Hey everyone, I've made this thread specifically so that I can post backed up versions of resources, in case the usual ones go down (I know that the OC Pack has this issue). I ask that you give me any links to resources (just post them here in this thread and give a description) so that I can add them here. Also,
if anything is out-of-date or not working, let me know by PM or Email and post in this thread so I can replace it with a newer version ASAP.
If a link is down and there is no other link, I will strike it out and put
(LINKS DOWN) next to the resource. A link marked like this needs a new link as soon as possible, so if one is found, please let me know.
The first links you check should be the bold ones without a name in parentheses after them. These are my links and are updated as often as possible.
Note that this list will be updated as often as necessary/possible, so check back if you need to find something.
3DS Max 4.2
- https://mega.nz/file/mIsHBDgT#6vAISVbH0_p3dGn0SFEG0JSuKTZoONjppU90XEWYk_g (one full download; includes plugins)
- http://www.mediafire.com/folder/qg63bw1sv7abq/3dsmax4_demo (B.L.A.W) (in parts)
The 3DS Max Alchemy, OBJ, and DDS plugin set, with installation instructions
- https://mega.nz/file/fctADbgD#i2c9A7hs9YoEgpgVhzQ4FDm9TNbd7XhDMNRvA8i9tNo
- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fak7yp0a5hyt8jf
GIMP DDS plugin (unnecessary if using GIMP 2.10.10 or higher, see this GIMP blog post for details (https://www.gimp.org/news/2019/04/07/gimp-2-10-10-released/#dds-support))
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/mam0zqsutwawqou/Gimp_DDS_Plugin.rar/file (BaconWizard17)
3DS Max Physique2Skin plugin
- https://mega.nz/file/6RkVzR4R#Ms2fLRzW1pAc7AfUHa5pNROfrRUIh7Veur0vRT5YXJ0
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ardqllk3i5zhutc (MUALover)
Alchemy 2.5 (Full Install)
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/fkclh44hyq9i7f4/Alchemy_2.5_and_Tools.rar/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/fkclh44hyq9i7f4/Alchemy_2.5_and_Tools.rar/file) (BaconWizard17)
Alchemy 5 and Tools (Portable Version - Preferred)
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/auevhslzsgcjt3a/Alchemy5PortableFull.zip/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/auevhslzsgcjt3a/Alchemy5PortableFull.zip/file) (BaconWizard17)
Alchemy 5 and Tools (Full Install)
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/vkd5fq5grqhkt0h/Alchemy_5_and_tools.7z/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/vkd5fq5grqhkt0h/Alchemy_5_and_tools.7z/file) (UltraMegaMagnus)
VMLite XP Mode (Useful to create a VM with WinXP for running 3DS Max 4.2, since it doesn't run on later Windows versions)
- https://mega.nz/file/fA8Uwb6J#KwlpgC7CMa_5oTMXMxKv7JwpXpcUlDhFK57ScH5dfgo
VirtualBox WinXP image preloaded with 3DS Max 5 and Character Studio 4.0
- https://archive.org/details/marvel-mods-xp (Teancum)
OpenHeroSelect (my extensible rewrite of HeroSelect that includes support for the 28, 33, 36, and 50 Character Hacks, recommended over old HeroSelect)
- https://github.com/TheRealPSV/OpenHeroSelect/releases/latest/download/OpenHeroSelect.7z
OpenHeroSelect 32-bit (a version of OpenHeroSelect compatible with older 32-bit systems)
- https://github.com/TheRealPSV/OpenHeroSelect/releases/latest/download/OpenHeroSelect-32.7z
Official Character Pack 2.4
- https://mega.nz/file/bc9XlLSY#WUJP2Tfut9iY1fSsYm_z10LMbdLn5SxFIXyFWUA9fsE
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/tvyp1n9ce5fdou0/OCP+2.4.zip/file (ak2yny)
Official Character Pack 2.4 Optional Files pack
- https://mega.nz/file/DEkAjLbZ#qe71m7vvAob022oQONgOE-N0WmigNiXEw73N0_l1P4c
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/j2ocngbk87ztj8z (ak2yny)
Official Character Pack 1.3 including HeroSelect
- https://mega.nz/file/LEsTSA7A#Nkn45-c_TmosHqnhC5AzjrBsTKcDDsPNb6rWVgdGQow
- http://www.mediafire.com/file/vr9jn1n9k9vckvo/Official+Characters+1.3.rar (Teancum)
Custom X_Voice.zss (version 2018-07-02) (I recommend using this one, as it has many more names implemented)
- https://mega.nz/file/CEsSxKxB#xZK81F1T-sCBRiRWNuXHrh_os8wiTCfB34ffkT9uaHI
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_D9XokDT6RtE05irT-l_XP6oQyifhV-s/view?usp=sharing (ak2yny)
X_Voice.zss (version 2014-09-20)
- https://mega.nz/file/6FExlAoa#5KDfrAW4As3gnjjQ17gPMrvydFprIXjJZdjwpQzW7TM
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/tumqqfxvewyxww1/x_voice_9-20-2014.rar (fox456)
SkinnerUI with SystemDlls (like MFC71.dll) and TextureFinders 1.32 & 2.1 (Setup exe with SystemDLL and TextureFinder folders)
- https://mega.nz/file/CQFF3R4C#qi-sQdJH6TBZbT2zsakj9yN8OVzhg0YLzB99QayLTk0
Just SkinnerUI- http://www.mediafire.com/?h0dccks1aqdupok (B.L.A.W)
- http://www.mediafire.com/?nx0mbg5vbm3afa5 (MUALover)
Just SystemDlls (like MFC71.dll)- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dff2lg823xxp6rm (B.L.A.W)
Just TextureFinders 1.32 & 2.1- http://www.mediafire.com/?9wgvy7mr2xhxykq (B.L.A.W)
- http://www.mediafire.com/?2s949t38aidelcd (Leuou)
Archive of NBA2kStuff's Original Tools (includes the original versions of SkinnerUI 1.1, XMLBCUI 1.0, xmlb-compile 2.2, xmlb-compile batch utilities 2.1, and TextureFinder 2.1)
- https://mega.nz/file/3VkWzaLR#47fZrp6yZsmHuIxS4FODqntUgUyCRWLhEYzdaLtIyXo
ZSM Editor v2.3 by Winstrol
- https://mega.nz/file/PIkAhKII#NsgWmPi3E7m9VZvIkDle_uwrJhHfDLabIVwIruNGL6c
- http://www.mediafire.com/file/tbqzfjob972cfz4 (Ceamonks890)
XML1 xml/eng file ->XML2 xmlb/engb format Conversion Tools by Norrin Radd
- https://mega.nz/file/fNMl2b5A#NUXKCv0WUml5OeKvvadFgP95WwKsv8wYSanUxpV3gvU
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/90cxdcfcx1j281t/NR_xml_conversion_programs.rar/file (BaconWizard17)
MUAPS2Skinner with the offsets and everything
- https://mega.nz/file/bEM1gCaR#j_iID0nkzn14-YIOKS6VHqNEkBlr1vnEcg9lg8GEVSI
- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?993pcnnlshqe1kp
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ottx4o5isgla684 (B.L.A.W)
MUA PS2 skins & skeletons
- https://mega.nz/file/3M9AjbbZ#FmFGp_xXCHo0QSRJpcNg2VuPeP4Xa6PFFCsFc8mIHgU
- http://www.mediafire.com/?yl21tmc1yd4 (nodoubt_jr)
Since the Spider-Man Stark Armor skin and the Deadpool skins don't work right in the package, these links have each:
Spider-Man Stark Armor PS2 skin- https://mega.nz/file/XI1mUb4D#ali7_aiLln8opnF2v3ZDYjMvSIGHFBhMsEHHfDJcJZs
- http://www.mediafire.com/?ikad64aszy7k63p (nodoubt_jr)
Deadpool PS2 skins- https://mega.nz/file/CMdUxCZA#llDqzSiLuafbt5uc1cW9yveAaNI_WjXMgC8GaraDtKw
XML1 PS2 skins & skeletons
- https://mega.nz/file/OcUQHSgY#8NUIqI19HCSM_Rt5k70L07aG_42CftdvQZ5fBCygHsU
- http://www.mediafire.com/?hmwummdw1tn (nodoubt_jr)
XML2 PS2 skins & skeletons
- https://mega.nz/file/KEMXRKwC#jwaYKPK5X2kAdbSHyPGNeUOcWLO1-mSLjxFaOtHbjRY
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jmyzjmo0ohy (nodoubt_jr)
MUA PS2 mannequins
- https://mega.nz/file/uQ8T2QZL#8Te-9vdlSrdc5OvaRD_9ahxhsSlD88iui4Va-LIvRRc
- http://www.mediafire.com/?9d861638e33ukvm (nodoubt_jr)
HUD Template PSD file
- https://mega.nz/file/nclXmRyB#J3Wd0rRjJUcF4oqP5XT1IcWYzCeD_gFWjb094JY3llk
Power Icons Template PSD file
- https://mega.nz/file/LR1jAbxb#BJmAn_haOCpBPkkAqwvjvU3gKsEkBF-rJ0KVyhBUZuk
Movie Creation Tools
- https://mega.nz/file/yRNBjZrZ#bm0jBRFdkZQBQkTM1St1UocmSujJXc-1hPtHflwWUrE
Movie Creation CLI Tools (better for batch conversion, like if you have to deal with a bunch of movies at once)
- https://mega.nz/file/2N1GBDoY#o4QpD2-QnJKCtzmeVBEEqGSUqANCwH4UwLHOcdPT2Ok
Xbox 360 Button icon fix for Xbox 360, Logitech F710, and other Xbox 360-style controllers (fixes broken button icons when using some controllers; just copy the "texs" folder into the MUA installation directory, and replace any files it asks to) by MelloMods
- https://mega.nz/file/2c10iLAJ#KWn2sdFvYvv3RHyp-vFmD3NHzsUB78Q7pYFH3bkqXcw
- https://www.mediafire.com/?4s0i0yxye2g2qax (MelloMods)
Xbox One Controller Button icons (replaces button icons with Xbox One ones; just copy the files into the "texs" folder in the MUA installation directory, and replace any files it asks to) by BaconWizard17
- https://mega.nz/file/TckAwYbC#8AinAD5WDr4y7D0C8t3H18M0A-RI_k5Z-1_0KNDrhjM
- https://www.mediafire.com/?ijp02cockr962vo (BaconWizard17)
PlayStation Controller Button icons (replaces button icons with PlayStation ones; just copy the files into the "texs" folder in the MUA installation directory, and replace any files it asks to) by Medevenx
- https://mega.nz/file/SQUzFa5C#YsHPYafM4J-EvTnZAReg0eMvq_u_5X6pOOpd39ixxtg
- https://mega.nz/#!XkcFAaJA!URrOZ1lgh7ClWkfrKGAPbBnOVYaxuZ7VxRJXoPCMjQo (Medevenx)
Save Game "Settings.dat" File that allows you to start a new game with everything unlocked (useful for testing, but doesn't work with increased roster mods)
- https://mega.nz/file/PY11CDhA#4zoOkTieLZO-lR9laMKpKp0E-GFGbMA-z_S8gPpJqHE
3D Analyzer
- http://www.mediafire.com/?om74vyrlmbe0zo8 (MUALover)
FbBuilder, FbExtractor, CfgBuilder
- https://www.mediafire.com/file/2eq99x8jazuudhj/NR_fb_pack.rar/file (BaconWizard17)
My entire tools folder:
https://mega.nz/folder/vZ1XFIDQ#guTYJddmJ8C34xbJ9A1kEAA folder with a bunch of backup files (If something is missing above, it may be here)
https://mega.nz/#F!gGoBlShb!QFadXu2RzHz53oT3UBSCaQ!NPZhAAoD (LarsAlexandersson)
Special Thanks for hosting the files to:
- Tony Stark
- fox456
- B.L.A.W
- Leuou
- Me (the modder, not myself)
- nodoubt_jr
- MUALover
- Dark_Mark
- Teancum
- MelloMods
- BaconWizard17
- Medevenx
- LarsAlexandersson
- UltraMegaMagnus
- Ceamonks890
- ak2yny
XML1 PS2, XML2 PS2 and MUA1 PS2 Skins and Skeletons, from nodoubt_jr
Here, you will find downloads for every skeleton and skin in XML1 PS2, XML2 PS2, and MUA1 PS2. All these skins and skeletons work in both XML2 PC and MUA1 PC. The purpose of these is to play, reskin and mod with them.
Inside you'll find every skin and every skeleton for every NPC and playable in XML1, 2, and MUA1.
I don't have time to write up what number goes with what skin, so I've included in each download the herostat and npcstat entries so you can look up the skeleton and skin number yourself.
XML1 PS2 Skeletons and Skins
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?hmwummdw1tn
XML2 PS2 Skeletons and Skins
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?jmyzjmo0ohy
Notes: Now if you are wondering why I'm including a download for the XML2 PS2 skins and skeletons when the game already has them the reason is 1) PS2 skins are easier to reskin, you just need two offsets. 2) PS2 skins are higher quality. 3) MUA1 modders and skinners can use the skins in MUA1 for mods or to reskin and the skeletons can be used for conversions or for new mods.
MUA1 PS2 Skeletons and Skins
download: http://www.mediafire.com/?yl21tmc1yd4
UPDATES: The download says that the 0904.IGB, Spider-Man Stark Armor skin was corrupted. Here is a new uncorrupted Stark Armor skin http://www.mediafire.com/?ikad64aszy7k63p.
The PS2 used different skin segment names for Deadpool's guns and swords. Thankfully Cates has fixed it. So for them to show up properly in XML2 and MUA download and use this instead https://www.sendspace.com/file/biaey4
matt710 for ripping the XML2 PS2 skins and skeletons
MUA2 Assets from PS2, from jayglass
MUA2 Assets from Wii, from Teancum
Here are all the usable assets from MUA2. Basically this involves animations, effects, powerstyles and talents. I've included the Textures folder ONLY for reference, so you might be able to find a suitable replacement by file name. Models and Textures DO NOT WORK. Have fun!
Alternate Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ydtxppt1zhl7c8f
THIS IS NOT A MOD!These are files ripped from MUA2 Wii for people to use in making new mods. Don't install this thinking you'll get MUA2 characters. It
WILL screw up your game!
These stuffs are very useful!! Thanks for uploading them! :)
No problem! Please let me know if you have any links or if there are any problems.
THX Hyperman! this is useful. :storm:
Sticky-ed it for you :) This is a really awesome Idea Hyperman, I know I have trouble finding this sometimes since when links go down people usually upload them in random threads.
Quote from: Lightning249539 on January 16, 2013, 04:25PM
THX Hyperman! this is useful. :storm:
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 16, 2013, 04:52PM
Sticky-ed it for you :) This is a really awesome Idea Hyperman, I know I have trouble finding this sometimes since when links go down people usually upload them in random threads.
Thanks, MP. Yeah, no problem, Lightning.
I figured we needed this somewhere. I was thinking there needs to be an... announcement or something somewhere. (Like the announcements thread, for example.)
My plan is to make at least one more set of each of these links.
yh Midnight you right this is post in different areas so it will be much easier to find. Also thx to Hyperman! :storm:
Added some extra links to my DropBox!
Anyone got any more links they can give? Any resource is fine, not necessarily the ones listed here.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on January 17, 2013, 10:31AM
Anyone got any more links they can give? Any resource is fine, not necessarily the ones listed here.
Here a link http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,5039.0.html this link is Skins from XML1 n XML2 n MUA just in case you want their regular skins again. And also manneuins. :storm:
Quote from: Lightning249539 on January 17, 2013, 10:59AM
Here a link http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,5039.0.html this link is Skins from XML1 n XML2 n MUA just in case you want their regular skins again. And also manneuins. :storm:
Thanks, Lightning! I added them, but the Deadpool one is down.
Your welcome! :storm:
3ds max 4 demo please :)
Does this link not work for you?
Never mind, I was using my phone wasn't displaying all of it. Thanks man!
Need the ZSM editor by Winstrol. Link is broken.
Yikes! Never thought to add that tool!
Looks like it's been broken for a few years; how'd I get my hands on it?
Either way, fret not! I'll try to get a copy up within the next 24 hours.
Quote from: Hyperman360 on October 09, 2013, 05:56AM
Yikes! Never thought to add that tool!
Looks like it's been broken for a few years; how d I get my hands on it?
Either way, fret not! I'll try to get a copy up within the next 24 hours.
All set! Added a boatload of fresh links!
Thanks for maintaining this thread, Hyperman360. It's extremely helpful.
Awesome sauce. Thanks!
No problem guys!
Serial + Cd key needed for 3ds max... anyone?
Read this topic http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8927.0.html (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8927.0.html)
Blaw's mediafire files aren't showing up on my computer, and the Cdilla fix doesn't contain a keygen..
Have you try this?:
"You can use this key: 629-12312312".
Yeah, it said that the serial number is invalid ,but its also requesting a cd-key :/
(I downloaded the full pack, including plugins on the first post of this thread btw, not Blaw's upload)
Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2013, 01:52PM
Yeah, it said that the serial number is invalid ,but its also requesting a cd-key :/
(I downloaded the full pack, including plugins on the first post of this thread btw, not Blaw's upload)
Ah, not Blaw's upload. There's not cd-keygen.exe like Blaws version?.
Damn, there was a seperate folder with keygen on it -_-, I was looking for an exe file xd, thanks! xD
Sorry for the double post
I found the keygen, and copied the request code, but it doesn't do anything
even setting 3ds max up is too complicated xD
That's why I link you to Blaw's topic, there's a step by step install process.
Its kinda hard to follow because Blaw packaged things diffrently, Ill try again
Dping again, sorry :(
I cant seem to get past step 8, the program never asks if I want to register or authorize, it immediatly skips to serial/ cd key :P
Pretty sure I threw some instructions inside the mega file for 3ds Max.
I dunno what's going on with me today, lets just say today is not my day xD, I found the instructions, I'm feeling dumb now :P
EDIT : But I dindn't install 3ds max in the first place, because I couldn't find a download link lower then version 5 so the update wont download :/
Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2013, 03:29PM
I dunno what's going on with me today, lets just say today is not my day xD, I found the instructions, I'm feeling dumb now :P
EDIT : But I dindn't install 3ds max in the first place, because I couldn't find a download link for version 4.2, so the update wont download :/
It's the first link under the 3ds Max 4.2 section. The plugins should be included in the file. There should be instructions in it too.
Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2013, 03:29PM
I dunno what's going on with me today, lets just say today is not my day xD
(http://www.image-share.com/upload/2377/105.jpg) (http://www.image-share.com/ijpg-2377-105.html)
Added FbBuilder, FbExtractor, and CfgBuilder. Not really useful to anyone but console modders, but I suppose it's useful if you want to extract stuff from consoles, too.
Thanks to nodoubt_jr, Deadpool's PS2 skins are now available in a usable format!
hey man the texture finder is full of trojan viruses,i can't mod any skin and it is because of the virus.i read every topic that included a link to the texturefinder and all of the links send me to the same file and it has a virus
It sounds to me like your virus scanner is sensing a false positive.
marvel mod tools mediafire link is down.... those anyone else have it?
XMLBCUI links are dead
Quote from: asd12319 on June 03, 2015, 10:25AM
marvel mod tools mediafire link is down.... those anyone else have it?
It hasn't been updated in some time, so you might as well stick to the old methods. Sorry I didn't see this earlier.
Quote from: Rubydup on March 01, 2016, 05:06PM
XMLBCUI links are dead
Did you try the bold links? Both of those work; I just checked.
FB Extractor link dead
Quote from: Kingadam85 on April 27, 2016, 11:46AM
FB Extractor link dead
Marked. If Teancum has another link or someone else can post one, I'll throw it up there.
Added links to MelloMods's Xbox-style controllers fix, and to Medevenx's PS controller mod!
Dropbox is being weird, so I had to replace all my shortlinks for it with new links.
Luckily have the link of FB programs on the knowledge base i made for beyond PC consoles
It's on my knowledge base tutorial.
When I extract texturefinder v2.1, nothing shows up. I've tried all the download links for it. It show up in the archive, but when I extract it, it just doesn't show up.
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on September 27, 2016, 05:56PM
When I extract texturefinder v2.1, nothing shows up. I've tried all the download links for it. It show up in the archive, but when I extract it, it just doesn't show up.
What are you using to extract it?
Right-clicking the file and selecting "Extract Here" with Winrar. Version 1.whatever extracts fine, 2.1 just doesn't for some reason
try opening it in winrar and then extracted it or re download your winrar or 7-zip
Quote from: Kingadam85 on September 28, 2016, 03:06AM
try opening it in winrar and then extracted it or re download your winrar or 7-zip
I've done that, and I know it's not a problem with WinRAR because it extracts everything else fine, even exe's
Il have a another look soon can u try to post a screenie if what it does or a video
Screenshots for TextureFinder Problems
Unrelated: Where do the system DIIs go for SkinnerUI/MUASkinner? It's C:\\Windows, right?
Either run it as a administrator or right click then open and then extract it. if not il extract 2.1 and then il upload as a .zip that you can extract XD
I'll try doing it as administrator, but could you please extract it for me anyway?
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhxQ4RUu_O1r6RSm1gu2tMS7yffJ there you go
Thanks a bunch!
I finally got it to extract, but whenever I try to open it, I get this message:
I've tried running in compatibility mode and as administrator. It just won't take it. In addition, it says the program is a size of 0 bytes. Trying to run it while still compressed (obviously) also produces errors and doesn't work.
are you running 32 bit or 64 bit it should not matter but it could be the problem if your running 32 bit you should download the muaskins for ps2 because they have all the offsets for MUA and can be used in XML2 XD if need any other help private msg me XD
I'm 64 bit. I have the MUAPS2Skinner with the offsets. If I need any others I'll just PM you.
you can always look on the forms because there is always near to all the offsets
I mostly wanted it to find offsets for custom skins, but like I said, I'll just ask someone if I need them
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6t2fdqqs2bq2y6r/NR_fb_pack.rar?dl=0 new link for FB
Link is down for Official Characters 3.1 with heroselect:(
ZSM Editor v2.3 link is down :(
Quote from: Kingadam85 on December 22, 2016, 07:10AM
ZSM Editor v2.3 link is down :(
Does anyone have the Marvel Mods tool download?
I've updated all the broken dropbox links of mine with working Google Drive links! Hopefully these are helpful to someone in the future.
Had I known there were issues, I would have done this sooner. Please don't hesitate to PM or Email me if something here goes down.
I also added the last x_voice file, since it hasn't been updated in some time. Don't want to lose the last one.
Thanks a bunch!
All program links are available here:
BTW i include the fb cfg for PSP ver, in case someone want to convert to pkgb codings
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on February 20, 2017, 10:16PM
All program links are available here:
BTW i include the fb cfg for PSP ver, in case someone want to convert to pkgb codings
Oh nice, you have NRSkinner as well. Not sure what the difference was between that and MUASkinner though.
NRSkinner is useful for retexturing PS2 textured IGBs
I think it and MUA PS2 Skinner might be the same thing then.
They are. I believe MUAPS2Skinner is the whole package with all the skins and offsets included, and NRSkinner is the actual igb decompiler.
Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on February 21, 2017, 07:31AM
NRSkinner is useful for retexturing PS2 textured IGBs
Excuse me, may i know how to write this type of image in "muaskinner.cfg" in MUA Skinner UI correctly so the texture will appear on skinnerui editor, so i can export and edit the texture?
in example for DXT1: 3802.igb,-DXT1,1024,1024,414261.
sorry for my bad explanation, i hope you get this.
I'm sorry if this can be a offtop,but does anyone have link to XML2PS2 Skinner?
Fb extractor link is still dead
Update: I found that link Lars was talking about. http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,9600.msg179542.html#msg179542 (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,9600.msg179542.html#msg179542)
Anyone have the link to Ultimate alphabetizer i cant find it XD
Found it http://www.mediafire.com/file/yokneyumkmy/NR_xml_conversion_programs.rar
Quote from: KingAdam85 on May 13, 2017, 11:01AM
Found it http://www.mediafire.com/file/yokneyumkmy/NR_xml_conversion_programs.rar
What is Ultimate Alphabetizer? If it's important, I can make a backup for this thread.
it helps with converting xml1 xml and eng to xmlb and engb other than that i don't think there is much else the package also includes xmlconverter what does the same and one other thing i have not looked into. i may have got some of this wrong but it is important if someone want to learn how to mod a old xml game. at least that is how i learned. :D
I need a copy of the standard herostat.engb from X-Men Legends II
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 25, 2017, 05:39AM
I need a copy of the standard herostat.engb from X-Men Legends II
I got one I can upload if still needed!
Quote from: KingAdam85 on May 25, 2017, 07:38AM
I got one I can upload if still needed!
Yes please
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 25, 2017, 09:18AM
Yes please
There you go also this link can be added the resource backup if needed.
to anybody who is looking for xmlcui
The Xmlcui [tony] provided is a bad copy. it's missing files. and doesn't work and caused me to reinstall my game twice due to confusion -_-
thankfully Lars provided a link to all the tools, including XMLCUI,
if you're looking for a copy of it
since the site is gone forever, that's your best bet.
there is no other place on the internet except here (and filehosting sites) to get a copy. and unless you want to deal with Heroselect. (which i can't figure out for the life of me), then just download the xmlcui tool from the backup folders containing all tools.
it's version 1.0 but it works.
just go a page back and you'll see the link Lars provided :)
Wow. You do realize all this Marvel Mods stuff is for free right? And the forum members just want to help to keep the site alive?
Nobody will on purpose supply bad files; people here supply resources, creativity, art; all that without asking anything in reward. You can't be so rude, don't bring your frustration on others.
If a link doesn't work or the tool is not working you should just make people notice it, and apparently others already have pointed out, so why are you mad about?.
Well, that's just rude. We have a great community here. As Julio said, it's all for free, and that's amazing IMO, so please don't be like this.
Added tools to create new cutscene videos.
Found the original XMLBcui setup, updated the file in the main post.
Can anyone pass along a cracked exe? I lost mine while reinstalling and the link I used to use no longer works
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 10, 2018, 04:15PM
Can anyone pass along a cracked exe? I lost mine while reinstalling and the link I used to use no longer works
Game exe or a tool's exe?
Quote from: Tony Stark on May 10, 2018, 10:02PM
Game exe or a tool's exe?
Game exe byt ceamonks already sent me one over PM
Anyone able to get 3ds max 4.2 working on win 10 64bit? Im stuck at the update part because mines can't seem to run the setup.exe in the update folder.
Quote from: MarbelMan on May 20, 2018, 09:29PM
Anyone able to get 3ds max 4.2 working on win 10 64bit? Im stuck at the update part because mines can't seem to run the setup.exe in the update folder.
You can try XP compatibility mode but you're most likely going to have to run it in an XP VM. Try VMLite XP Mode.
Quote from: Tony Stark on May 20, 2018, 11:30PM
...you're most likely going to have to run it in an XP VM. Try VMLite XP Mode.
It's how I've got it running, and it's working fine.
VMLite is free, and pretty easy to set up, and is Sooooo much easier than a multi-O/S, multi-boot system.
There is a problem with the c-dilla licencing software that Max 4 and 5 use, and the problem is both with newer operating systems like win10, but also with any non-IDE hard drives (ie SATA), as it writes a small bit of code into the boot sector of the drive, which can't happen in Win 10, and goes in a different place on a SATA drive.
Quote from: thetommyboy2002 on May 20, 2018, 11:39PM
It's how I've got it running, and it's working fine.
VMLite is free, and pretty easy to set up, and is Sooooo much easier than a multi-O/S, multi-boot system.
There is a problem with the c-dilla licencing software that Max 4 and 5 use, and the problem is both with newer operating systems like win10, but also with any non-IDE hard drives (ie SATA), as it writes a small bit of code into the boot sector of the drive, which can't happen in Win 10, and goes in a different place on a SATA drive.
I need to remember to upload a copy of VMLite XP Mode just in case the website ever goes away.
A couple days late, but wanted to say thanks for the help. really appreciate it!
Quote from: MarbelMan on May 26, 2018, 04:22PM
A couple days late, but wanted to say thanks for the help. really appreciate it!
Happy to help!
Uploaded a new copy of SkinnerUI as a setup exe, with the required System DLLs and TextureFinders in the folder, since the old exe I uploaded was somehow flagged.
Also uploaded a copy of the installer for VMLite XP Mode, which is great for running 3DS Max 4.2 on a modern PC.
Quote from: Tony Stark on June 09, 2018, 01:38PM
Uploaded a new copy of SkinnerUI as a setup exe, with the required System DLLs and TextureFinders in the folder, since the old exe I uploaded was somehow flagged.
Hi, there! Is there anyway you could reupload the SkinnerUI setup exe Drive file? It got flagged again and I didn't manage to snag it in time.
The GIMP DDS plugin is missing from this list. Can someone give it to me?
Edit: I copied it over from my old laptop. It would be nice to have it on the list though.
Hello I hope I'm not late for the party...My MUAskinner suddenly stopped working propperly, something about permission denied and "cannot read xxxx.bat"...I was wondering if anyone still has any later version of it (I have 1.1)...thanks people
It looks like my Official Characters Pack and x_voice.zss are out of date. Could someone confirm that for me?
Alright, looks like x_voice was fine, but I uploaded the latest Official Characters Pack and reuploaded SkinnerUI's pack with encryption/password, since it keeps getting flagged as a virus. Hopefully that prevents SkinnerUI from disappearing now.
I managed to find the original releases of most of NBA2kStuff's tools (like SkinnerUI and XMLBCUI)! Added to the main post!
http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4716.0.html (http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,4716.0.html)
Does anyone have the download for this?
Added a link to my OpenHeroSelect project.
Added a second set of movie creation tools, these are used through the command line and are much better for batch work.
Blaws link to starters.psd in his hud tutorial is down. I'm trying to make a hud.
Quote from: deadjoke on February 18, 2020, 11:54AM
Blaws link to starters.psd in his hud tutorial is down. I'm trying to make a hud.
Look closer at the backup list:
Quote from: Tony Stark on January 15, 2013, 08:31PM
HUD Template PSD file
- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9oAovZ2U61ZdHdCbXpTZFVCWE0
Well excuse meee for looking for the exact name of what blaw instructed to download to ensure that I find and download the correct files lmfao I'm new to this s**t
And thank you.
A lot of those links are dead now because of how old they are, that's why this thread exists. Most if not all modding tools should be in the first post in the thread, you just have to look closely. It's just a big list so I understand it can be hard to find things at first glance.
Added Norrin Radd's old XML1->XML2 conversion tools, thanks to BaconWizard17.
Xbox 360 Button icon fix for Xbox 360, Logitech F710, and other Xbox 360-style controllers (fixes broken button icons when using some controllers; just copy the "texs" folder into the MUA installation directory, and replace any files it asks to) by MelloMods
https://www.mediafire.com/?4s0i0yxye2g2qax (MelloMods)
So the Problem here, for me, is the Download is an exact copy of the icons in the game that are messed up. The "A B X Y" icons are in the same place as the original messed up version. most of the other buttons are unchanged as well.
It says ZSM editor is infected with a virus, and isn't letting me download it.
Could you reupload it or something?
Fortunately, I made a backup of it within my public MarvelMods community archives. Until the issue is resolved, use this link to obtain ZSM Editor for the time being- http://www.mediafire.com/file/tbqzfjob972cfz4/Uploaded_2013-09-10_ZSMsoundeditor.zip/file
EDIT: Added said link to the main post as well.
Thanks for letting me know, the ZSM Editor should work now. It's encrypted with a password now so it should avoid the scan.
All my links are now hosted on Mega.
The Virtual Machine is down. Can you bring it back up?
Nevermind, Teancum put the Virtual Machine on Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/marvel-mods-xp
The link has been updated