 and it fit well as a CMD Follow line.
-Since his 52 Pickup Xtreme is in both games but the lines is a different recording, both are included and the game randomly picks one of them when you use that Xtreme.

-Fixed a couple of issues.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on September 23, 2022, 10:26PM
:deadpool:Deadpool Ryan Reynolds Voicepack v1.0 :deadpool:

This is a voicepack of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, featuring his voiced lines and grunts from the PS3 version of Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters.
And since Deadpool's Wisecrack power sound is Deadpool laughing, I've replaced that as well.
It does still use the XML2 Xtreme callout.
It is compatible with my X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch addition of giving Deadpool his MUA1 sword sheathing and unsheathing sounds.
Those sounds won't work without the patch, but when that patch releases, this voicepack will be all ready to go.

Another Ultimate Patch change I made to Deadpool does work right now, however. He now uses the same Teleport sounds that his boss version does, meaning the Teleport away and Teleport land sounds have been swapped around and a series of beeps now plays at the end.

Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on September 30, 2022, 07:20PM
:rogue: Rogue Deadpool Game Voicepack v1.0 :rogue:

**This is a voicepack for Rogue featuring Melissa Disney's voices and grunts as Rogue from the 2013 Deadpool game.
*I edited the grunts out of her voiced lines.
-Her pain grunts are the same as her pickup and throw grunts due to a lack of other options.
*She still uses XML2 Rogue's Xtreme callouts and Banter lines.
-Also, since XML2 supports Banter lines for Deadpool, but no one has them, and since she mentions him multiple times, I've added Banter lines she'll say to him in-game. She has 3 for him, which is how many she has for everyone else she has banter lines for.
*There are 2 Menu Breaks.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on October 13, 2022, 10:31AM
:psylocke:Psylocke MUA2 Voicepack v2.0 :psylocke:

**This is a voicepack for my Psylocke mod using Kimberly Brooks's performance as Psylocke from MUA2.
*Since the audio for her is different in the PC and Wii versions of MUA2, I've used a combination of the best lines and all the grunts from both versions.
*Menu Breaks are included.
*She still uses the same Xtreme callouts that are in the voicepack in my Psylocke mod.

-Rebalanced audio level of Xtreme 2 callout.
-Fixed some audio popping.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on October 24, 2022, 09:17AM
:blob:Blob XML1 Voicepack v2.0 :blob:

**This is an alternate voicepack for my Blob mod.
*It features his XML1 x_voice boss lines combined with many more lines taken from his NPC dialogue and 1 x_voice line taken from the XML1 Prototype, voiced by Mark Klastorin. Also contains his XML1 grunts as well as more grunts taken from his NPC dialogue.
*He has 1 Banter line with Wolverine.
*He has Menu Breaks.

-Changed how coding for Xtreme 2 callout works.
-Fix some issues with audio popping.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on October 31, 2022, 06:57PM
X-Men 90s Theme for Main Menu v1.0

Because someone had to do it, here's a mod that replaces XML2's main menu music with the 90s X-Men cartoon's theme song, using a high quality version I got from the "X-Men The Phoenix Saga CD-Rom".

And yes, I did also include the music file itself.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 26, 2023, 10:32AM
Havok Marvel Heroes Voicepack v3.0

*Includes voices by Liam O'Brien from the following sources/performances: as Havok and as Angel from Marvel Heroes as Angel from Marvel Heroes, because the actor is doing exactly the same voice for both of these roles.
*Includes grunts by Liam O'Brien from his performance as Akihiko Sanada from Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.

-Added 1 more CMD Attack Any line.
-Added the following number of banter lines with the following characters: Colossus (2), Cyclops (3), Deadpool (1), Iceman (1), Jean Grey (2), Rogue (2), Storm (1), Sunfire (1), Wolverine (1)
-Added Menu Breaks.
-Now a standalone voicepack.
-Now has Level Up, Can't Go, No Work, and Too Heavy lines.
-Added 1 more grunt of every type.
-Changed how Xtreme 2 callout works.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on March 17, 2023, 04:18PM
Updated Cyclops MUA2 Wii Voicepack to v2.0
Updated Psylocke MUA2 Voicepack to v2.0
See changelogs for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on March 31, 2023, 10:32AM
:spiderman:Spider-Man Dan Gilvezan Voicepack v1.0 :spiderman:

**This is a voicepack of Dan Gilvezan as Spider-Man using his lines and grunts from Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions which I ripped and sorted myself.
*He is most famous for playing Spider-Man in the 80s cartoon Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.
*He plays Spider-Man 2099 in Shattered Dimensions but he's doing it in the same voice as he did for regular Spider-Man and I made sure not to use any lines that reference 2099 in this voicepack (except for a quick joke about Flipside.)
*Includes Menu Breaks.
*He has the same Xtreme callouts and Banter lines as my MUA1 voicepack that's included in my Spider-Man mod.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on April 11, 2023, 09:49AM
:archangel:Angel XML1 Prototype Voicepack v1.0 :archangel:

This is an alternate voicepack for my Angel mod.
-Uses his official XML1 Prototype voiced lines (thanks to Ceamonks890 for cleaning the audio files up). While Angel is credited in XML1 Retail as André Sogliuzzo, he wasn't in that version. But there are cut NPC lines as him and it's tough to tell for sure if it's him in the Prototype voiced lines or a placeholder actor.
-Angel only has 3 Death grunts in the XML1 Prototype. So, I've also used the retail XML1 and unused XML1 Prototype Morlock Thief grunts They're done by André Sogliuzzo, and they do sound like Angel.
-I've made a few of his lines double as Menu Breaks.
-It uses the same Xtreme callouts as the voicepack in my Angel mod.

Ceamonks890: cleaning up the audio files
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on April 11, 2023, 09:51AM
:archangel:Angel XML2 Archangel Voicepack v1.0 :archangel:

This is an alternate voicepack for my Angel mod.
-Uses Archangel's XML2 x_voice lines as well as more lines taken from his NPC conversations, as portrayed by Dave Wittenberg.
-He'll help you if it means he gets his revenge on Apocalypse, but he's no Angel. He's in this for himself, and he'll insult his teammates as much as he does his opponents.
-There are a few lines I had to edit due to lack of appropriate voices, but I'm very happy with the job I did on them, and I don't think they're very noticeable. (And if you do notice them, I think you'll get used to them pretty quickly. I did at least.)
-Because Archangel's XML2 grunts have a much heavier voice filter over them than his voices, I instead used the grunts by the same actor from his role as Kakashi in Naruto Clash of Ninja 1 and 2, which I also used for the XML2 Angel Voicepack.
-It uses the same Xtreme callouts as the voicepack in my Angel mod.
-I've made a few Menu Breaks.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on April 16, 2023, 02:13PM
:thor:Thor Chris Hemsworth Voicepack v1.0 :thor:

**This is a voicepack for my Thor mod using lines and grunts of Chris Hemworth as Thor that I ripped from the PS3 game Thor God of Thunder.
*I gave him his own Xtreme callouts.
*He has menu breaks.
*I should mention PS3 Thor game's tone is signficantly more serious then the MCU movies are. There are almost no jokes anywhere in the game. Hemsworth is taking this very seriously and treating it like a serious drama.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on June 26, 2023, 05:43PM
I've updated Blob XML1 Voicepack to v2.0.
Check post for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on September 22, 2023, 05:58PM
Updated Magneto XML1 Voicepack to v2.0.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on September 22, 2023, 06:46PM
:thing:The Thing Michael Chiklis Voicepack v1.0 :thing:

**This is an alternate voicepack for my mod of The Thing using audio of Michael Chiklis as The Thing which I ripped from the 2005 Fantastic Four movie game. He also has grunts and multiple callouts for both Xtremes also voiced by Michael Chiklis.

Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 20, 2024, 08:57PM
Updated Cyclops MUA2 Wii Voicepack to v3.0.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on February 09, 2024, 08:47PM
Updated Gambit XML1 and 2 Voicepack to v2.0.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on February 09, 2024, 10:57PM
X-Men Evolution Theme for Main Menu v1.0

This mod replaces XML2's main menu theme with the theme from X-Men Evolution using a high quality version of the theme I found.

And yes, I did also include the music file itself.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on June 20, 2024, 01:31PM
I updated Havok Marvel Heroes Voicepack to v3.0.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on June 20, 2024, 01:32PM
:hulk_icon: Hulk THQ Avengers Voicepack v1.1 :hulk_icon:

**This is a voicepack for my Hulk mod of an unknown voice actor as the Hulk in the cancelled Avengers game by THQ.
*In addition to the voiced lines and grunts, it also replaces the power sound for his Hulk Roar power with 2 different roar sounds that the game randomly from between.
*I've also made new Xtreme callouts for both his Xtremes. Hulk Smash has 3 different ones the game randomly picks from between and Hulk Strongest has 2.
*If you think you recognize this actor, please let me know so he can be credited properly.
*I've also made Menu Breaks.

-Updated to add new power sound I added for my Hulk mod's new Hulk Clap power.

Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on June 22, 2024, 02:20PM
:humant: Human Torch MUA2+USM Voicepack v1.0 :humant:

This is a voicepack for my Human Torch mod of David Kaufman as the Human Torch, using lines and grunts taken from his role as the Human Torch in the PC version of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, the Wii version of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, and the Xbox version of Ultimate Spider-Man.

David Kaufman is most famous for playing Danny Phantom, and he's using a similar voice here.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on June 29, 2024, 10:21AM
:spiderman: Spider-Man Unlimited Theme for Main Menu v1.0 :spiderman:

This mod replaces XML2's main menu theme with the theme from Spider-Man Unlimited using a high quality version of the theme I found.

And yes, I did also include the music file itself.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on July 09, 2024, 11:02AM
:spiderman: Spider-Man 90s Theme for Main Menu v1.0 :spiderman:

This mod replaces XML2's main menu theme with the theme from the 90s Spider-Man animated series using a high quality version of the theme I found.

And yes, I did also include the music file itself.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on September 29, 2024, 02:03PM
:cyclops: Cyclops XML1 Voicepack v1.0 :cyclops:

**This is an alternate voicepack for Cyclops, featuring Robin Atkin Downes as Cyclops from XML1.
-I've also included 2 version: 1 for my Cyclops Booster and another for the default version of Cyclops.
*I expanded his lines using his NPC lines from XML1.
*I expanded his grunts using his MUA1 Dark NPC grunts, also voiced by the same actor. I also split his struggle grunts up into separate grunts and used as many as possible. I also edited a grunt out of one of his MUA1 Dark NPC's lines and used that too.
*I added his 2 alternate unused XML1 Prototype No Power lines.
*I used his unused types of lines and the types of lines that aren't needed in XML2 for various other types of lines.
*I've made some of his No Work lines double as No Power lines.
*He uses his XML1 Optic Rage Xtreme callout.
*He uses his XML2 Flawless Tactics callout and Banter lines.
*I've included some Menu Breaks.

*tubularspaceman: he picked out the first 2 the break lines
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on January 22, 2025, 02:01PM
:genis: Captain Mar-Vell Marvel Heroes Voicepack v2.0 :genis:

**This is a voicepack for my Captain Mar-Vell mod featuring his Marvel Heroes voices and grunts, all voiced by Josh Keaton.
*He has the following number of Banter lines with the following characters (I've added support for Banter with Doctor Strange for the XML2 Ultimate Patch):
-Cyclops (2), Doctor Strange (3), Gambit (1), Iron Man (3), Juggernaut (3), Magneto (3), Jean Grey (3), Scarlet Witch (1), Storm (1), Wolverine (1)
*He also has Menu Breaks.

*tubularspaceman: idea for this and telling me Captain Mar-Vell had audio in Marvel Heroes, providing some of the lines and line choices

-Updated to be in line with the power sound changes I made to the main Captain Mar-Vell character mod.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on February 20, 2025, 11:29AM
I've updated Hulk THQ Avengers Voicepack.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods
Post by: Enigma on March 07, 2025, 04:01PM
I've updated Captain Mar-Vell Marvel Heroes Voicepack.
Check changelog for details.