Marvel Mods

XML and MUA - Common Items => Knowledge Base - (not for questions) => Topic started by: thetommyboy2002 on February 11, 2007, 08:39AM

Title: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 11, 2007, 08:39AM
I've been messing around trying to add new Simulator missions, and have almost immediately come up against problems.
It only "sees" one new mission, all subsequent ones are ignored, is it yet another hard coded limit? Probably.
What I did was copy whole one mission down to the bottom and rename it. No other changes. This worked.
So I did it again, and the second, third, fourth times its ignored in the mission select menu. Doesnt appear.
Poo. I'll start looking for likely places a limit may be, but based on past experience, its probably in the game.exe.
Next, if you alter the villain, or any of the spawners within a working mission, you just get "defaultman", regardless of who you substitute in. So it may be certain vilains only appear on certain maps.
More poo.
I have to go out now, but I'll mess around some more when I get back later.   
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 08:50AM
There are a couple of files you must edit to get a working mission. It took me a little while, but I got a Colossus mission working (except the boss, but that's because I didn't define her in simulator)

You gotta get 3 convos set up in conversations/sim/charname
You gotta set up cmcharname in packages/generated/simulatins
And you gotta set up a map in maps/sim/simchars
And, of course, you gotta edit the simulator. :P

BTW, I'm sure I missed something, this is just what I remember off-hand.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 11, 2007, 08:57AM
Don't forget to alter all the releveant packages, especially if we're talking of the PSP missions as these use unique handlers and, thusly, brand-new packages have to be created even for Iron Man and Elektra.
Then it's the matter of defining the handler for this character in the npcstat, checking the consistency of the powerstyle with what you've listed in the npcstat... This sounds like a nightmarish amount of work, ackshully.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 09:05AM
I WAS talking about my old Colossus mission, but I would be willing to try to get the PSP missions working if I could get the npcstat, the simulator, and any preexisting files. And I'm talking the char ones, the survival ones (which are on different maps!) are a subject for another day.

PS: Are the survival ones' different maps preexisting ones, or entirely new ones? Anyone know?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 11, 2007, 12:19PM
Here you go, sorry to keep you waiting:
This also has the survivals so you'd be able to look at them intently and tell us news about the map issue :D
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 12:27PM
No biggie. :P The thing that has me worried is the possibility of a limit on the number of missions.

Thanks for the files.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 12:48PM
Any chance you can also up ps_elektraboss and ps_bossironman?

PS: There are a LOT of new characters: all sorts of SHIELD agents and what have you. They are mostly just renamed doom bots and what have you. :-X
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 11, 2007, 12:54PM
The ps's are supposed to be inside of the comic mission FBs, dude. EVERYTHING is in the FB, you gotta learn to trust the FB :D The FBs are such a comfortable (and overly REDUNDANT) way of storing stuff that I'm almost afraid of them :D
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 12:56PM
I'm always underestimating the fbs. I must have fbphobia :D

I don't see them, though. I'll have to keep looking.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 11, 2007, 01:03PM
Bossironman is in Black Widow's, obviously. It's an XMLB, not an ENGB, just so's you know. Offset 0x155d3d.
Same for Elektraboss and Ronin's file. Offset 0x14f8ee.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 01:11PM
I don't understand. It's probably my hex editor, but I can't use that offset. It won't register in either text as hexidecimal values.

I'm sorry, this probably seems obvious to you. I'm dumb, I know.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 11, 2007, 01:13PM
Okay, decimal versions are, respectively, 1400125 and 1374446. I can't really imagine why you would have troubles with the above offsets. I mean, even Notepad finds the needed lines after you input "bossironman" in the search string.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 01:25PM
Doy. Feck me. Unicode Latin was checked. :P

Edit: Alright, we DO need entirely new maps for the survival missions. And they are NOT in the fbs, I checked. Thoroughly.

Perhaps there are fbs containing them in packages/generated/maps ?

Maps needed:
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 11, 2007, 04:59PM
And... I also only get one mission. Damn. At least it works. I still need to make packages for some of the scrubs, but if I fixed IM, then Elektra, Swordy, and SSkrull should all work. And BWidow's is the only one with new scrubs, so the other 3 missions should work completely. Too bad I can't test em. :-X

( ( (
(Don't question BlankMan, I use him as a place-holder. Imagine Stark beating on Ultimate Widow, the traitor!)

EDIT: I figured out a way to test them: put them above the next gen missions.
( (

Off to test.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 11, 2007, 05:22PM
Well, my custom, new mission is coming along.
Rather than have lots of small-fry canon-fodder, I'm sticking loads of villains in, in the hope of getting a random mission generator to work.
But there are some oddities.
Some characters just aren't "liked", and always end up as defaultman, no matter what (ie Wrecker, Rhino).
Other characters have a "blue healthbar" that cannot be damaged.
Most others work fine, but Mandarin alone tends to take down my whole team. I may remove him.
If I can figure out how to eliminate the bugs, I'll upload it at some point.   
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 12, 2007, 05:17AM
More Maps, Sir?
I copied the danger room maps from XML2 and added the arenas to the start of Simulation.engb, et voila!
Of course the downside is that this is now the ONLY map I can play on, still, proof of concept eh?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 12, 2007, 06:02AM
A little bit of juggling in Simulator.engb and I now have all the maps I could want (i all the normal ones plus XML2 Danger room ones).

I even got rid of the "blue health bar" problem (took out references to conversations).
So now I get stomped by a dozen villains in an XML2 Dangerroom map.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 12, 2007, 09:19AM
Duuuuuude! You rock! This potentially means the next step towards a proper Skirmish mode! I've been quietly pondering if it would be possible to straightforwardly port the Skirmish menus from XML2 (because the only thing that stopped me from doing the same to XML2's character menus was the horrific panoramic selection code which turned out to be hardwired into the game) and modify the extra details to at least give us an ability to pound the living daylights out of each other in MP using more than just X-guys.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 12, 2007, 09:28AM
I've been changing some of the maps on the "extra" missions (paibok, superskrull, thunderball etc) to use the XML2 maps instead, and whilst it adds some much needed variety to the game, there are problems.
1.Since they are on average much smaller, and have no "boss rooms" (at least none of the ones I've tried so far), you get no Boss, just lots of cannon fodder in what is often a restricted space.
2. No crates or barrels or smashable furniture, maybe I need to copy across some models for those from xml2. I'm not familiar enough with tat game to know if these DR maps SHOULD have crates etc.
3. Some doors and pits where if you go through you die. Again I dont know if that how they function in XML2.

However even with these problems it means that there are about 26 new maps (some may be duplicates, or even triplicates, but I'd say there are at least ten originals for sure), which is a boon.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 12, 2007, 10:25AM
1. Can we maybe reuse XML1 LEVEL maps for that purpose? Might turn out mighty fun. If they'll transfer as easily as the characters did... Mmm-hmmm!
2. They should, they all do (be it crates or barrels or munitions or destroyable rocks, pillars and shtuff). Maybe you should, yeah.
3. Pits - yes. Doors - WTF?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 12, 2007, 12:11PM
I copied across the stuff in "models" and now have barrels and furniture a-plenty in the XML2 maps.

The doors thing I saw in the egyptian level, its like a square with four doors at the top of steps in the middle of each wall. The dooes are black. Go in, and die.
Maybe its somwe other missing bit, like a teleport.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 12, 2007, 12:21PM
Yay for barrels! Barrels are fun! [/old-skool DooM player speaking]
Quoteits like a square with four doors at the top of steps in the middle of each wall. The dooes are black. Go in, and die.
I honestly don't remember, and I don't have the saves on this machine to check with. Maybe you're still missing something.

Me, I'll look into the XML1 level issue -- chances are, some of the PCers hadn't played it (I know I didn't), so they definitely won't mind the 'new' old levels. And they might be tweaked to meet the comic book requirements, no?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 12, 2007, 01:50PM
One good thing about XML levels in a skirmish mode is the possibility of no limit on chars. So even if it isn't possible in story mode, you could conceivably play as Cyc, Jean, Kurt, and Remy with NO story mode character removals. Yay.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 12, 2007, 09:24PM
Speaking of which. Maybe we should look into the Skirmish mode's character selection code to see how it works? Because I sure as heck don't remember Deathstryke or other Skirmish playable bosses being in the XML2 herostat... :D
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 13, 2007, 05:03AM
Quote from: Noelemahc on February 12, 2007, 09:24PM
Speaking of which. Maybe we should look into the Skirmish mode's character selection code to see how it works? Because I sure as heck don't remember Deathstryke or other Skirmish playable bosses being in the XML2 herostat... :D
Isn't the same true in MUA, since you can play as some of the villains in the Similator?
It might make the NPC>27 project easier.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: cvc on February 21, 2007, 03:29PM
Is there a way not to have to start over every time I change something in the sim? After a millon restarts I ask.

I not changeing the herostat...alt/tab
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 21, 2007, 08:55PM
Nope. The ENGBs are read on the game's startup, so ALT+TAB with an ENGB hotswap leads to scary aftereffects; even if we're not talking Herostat.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: thetommyboy2002 on February 22, 2007, 06:01AM
I'm not 1000% sure of this, but I THINK NPCstat can be altered without restarts or disasters, at least as long as we are talking about relatively small changes like editing a character's starting level.
I'd guess that adding or removing whole characters to/from it would lead to trouble, but it seems OK with small changes. This is not a guarantee.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 22, 2007, 10:37AM
Random Q: can't we define entry into custom levels (XML2 or XML1 levels, if all else fails) via dialogues and scripts, like it was done with quite a few XML2 and MUA levels? They will THEN function as separate comic missions if we figure out how to build custom mission goals, right? This will remove the necessity of even bothering with the SIMULATOR.ENGB, won't it?

Granted, this will mean building the new stuff from scratch, without the comfy prefabness of the Simulator interface, but we can't have it all...
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on February 22, 2007, 01:36PM
I don't remember that kinda thing in XML2 or MUA, but the XML1 Flashback missions are a very good example of this. And XML1/2 missions are perfect for this:

A convo w/ Wolvy recalls his Weapon X flashback from XML1 (just wolvy)
A convo w/ Iceman recalls the Juggs flashback from XML1 (chars: cyc, jean, iceman, beast)
Spawn Cyc on a map, and have a convo w/ him recall the Sentinel flashback (chars: cyc, wolvy, jean, kurt (just like xml1))
A convo with Prof X spawns the Astral Plane level from XML1 (the chars were Charley, Jean, Emma, but we can add Betsy)

So on, so forth. You get the idea.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on February 26, 2007, 08:32AM
Yeah, found the commands. They're in the SCRIPTS/MENUS section; the XML2 commands are loadMapChooseTeam("mapname") or loadMapKeepTeam("mapname"), where mapname contains the full path from the game's root dir. Note that the quotes and ellipses ARE necessary.

Insert those into a script, then just call the script upon exit from a convo in which you trriggered the mission entry. POOF!

Now to figure out how to silently switch team members (i.e. so that the roster WOULD change, but without the player's consent; kinda like on entering the Simulator missions, y'know?)...
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: kfcrispy on February 26, 2007, 09:03AM
perhaps the answer lies in the beginning of the game, first stage of MUA. without the ability to load Saved Data or use Default settings, you start with the fabulous 4..

or the character challenge missions since you HAVE to use that one character.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: DJay Saint on February 26, 2007, 09:06AM
Quote from: Noelemahc on February 26, 2007, 08:32AMNow to figure out how to silently switch team members (i.e. so that the roster WOULD change, but without the player's consent; kinda like on entering the Simulator missions, y'know?)...

That's how it was done in XML1...  I'm sure you wouldn't have to change much to port that idea over to MUA.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 21, 2007, 04:16PM
Quote from: kfcrispy on February 26, 2007, 09:03AM
perhaps the answer lies in the beginning of the game, first stage of MUA. without the ability to load Saved Data or use Default settings, you start with the Fabulous 4.

That's funny, the Xbox version starts with Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-man and Thor.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: DJay Saint on March 21, 2007, 04:19PM
Yeah, so does the PC...   :wtflol:
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on March 21, 2007, 04:31PM
Yessssh... seeing as it is coded into charinfo....

Perhaps the whole 'team map entry' thing can be done there? (as they apparently did at e3)
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 21, 2007, 07:34PM
Hey, what do we know about /packages/generated/maps/sim/omega3?  It's there, but it's not referenced in the simulator.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 22, 2007, 07:16AM
Successfully added a sim mission to the Xbox.  Well, sortof.  I modified Thing's to get a Colossus mission.  The level loaded, but there were just a few default men to fight.  That and I could select my team.  I'm assuming all level-specific characters and settings, including which map to load, are all stored in cm____.fb.  I of course renamed Thing's fb to cmcolossus.fb but *if* I can get it to work properly the level will probably be exactly the same, having to fight Rhino and all.

I can tell you that *I think, away from my PC right now* the game chooses which characters start the game in charinfo.xmlb.  Spidey, Thor, Wolverine and Cap all have a variable called start_game, and they're the only ones that have it.

Hmmm... Speaking of which, apparently they had two more characters planned for the PSP, Iron Fist, and I forget the other one (at the bottom of the file).

Oh hey Tommy, can you post your simulator.engb that has the XML2 missions in it?  I played around with adding one but didn't have any success.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on March 22, 2007, 07:55AM
QuoteSpeaking of which, apparently they had two more characters planned for the PSP, Iron Fist, and I forget the other one (at the bottom of the file).
Longshot, yeah. Which is sad, really, as I'm a big fan.
Quote"I'm just a figment of your imagination." - "But I can talk to yeh, can't I?" - "How many fingers do I have on my hands?" - "Four?" - "That can't be real, can it? Toldja I'm a figment of your imagination."
-- Longshot One-Shot.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 22, 2007, 08:49AM
Read through the topic again.  PSP missions on the PC?  My question is: Do they work?  If so, I'll try yet again to get PSP stuff working on the Xbox.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on March 22, 2007, 08:51AM
No, they don't. Ask Blizz, he'll give you the in-depth.
The cover stuff: the geometry format is different, same reason why PSP models didn't work on the Box. Pretty bad, huh?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 22, 2007, 09:22AM
Yet another thought:  We have hero missions, so why not disable the hero to make it a VS mission.  For instance, I removed the Conversations, external objectives, and hero = to make Captain America's mission a Winter Soldier VS mission.

Here's what I did, pasted just before the Kurse VS mission:

   arena = Helicarrier ;
   boss_damage_scale = 0.3 ;
   boss_health_scale = 8 ;
   bossname = Wintersoldier ;
   comicmission = true ;
   destroylimit = -1 ;
   timelimit = 1200 ;
   title = Winter Soldier_Vs ;

      file = CASIM ;

      SPAWNER {
      character = Wintersoldier ;
      count = 1 ;
      level = 3 ;
      levelset = true ;
      nograb = true ;
      script = true ;
      slot = 31 ;
      smart = false ;
      undying = true ;
      villain = true ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 1 ;
      character = doombot_a ;
      count = 1 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      level = 0 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 5 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 1 ;
      character = ultronstriker_a ;
      count = 1 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      level = 0 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 6 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 1 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_a ;
      count = 1 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      level = 0 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 7 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 1 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_b ;
      count = 1 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      level = 1 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 8 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_a ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      slot = 9 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = doombot_a ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      slot = 10 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_b ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      slot = 11 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_a ;
      count = 3 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      disabled = true ;
      slot = 12 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_b ;
      count = 3 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      disabled = true ;
      slot = 13 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_b ;
      count = 3 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      disabled = true ;
      level = 1 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 14 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = doombot_a ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 25 ;
      slot = 15 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_a ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      slot = 16 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_a ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 35 ;
      delaymin = 20 ;
      slot = 17 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_a ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 30 ;
      delaymin = 25 ;
      slot = 18 ;
      smart = false ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_b ;
      count = 3 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 19 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = doombot_b ;
      count = 3 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      level = 1 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 20 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_b ;
      count = 3 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 21 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_c ;
      count = 5 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      level = 1 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 22 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_c ;
      count = 5 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      level = 1 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 23 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_c ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 24 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = doombot_b ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 25 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_c ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 26 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_c ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 27 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronwarrior_c ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 28 ;

      SPAWNER {
      aggressionlevel = 2 ;
      character = ultronstriker_c ;
      count = 2 ;
      damagereduction50 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      slot = 29 ;

      MUSTDIE {
      character = Wintersoldier ;
      count = 1 ;

      REWARD {
      requiredscore = 20000 ;
      type = Bronze ;

      REWARD {
      requiredscore = 30000 ;
      type = Silver ;

      REWARD {
      requiredscore = 40000 ;
      type = Gold ;



Similar results as the Colossus mission.  I had a number of characters, but were missing quite a few as well.  No boss either.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on March 22, 2007, 11:48AM
Quote from: Teancum on March 22, 2007, 08:49AM
Read through the topic again.  PSP missions on the PC?  My question is: Do they work?

To an extent. The Survival ones don't. I'm still trying to figure out the issue with the bosses on the char ones, however.

What would be really cool is if someone (Noel, perhaps? :D) found the definitions for where the disks are found WITHIN the PSP maps and modified the PC ones accordingly, so we can actually unlock the disks without cheating.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on March 22, 2007, 12:03PM
It's do-able, since we can easily take the locations of the discs from the FAQs - that will narrow our search area, right?
I'll see what I can dig up.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 22, 2007, 12:07PM
I'm guessing you're using Tom's meshes for the heroes though, right?  Or is it reading the PSP meshes my some miracle?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on March 22, 2007, 12:20PM
Noel, the disks are found in the first four bases (1 in each)

I just meant find the FILE that contains them.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 23, 2007, 03:37PM
You know, it just hit me.  Ya'll are probably way ahead of me, but why not do hex replacement of the IGBs on the PSP missions?  I'll be working on that with the Xbox and will report back.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 24, 2007, 12:18PM
Well, I've actually had pretty decent success.  Since Noel taught be the binary copy/paste I've been able to put Xbox versions of igbs over the PSP versions.  I can play through Black Widow's mission, but of course still have the usual problems.  I.E. you can select the team and certain enemies don't appear.

Also, can someone upload the xmlbs/engbs for the sim missions?  It's really difficult to do binary copy/pastes of that stuff while trying to create a new mission.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on March 24, 2007, 12:24PM
The current versions I have contain a Catch-22 of sorts: You can define the hero: but the boss won't appear; or you can fight the boss, but then it won't be hero-dependent.

PS: Dude, were you able to add ALL the missions? As in, does the Xbox also have a limit for # of missions?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 24, 2007, 12:31PM
Well, the 360 missions I got in.  Past that I have 4 new missions that I swap out as I experiment: VS Winter Soldier, Colossus, Moon Knight, Black Widow (just for now).  It's accepted all of those just as long as I paste them before the 360 missions.

Also, a find....  If you're trying to make something other than VS appear on the right side, good luck.  I named one mission
"Black Widow_Test" 

It came out as
"Black Widow        VS"

in-game.  So my guess is that '_' defines a Vs mission.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 24, 2007, 04:16PM
Heh, another discovery.  When setting up a course, the order matters.  I copy/pasted every variable where the simulator has it.  So what you see here is a hodge-podge:  RED sections can be omitted if you choose

   arena = Helicarrier ; ---Reference the arenas from the begging of simulator.engb
   boss_damage_scale = 0.3 ;
   boss_health_scale = 8 ;
   bossname = Wintersoldier ; --looks in NPCstat
   comicmission = true ; --Is a comic mission
   hero = catptainamerica ; --The hero for this map.  If omitted, you can select your team.  Looks in herostat
   killlimit = 30 ; --Used if you need to kill X number of enemies to succeed
   destroylimit = -1 ; --Unknown, used only in Captain America's mission.  Used with useexternalobjective?
   name = CMCAPTAINAMERICA ; --The FB name
   protectactent = targetrelay ; --References what needs to be protected (found in the arena section)
   protectlimit = 8 ; --How many of prtectactent to protect (Normally for missions where you protect a human they're just specified in the MUSTSURVIVE section later)
   timelimit = 1200 ; --Time limit (in seconds).  Can probably be omitted for infinite time
   title = Captain America ; --Name to appear in the simulator.  Add _Vs for a VS mission
   weapons = true ; --Anyone have weapons in this map?  (I'm guessing on this one)
   useexternalobjective = true ; --Used when there's more than a 'kill the boss' objective
      CONVERSATION {--Conversations.  Not necessary for Hero or VS missions if you don't want them
      file = sim/humantorch/intro ;
      name = intro ;
      SOUNDFILE { --Sound file for conversations
      file = DMSIM ;
      SPAWNER { --Boss Spawner
      character = Paibok ; --looks in NPCstat for this name
      count = 1 ; --How many
      level = 3 ; --The level
      levelset = true ;
      nograb = true ; --Cannot grab character
      script = true ;
      slot = 30 ; --Probably relates to a spawn slot in the level
      smart = false ;
      villain = true ;
      SPAWNER {  --Normal enemy spawner
      character = galactuspunisher_a ; --looks in NPSstat
      count = 1 ; --How many
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      level = 0 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 5 ;
      MUSTDIE {  --Must die to win
      character = Paibok ; --looks in NPCstat
      count = 1 ; --how many
      MUSTSURVIVE { --Must live to win
      character = WolverineSimple ; --looks in NPSstat
      count = 1 ; --how many
      REWARD { --rewardskin, rewardtraits and rewardtalent should be removed if it's not a Hero mission
      requiredscore = 15000 ; --Score Required
      rewardskin = true ; --Get the 4th character skin
      rewardtraits = 1 ; --+1 to Strike, Focus and Body
      rewardtalent = true ; --Free talent point
      rewardxp = 3300 ; --From XML2, probably works
      rewardtrait = strike ; --From XML2, probably works
      type = Bronze ; --Bronze, Silver and Gold

Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 24, 2007, 07:03PM
Since I have the strategy guide I thought I'd make a list of all villains that weren't used in VS missions.

Baron Mordo
Dark Captain America
Dark Colossus
Dark Cyclops
Dark Human Torch
Dark Invisible Woman
Dark Mr. Fantastic
Dark Psylocke
Dark Thing
Jean Grey (under control of Arcade/Mephisto)
Nightcrawler (under control of Mephisto)
Radioactive Man
Winter Soldier

****acrobat -- hit the buttons that appear on-screen
****big boss -- the boss is huge and would need the same map loaded as in the story mode to work
****underwater -- underwater bosses
Arcade (big boss)
Attumah (underwater)
Byrrah (underwater)
Deathbird (acrobat)
Fin Fang Foom (big boss)
Galactus (big boss, acrobat)
Kraken (underwater, big boss, acrobat)
Krang (underwater)
Mandarin (special way to defeat)
Mephisto (special way to defeat)
M.O.D.O.K. (initial trivia)
Tiger Shark (underwater)
Ymir (big boss, acrobat)

And BTW, I have a 100% working Colossus sim mission.  He fights Crimson Dynamo in Asgard.  I'm currently working on Moon Knight, who at the moment fights Lizard on the Helicarrier
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: kfcrispy on March 24, 2007, 08:41PM
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: brohara on March 27, 2007, 01:34PM
Question regarding this thread...

Considering that you've had some success in getting MUA characters
into the XML/XML2 environments, I wanted to know if this was one of
the goals here; Is there a plan to create some downloadable missions
(new or modded) using these new environments (for PC)?

Would certainly be refreshing to have some new settings, especially for
those of us unfamiliar with XML/XML2. I'm just wondering if it's way
too early to be getting pumped about the prospect of new downloadable
mission environments.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: BliZZ on March 27, 2007, 01:46PM
Yes, it is possible. However, higher on my list is a 'Simulator' from the main menu, like the XML DR. :wiggle:

Plus, I figgur in a couple o weeks we're gonna drop most everything and get to work on porting the DLC :runaway:
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 27, 2007, 02:13PM
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 27, 2007, 09:08PM

Yet another attempted workaround failed.  Tried to assign a Nick Fury NPC as the hero for a Sim mission.  No such luck.  I even added playable = true.  Looks like the hero = line in simulator.engb definitely looks in the herostat.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on March 30, 2007, 06:34AM
Do we know what this sounds is?  It sin't called in the simulator or herostat:

Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Noelemahc on March 30, 2007, 07:12AM
Doomstark. DSFITE is the soundset for the battle against Doom's Iron Men in Doomstark.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: the master$$$ on May 17, 2007, 03:28AM
hey have you ever tried to make some mod character mission.something like sabrtooth vs wolverine,venom vs spiderman,mandarin vs iron man...
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on May 17, 2007, 12:20PM
Yeah, I've done multiple simulator missions for the Xbox.  Colossus, Moon Knight and VS Rhino are done.  I just haven't converted them to PC because I don't see the point.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: brohara on May 28, 2007, 12:39PM
Quote from: Teancum on March 24, 2007, 04:16PM

   arena = Helicarrier ; ---Reference the arenas from the begging of simulator.engb
   boss_damage_scale = 0.3 ;
   boss_health_scale = 8 ;
   bossname = Wintersoldier ; --looks in NPCstat

Ok, here's a question... if I want to increase the health of a boss in a VS. mission, (ie. indestructible Ultron) and I want to make him comparatively tough to his comic book character, what should I change this number to? Any observations about or limitations to these scale numbers? (ie. does boss_health_scale = 8 amount to a certain number of hit points?)
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: idrinkdrpepper on January 02, 2008, 04:24PM
Quote from: thetommyboy2002 on February 11, 2007, 08:39AM
I've been messing around trying to add new Simulator missions, and have almost immediately come up against problems.
It only "sees" one new mission, all subsequent ones are ignored, is it yet another hard coded limit? Probably.   

Does it only allow you to add one mission past Ms. Marvel's (the last one)? I tried the same thing and I've added 4 past Ms. Marvel already.

( (

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the limit at 6 past Ms. Marvel.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on January 03, 2008, 08:35AM
I *think* they were counting the next-gen sim missions along with it, which'd make sense with your discovery.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Canino on February 17, 2008, 09:32AM
Just thinking... If you define the heroes from herostat in npcstat, is it possible to make simulator missions with them as bosses? It would be like skirmish...
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on July 28, 2008, 06:55AM
Just curious, has anyone tried setting rewardskin = true on a VS Simulator mission?  It'd be awesome to be able to unlock skins for four custom characters at once via simulator.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: nodoubt_jr on July 28, 2008, 12:33PM
i tried and it doesnt work, no skin unlocked
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on July 28, 2008, 12:37PM
Dang, I was hoping I could cheat and not specify a hero.  Ah well.
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Teancum on July 29, 2008, 07:59AM
Danger Room/Simulator rewards.  Set in simulator.engb
itemSpawnType -- possibly spawns an item as a reward?
Title: Re: New Skirmish/Sim Missions?
Post by: Chikesnit on February 28, 2009, 09:09AM
what is the maximum additional sim missions for the mission select screen and simulator.engb file?...... and in editing the simulator.engb do i have to put the lines for the additional missions in between the sim missions of ms marvel and the next gen sim missions or at the bottom of the last sim mission (thunderball sim)......................oh sorry guys did not know about the rules of the thread :eek: