Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: iammingy on August 26, 2007, 09:57PM

Title: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on August 26, 2007, 09:57PM
By downloading this mod, you agree that:
1. You will NOT share this mod outside of
2. You will NOT sell this mod for money or any other form of privileges.



Feedbacks and comments are appreciated! Useless spam is NOT appreciated and is NOT tolerated. :)

Update in 1.5: [January 27th, 2007 - present]: :shehulk:
- Includes power and voice sounds
- Removed the fist boltons.
- All skins that have bump-maps are now bump-mapped
- A new Fanstic Four costume as 4th skin and mannequin
- A few Talents and Powerstyle modifications
* Thanks Teancum for putting together the sound files and other members' discoveries in making custom sound/voice sets!!! *

Classic costume as mannequin:
- put this in Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\ui\models\mannequin

Notes for previous updates that are no longer applicable to the current version:

Modern costume skin fix:
FIX [December 6, 2007]:
* fixes most of the flaws in the previous version (edges of gloves, bottom of shoes, uneven edges in the purple part of the costume)
* uses PS2 model; it has higher-res than the previous version (because the PC version doesn't have spec/bump maps anyway)
- download, decompress, and put this skin in: \Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\actors

Update in 1.4:
* New fist boltons and talents description update.
PATCH [October 10, 2007]:
- put the fist boltons in: \Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\models\bolton
- and the updated talents in: \Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\data\talents

Known issue in 1.2: (RESOLVED)
* All passives remain at zero or negative values regardless of the amount of money spent in upgrades.
FIX [October 1st, 2007]:
- put this in \Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\data\talents

Known issue in 1.1: (RESOLVED)
* The S.H.I.E.L.D. HUD looks ugly.
FIX [September 8th, 2007]:
- put this in \Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\hud

Known issue in 1.0: (RESOLVED)
* The grab-smash freezes because I gave you guys the wrong version of the herostat entry... lol Sorry.
FIX [August 28, 2007]: Replace the old herostat entry with this herostat entry. I don't think you need to start a new game if you keep using the same slot.

   stats {
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = bruiser ;
   body = 7 ;
   canthrowally = true ;
   characteranims = 159_shehulk ;
   charactername = She-Hulk ;
   ignoreboundsscaling = true ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 10 ;
   mind = 4 ;
   name = SheHulk ;
   playable = true ;
   powerstyle = ps_shehulk ;
   scale_factor = 1.15 ;
   scaleattacks = true ;
   scriptlevel = 3 ;
   skin = 15905 ;
   skin_01_name = Modern ;
   skin_02 = 06 ;
   skin_02_name = S.H.I.E.L.D. ;
   skin_03 = 07 ;
   skin_03_name = Classic ;
   skin_04 = 08 ;
   skin_04_name = Attorney ;
   sounddir = spidwm_m ;
   strength = 10 ;
   team = hero ;
   textureicon = 5 ;
      Race {
      name = Mutant ;

      Race {
      name = XMen ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = block ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = might ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = healing_factor ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = grab ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = lukec_grabsma ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = melee_moves ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = fightstyle_default ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = shehulk_p1 ;


Please refer to the readme included in the download.


5 skins: (from left) Modern, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Classic, Fantastic Four, Attorney

One bonus skin used in "Seduction":

icons (powers listed below), HUD for the modern costume (others not shown):

1. Jab
2. Rapid Punch Burst
3. Hypocenter
4. Hammer Toss
5. Elbow Drop
6. Seduction (boost)
7. Gamma Power (boost)
8. Corkscrew Splash (Xtreme)
* As I have mentioned earlier, this mod is at least ~80% based on Luke Cage.

mannequin (default):

mannequin (Classic costume, get it from the link above):

loading screen for She-Hulk:

That's it for She-Hulk for now! Enjoy~ :shehulk:

My other mods released:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: Onua on August 27, 2007, 03:24AM
It's great mod  :shehulk:  :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:  ! ! ! But I thinks hud for shield skin is strange.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: Teancum on August 27, 2007, 06:44AM
Mingy, you seriously are the next superstar modder.  Well done.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: nodoubt_jr on August 27, 2007, 10:59AM
looks great :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: cable2099 on August 27, 2007, 11:18AM
So is the Attorney costume suppose to be scary for the villians? ;)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: iammingy on August 27, 2007, 01:11PM
Quote from: Onua on August 27, 2007, 03:24AM
It's great mod  :shehulk:  :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:  ! ! ! But I thinks hud for shield skin is strange.

Thanks. I agree with you 100%. Do you have a better pic of She-Hulk in the SHIELD costume? I can make a new HUD fairly easily. :)

EDIT: Already uploaded a new one.... I hope you like it!!!

Quote from: Teancum on August 27, 2007, 06:44AM
Mingy, you seriously are the next superstar modder.  Well done.

Quote from: nodoubt_jr on August 27, 2007, 10:59AM
looks great :)

Thank you. ^^

Quote from: cable2099 on August 27, 2007, 11:18AM
So is the Attorney costume suppose to be scary for the villians? ;)

Nope, not really... :P
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: R0GUE on August 27, 2007, 03:28PM
I played it some last night around homework. Its awesome! W000T!
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: iammingy on August 27, 2007, 03:59PM
I am glad you like it since you are the first person requested it. :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: jonchang on August 28, 2007, 02:12AM
Shulkie's loadscreen is awesome! And this mod looks great! :shehulk: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: Ash Ravenscar on August 28, 2007, 03:09AM
Fantastic mod.  Having great fun with it but have found one bug: shulkies strong throw freezes after the first smash of the enemy into the floor.  The only way to unfreeze is to have another team member kill the downed opponent.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: cable2099 on August 28, 2007, 07:34AM
I am wonderng how you were able to do such a geat load screen?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: Teancum on August 28, 2007, 08:23AM
A combination of using TextureFinder (to find the texture offsets), SkinnerUI (to be able to export and import the textures from the offsets you find) and a high-quality graphic editing program like Photoshop or GIMP (GIMP is free).  Iammingy's really good with Photoshop, so (from I can tell) he took two different existing Shulkie pics and did some editing to layer one on the other.

Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.0
Post by: iammingy on August 28, 2007, 05:21PM
Quote from: Ash Ravenscar on August 28, 2007, 03:09AM
Fantastic mod.  Having great fun with it but have found one bug: shulkies strong throw freezes after the first smash of the enemy into the floor.  The only way to unfreeze is to have another team member kill the downed opponent.

The grab-smash freezes you mean? I thought I fixed it? @_@

EDIT: I know why now.

EDIT2: I think I have fixed the grab-smash bug. See the fix above. Please let me know whether it works or not. Thank you! :bowdown:

Quote from: Midnight Curse on August 28, 2007, 02:12AM
Shulkie's loadscreen is awesome! And this mod looks great! :shehulk: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Thank you! :)

Quote from: Teancum on August 28, 2007, 08:23AMhe took two different existing Shulkie pics and did some editing to layer one on the other.

Exactly! :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.1 (grab-smash fix)
Post by: jonchang on August 28, 2007, 06:44PM
Quote from: Ash Ravenscar on August 28, 2007, 03:09AM
Fantastic mod.  Having great fun with it but have found one bug: shulkies strong throw freezes after the first smash of the enemy into the floor.  The only way to unfreeze is to have another team member kill the downed opponent.

Yeah I know. Great mod isn't it?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.1 (grab-smash fix)
Post by: cable2099 on August 29, 2007, 09:37AM
BTW I was noticing in her code above that it says that she is a mutant and that she belongs to the X-Men. The last I checked she was neither a mutant nor an X-Man. :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.1 (grab-smash fix)
Post by: boreman on August 29, 2007, 11:26AM
Those are reminiscent of XML2 herostat entries, if you take the time you'll see EVERYONE has mutant and X-Men values there (except for SP and MN, I think they're the only ones that have Brotherhood). But it does nothing as far as has been tested months ago.

More info in the "Understandig herostat.engb" in the MUA Knowledge Base forum.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.1 (grab-smash fix)
Post by: cable2099 on August 29, 2007, 12:10PM
Ok did not know if it was a mistake or what but thanks for the explanation.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: iammingy on September 08, 2007, 07:16PM
New HUD for the SHIELD costume:


Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: jonchang on September 08, 2007, 07:22PM
Nice. Looks great on Shulkie.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: Onua on September 26, 2007, 06:05AM
I've got a problem with you mod. She-Hulk (I remplace her skin with Hulk skins) haven't got healing factor and might !!

look :

Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: Gevth on September 26, 2007, 11:31AM
Change the herostat, adding both might and healing factor to She-Hulk's entry. Wolverine has both, so just a simple copy/paste will do. Btw, you have to start the game again. Otherwise, some things won't work right (like having Flight, even tough she can't fly).
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: iammingy on September 26, 2007, 11:55AM
Why did you add flight?  :laugh:

Quote from: Gevth on September 26, 2007, 11:31AM
Change the herostat, adding both might and healing factor to She-Hulk's entry. Wolverine has both, so just a simple copy/paste will do. Btw, you have to start the game again. Otherwise, some things won't work right (like having Flight, even tough she can't fly).

Thanks Gevth! :)

Switching skins is not recommended in this mod...
If you use skins that aren't from this mod, then "Seduction" might NOT work correctly unless that skin you replace is properly numbered in an hex-editor. The 50% resistance will still be activated, there will still be hearts flying around her, but you may get a surprise when the boost ends:

1. Boost starts: She-Hulk takes off her clothes.
2. She-Hulk in bikini.
3. Boost ends: She-Hulk becomes Fin Fang Foom... :rofl:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: Onua on September 26, 2007, 12:49PM
He's not my add flight. And I'm remplace she-hulk bikini to bruce banner skin
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: iammingy on September 26, 2007, 01:59PM
But it clearly says "flight" in your screenshot? @^@

EDIT: Never mind, you used a different menu location than the previous one. hehe

If you did that skin-swap correctly, you shouldn't be seeing Tommy's HULK skin in the menu at all.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: ThatGuy on September 26, 2007, 02:30PM
That happens when you add might and healing factor after passing a certain point in the game. Rather than the change being implemented, it shows up showing flight, but the character will not be able to fly (nor with they have a healing factor or might). You may have to start the game over to make it work right (or at least start from an earlier point). :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: Kingdom on October 01, 2007, 06:59AM
Great mod, but I've noticed that the passive abilities for the costumes display (and use) the wrong values(IE, resistance dispays a 0 and never improves. Health regen gives a 0, and power damage starts at -%100 with no change). I've examined the talent file for errors, but the stats are properly defined.  I even copied other characters stats, but to no avail.  I redownloaded the mod again to check if I installed something improperly, but had the same results.  Does anyone else have this problem?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: iammingy on October 01, 2007, 11:23AM
Really? Can you try starting a new game with default stats?

Sorry, I am not using my PC at the moment. :(
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: Kingdom on October 01, 2007, 12:30PM
I've tried that as well, but no dice.  No other custom character has this problem.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: iammingy on October 01, 2007, 12:44PM
ok, let take a look at mine when I get home.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: Kingdom on October 01, 2007, 12:50PM
I appreciate it.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.2 (new HUD)
Post by: iammingy on October 01, 2007, 07:59PM
I fixed it!!! Download this talent file:

and put it in:

\Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\data\talents

Thanks alot for your feedback, Kingdom!!! Sorry for the bug, but I learned something today. :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.3 (passives fix)
Post by: Kingdom on October 02, 2007, 08:40AM
Great job.  Thanks for the awesome character.  If you don't mind me asking, what was wrong?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.3 (passives fix)
Post by: iammingy on October 02, 2007, 09:05AM
You are welcome. :)

The problem is that the game only likes 5-letter character names for outfit. For example, "shehulk_outfit22" doesn't work, but "shulk_outfit22" works. Thanks for pointing out the bug once again. :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.3 (passives fix)
Post by: Kingdom on October 02, 2007, 09:10AM
No prob.  This is off topic, but maybe you can help me with loading screens.  I'm trying to create extra ones for the game and tried following someone's forum guide, but I'm lost when it comes to using skinnerui.  The program crashes when I attempt to load a screen or import a file, even though I enter what I assume are the correct offsets.  Any idea why?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.3 (passives fix)
Post by: iammingy on October 02, 2007, 11:19AM
1. Make sure the file name matches the one in the CFG file; it's case-sensitive.
For example,
0901.igb != 0901.IGB

2. Make sure there is an empty line at the end of the CFG entry.
For example,
<empty line here>

3. For importing BMP/DDS files, make sure the CFG entry for that particular file does NOT have a dash "-" in front of DXT1(or 3 or 5). SkinnerUI crashes every time I include that dash when importing files, but it's fine for exports. @_@ So, you must reverse the color channels from RGB to BGR before importing, just like that blue Carnage pic I provided in the tutorial.

If you still have problems, then you can ask for help in that guide. Good luck. :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: iammingy on October 10, 2007, 09:13PM
"Steel Fists" is now replaced with "Power Gloves", which feature new boltons.

Replace the old boltons and talents with the new ones in the patch:

- put the fist boltons in: \Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\models\bolton
- and the updated talents in: \Activision\Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\data\talents

This confirms that Norrin Radd's PS2Skinner is fully functional down to 32x32-pixel dds. :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: msmarvel2007 on October 11, 2007, 08:51AM
IMO She-Hulk with big fists does not look right with her. I am sorry but I think that is better for Mr. Fantastic and not She-Hulk. Dont get me wrong I like playing with her on the PC but to me that part of her does not fit her or even look right with her.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: iammingy on October 11, 2007, 11:27AM
Thanks for the suggestion. :)

I just want a glove-like bolton to imitate those SHIELD gadgets in comics. I can change them to something else easily. What do you prefer? :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: msmarvel2007 on October 11, 2007, 12:46PM
Probably just normal fists! But pack more of a punch :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: iammingy on October 11, 2007, 01:12PM
Ok, I will just add an aura or something like that. Are you satisfied with the powers?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: Venom on October 11, 2007, 05:11PM
nice work iammingy as always ill hav to download sometime and test it out
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: msmarvel2007 on October 11, 2007, 07:11PM
The powers are fine just the giant hands was the thing for me. Thanks for changing it. :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: Venom on October 11, 2007, 07:14PM
lol i liked the big hands looked like she was gonna 1 hit ko u and u would still be feeling it..
but it didnt matter
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: Serph21 on October 11, 2007, 07:50PM
maybe it's got to do with the colors of the glove? try changing it to purple too just a suggestion.

EDIT: that glove reminds me of hellboy's hands. :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: Venom on October 11, 2007, 07:55PM
yeh i reckon if the purple the would go with it

havnt seen hellboy movie in ages
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: msmarvel2007 on October 11, 2007, 08:08PM
The color has nothing to do with it it is the size. It makes her look more freakish than anything. If it was for the Hulk or Mr. Fantastic or even for an Iron Man armor that would be different.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: Venom on October 11, 2007, 08:22PM
well if it was like half the size and a colour that blended with she-hulk
it would be alot better but iammingys work is awesome anyway
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: iammingy on October 11, 2007, 10:27PM
Quote from: msmarvel2007 on October 11, 2007, 08:08PM
The color has nothing to do with it it is the size. It makes her look more freakish than anything. If it was for the Hulk or Mr. Fantastic or even for an Iron Man armor that would be different.

I get what you mean and I agree with you. :)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: Serph21 on October 12, 2007, 06:55AM
well if you dont like the idea of the gloves blending with she-hulk then maybe change it to a more metallic-looking color. i recall mingy said he was going for one of those shield gadgets.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: The Layman on December 02, 2007, 06:43PM
I really love this mod!!  It's one of my favorites.  I installed her and played her for 3 hours, last night!  One thing that I would love to see, though, is a skin of her in her Fantastic Four costume.  Remember when she replaced the Thing for a while, after the Secret Wars?  I think it would be a better choice than the lawyer skin.  And maybe she could be interchangeable with the Thing to get the FF bonus, when she's in that costume.  Anyway, I'm a fan.  She-Hulk rocks!  Thanks for making her.


PS -- Regarding the huge powergloves. . .  I kinda' like them.  It reminds me of the 80s era She-Hulk that had so much humor in it, and I think it's sort of along the same line as her "seduction" taunt.  It's a good gag.    Although, I can't figure out why she would need to have powergloves. 
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: iammingy on December 05, 2007, 05:39PM
Thanks for the kind words!!! :shehulk:
I am working on the F4 costume, which is based on Invisible Woman. So, she will have shorter hair and diffrent hair style... but I am working very slowly...
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (new gloves)
Post by: iammingy on December 06, 2007, 05:31PM
Skin fix of the Modern Costume only:

- fixes most of the flaws in the previous version (edges of gloves, bottom of shoes, uneven edges in the purple part of the costume)
- uses PS2 model; it has higher-res than the previous version (because the PC version doesn't have spec/bump maps anyway)
* download, decompress, and put this skin in the actors folder

Btw, I think I can add a new team called "Heroes for Hire" consisting of Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and She-Hulk, etc.

Since I can use one more set of anims in the fightstyle slot, I can change Shulkie's powers a bit to deviate from Luke Cage's. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: Teancum on December 20, 2007, 07:41AM
Here's an update for She-Hulk that will give her her own voice and power sounds.

QuoteExtract the files (except for this readme) to your Marvel - Ultimate Alliance folder

In order for all of She-Hulk's sounds to play, you need to edit one line in her herostat entry.


   sounddir = spidwm_m ;


   sounddir = shehlk_m ;


Big thanks to Iammingy for a great mod.  Definitely was one that deserves sounds.  She's also getting menu break sounds for the character select screen when the next Official Characters Mod update comes out.

Iammingy, can you update your mod with these files?  All I changed was adding sounds and referencing them in the powerstyle.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: iammingy on December 20, 2007, 12:21PM
Quote from: Teancum on December 20, 2007, 07:41AM
Here's an update for She-Hulk that will give her her own voice and power sounds.

QuoteExtract the files (except for this readme) to your Marvel - Ultimate Alliance folder

In order for all of She-Hulk's sounds to play, you need to edit one line in her herostat entry.


   sounddir = spidwm_m ;


   sounddir = shehlk_m ;


Big thanks to Iammingy for a great mod.  Definitely was one that deserves sounds.  She's also getting menu break sounds for the character select screen when the next Official Characters Mod update comes out.

Iammingy, can you update your mod with these files?  All I changed was adding sounds and referencing them in the powerstyle.

I will upadate this with other fixes, too. Thank you very much!!!
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: parrastaka on December 20, 2007, 04:04PM
woah great work I just love her new voice. Seems to fit perfectly!

Quote from: Teancum on December 20, 2007, 07:41AMDefinitely was one that deserves sounds.  She's also getting menu break sounds for the character select screen when the next Official Characters Mod update comes out.

And sorry but... when's that??? for some people here there is more hype with these mods than with GTA 4.

Any estimate? Q1? Q2?

Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: iammingy on December 20, 2007, 04:48PM
Quote from: parrastaka on December 20, 2007, 04:04PM
woah great work I just love her new voice. Seems to fit perfectly!

Quote from: Teancum on December 20, 2007, 07:41AMDefinitely was one that deserves sounds.  She's also getting menu break sounds for the character select screen when the next Official Characters Mod update comes out.

Q4............ 2007? :P
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: Teancum on December 20, 2007, 09:05PM
Quote from: parrastaka on December 20, 2007, 04:04PM
woah great work I just love her new voice. Seems to fit perfectly!

Quote from: Teancum on December 20, 2007, 07:41AMDefinitely was one that deserves sounds.  She's also getting menu break sounds for the character select screen when the next Official Characters Mod update comes out.

And sorry but... when's that??? for some people here there is more hype with these mods than with GTA 4.

Any estimate? Q1? Q2?


Well, we have to find some Hulk sounds, but I can't extract them from MUA360 (due to the 360's sound format), nor can I extract them from 'Hulk' or 'Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction'.  As soon as we get some Hulk sounds he's done.  Venom's pretty much done except for his last DLC skin and a few power sounds I need to make.  And Dr Doom needs power sounds and I *think* one skin. 

So basically if someone can get me Hulk sounds we can really speed this along.  We're talking 2 skins total and some sounds before the next version.  But if I don't have Hulk sounds we probably won't see a release very soon.  Dunno on that though, BliZZ is project lead, so that's up to him.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: parrastaka on December 21, 2007, 02:08AM
I have a very 'beasty' friend. What if I record him saying: Hulk angry!
little bad robots, Hulk destroys!
and some other quotes :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: muafan on January 15, 2008, 11:37AM
please get a originskin ( hospital gown)
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: iammingy on January 15, 2008, 12:12PM
hospital gown? you mean savage She-Hulk?

Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: parrastaka on January 15, 2008, 01:12PM
maybe he's been misled by John Byrne's graphic novel, I think there is a robe Shulkie there, after the infamous Shield examination...

I cannot find a pic online although I tried.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: muafan on January 15, 2008, 04:21PM
yup savage she-hulk
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.4 (Modern costume fix, see p.4)
Post by: iammingy on January 15, 2008, 06:22PM
Quote from: muafan on January 15, 2008, 04:21PM
yup savage she-hulk

Sure, I can do that. I will include the Savage and the F4 costumes in the mod when I finish updating. :shehulk:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc.)
Post by: iammingy on January 27, 2008, 02:21PM
Just made an update, see first post.

EDIT: I notice that the bump-map at the finger/hand region of a few skins are screwy. This is very minor, I will look into that when I have time. I am trying to put all my time and effort into Blackheart and Taskmaster now....
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc.)
Post by: Onua on January 28, 2008, 10:25AM
Great ! But can you give me the classic mannequin please ? I prefer it.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc.)
Post by: iammingy on January 31, 2008, 11:49AM
Sure, I will make one without the black stuff soon.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on February 01, 2008, 01:28AM
Ok... here is Onua's request, our big green girl's classic costume as mannequin. See 1st page for download link. :shehulk:

Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Onua on February 01, 2008, 10:39AM
Oh thx !
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: muafan on February 01, 2008, 02:12PM
and now ever since i installed shulkie whenever there is dialouge the game frezes> help!
i think its in  the herostat so i'm ataching my herostat (in 2 parts way2 big) so u can point out if theres anything rong
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on February 01, 2008, 06:48PM
When ever there is a dialogue, the game freezes... I presume you are stuck with the first dialogue with Scorpion. Am I correct? So, it's just stuck there and nothing moves? or are you saying the game crashed?

Either way, I have no idea what's going on.... May be you can take a screenshot at the part you got stuck?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: muafan on February 03, 2008, 11:15AM
Quote from: iammingy on February 01, 2008, 06:48PM
May be you can take a screenshot at the part you got stuck?

no my computer is giving me trouble with  inserting pic into messaages... anyhoo..
i can move, but,  scorpy;'s damage does note show, also he cant move!
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on February 03, 2008, 01:25PM
Hmm... I looked at your herostat. It looks fine to me. You have 25 characters and the format is ok. It shouldn't be the herostat...
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: muafan on February 04, 2008, 12:45PM
anybody know wats rongz?  can move, but,  scorpy;'s damage does note show, also he cant move
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on February 04, 2008, 02:11PM
Quote from: muafan on February 04, 2008, 12:45PM
anybody know wats rongz?  can move, but,  scorpy;'s damage does note show, also he cant move

Can you check whether "40_scorpion.igb" is in the "actors" folder or not and the last-modified date?
I know I didn't modify scorpion's files.... :lickout:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: muafan on February 04, 2008, 02:31PM
Quote from: iammingy on February 04, 2008, 02:11PM
Can you check whether "40_scorpion.igb" is in the "actors" folder or not
yes well... its every mini-boss it happens with mysterio 2 (IN MY OLD GAMEp) SO...
WAIT... it mite not havta do with  :shehulk:.... wood creating an npcstat.xml afect ths? hmmm...
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on February 04, 2008, 02:41PM
Yes, it might. Try replacing the npcstat with the one from your back-up.

EDIT: Since this is getting offtopic. You can continue via PM if you want.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Captain Vlad on February 10, 2008, 02:57AM
Is it possible to copy the 1.5 data files into the MUA directories you installed 1.4 into and play without modifying the herostat?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on February 10, 2008, 03:06AM
Yes, but you will miss a 5th skin. You should also copy all the files from the actors folder, too. The attorney costume is the 5th costume now while the Fantastic 4 costume is the 4th.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Rasdel on February 19, 2008, 11:48AM
Great MOD! Simply one of my favorites!!!

I have add some suggestions in this other post (should've been here XD):

Anyway, keep up the good work!!!

Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: NIC_E_M on March 02, 2008, 11:52PM
The skins are numbered from 15905 to 11. If I change them to 15901 to 6, that shouldn't mess them up, right?

EDIT: My bad. Looked through the IGB List and saw the Female Worker.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on March 03, 2008, 12:26AM
15905 = Modern
15906 = SHIELD
15907 = Classic
15908 = Fantastic Four
15909 = Attorney
15911 = Bikini

You can swap all of them around except the Bikini costume as long as you don't renumber 9696, 9697, and 9698 to something else.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Rasdel on March 07, 2008, 09:26AM

Which meshes did you use?

I know that the Modern is based on Black Widow, but i can't figure out the others... i think 2 of them are based on Spider Woman w/o the "web-wings"... but i am not sure...


1º- Making all skin colors match.
Just to make her look like changing clothes, not "skin tones".

2º- IF it's possible, making the faces look more similar, or even use the same mesh for some of the skins... example: Modern/Shield/Classic could use the same mesh... since they need no specific boltons (the gloves can be skinned since they are skin-tight:
And, BTW in 2 of her skins (shield & clasic) she looks like she has 3 fingers :S (Like a TMNT)... Maybe skinning the hands of her FF costume ON TOP of the other two could fix it...

3º- Savage Shulkie? XD

No need to be a "torn dress" it could be more like a swin-suit with torn ends or something... sorry, but i had to ask again ^^

BTW, is there ANY simply & easy way to "remove" some of her skins? Cause i only want 4 skins... not 5 ;)

Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on March 07, 2008, 02:31PM
Quote from: Rasdel on March 07, 2008, 09:26AM

Which meshes did you use?

I know that the Modern is based on Black Widow, but i can't figure out the others... i think 2 of them are based on Spider Woman w/o the "web-wings"... but i am not sure...

I wish those were Spider-Woman w/o wings. I love Spider-woman's body. They aren't; only the mannequin is. The rest are Medusa and Invisible Woman.


1º- Making all skin colors match.
Just to make her look like changing clothes, not "skin tones".

You know what? I purposely made them different colors.... The more recent "costumes" (Modern, SHIELD) have a bright-neon green body color, just like those in Greg Horn's arts. The older costumes (Classic, F4) are yellower, just like the way she was in her early appearances.

Quote2º- IF it's possible, making the faces look more similar, or even use the same mesh for some of the skins... example: Modern/Shield/Classic could use the same mesh... since they need no specific boltons (the gloves can be skinned since they are skin-tight:

Shield and Classic already uses the same base skin. They have the same face except Classic has a wee bit more eye shadow around her eye. I didn't use the same base skin for the Modern because I want a skin with a different hair-style.

And, BTW in 2 of her skins (shield & clasic) she looks like she has 3 fingers :S (Like a TMNT)... Maybe skinning the hands of her FF costume ON TOP of the other two could fix it...

I already mention it in this thread, please read back.

3º- Savage Shulkie? XD

No need to be a "torn dress" it could be more like a swin-suit with torn ends or something... sorry, but i had to ask again ^^

I am working on that already...

BTW, is there ANY simply & easy way to "remove" some of her skins? Cause i only want 4 skins... not 5 ;)


1. Don't pick the 5th one, then you won't see
2. Just delete the entry for the 5th costume in the herostat

   skin_05 = 09 ;
   skin_05_name = Attorney ;
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on March 19, 2008, 03:53PM
This is a list of She-Hulk's power in v1.5 (nothing new):

1. Jab
2. Rapid Punch Burst
3. Hypocenter --> ????
4. Hammer Toss
5. Elbow Drop
6. Seduction (boost)
7. Gamma Power (boost)
8. Corkscrew Splash (Xtreme)

If I were to replace #3 and #8 with something else to make the mod less Powerman-esque, then what power do you want me to give her...? I am keeping other powers for sure. I just want some ideas.

EDIT: Never mind about the Xtreme. :P

EDIT: Never mind again, it's done. :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: becoming_myself on May 29, 2008, 12:47PM
What skins of the mod are in PS2 format and what other are in PC?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on May 29, 2008, 05:15PM
Quote from: becoming_myself on May 29, 2008, 12:47PM
What skins of the mod are in PS2 format and what other are in PC?

Modern, FF, and Attorney are using PS2 models.
SHIELD, Class, and Bikini are using PC models.
However, they all work in the PC version of MUA.

... still working on the update... :(
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: urthman on June 27, 2008, 11:16PM
Great job on this mod.  She-Hulk looks great and is fun to play.  The bikini seduction power is hilarious.

Thank you for all your work on this mod!  You've done an awful lot to make an awesome game even more awesome.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Achilles on August 31, 2009, 07:28PM
Quote from: Teancum on August 27, 2007, 06:44AM
Mingy, you seriously are the next superstar modder.  Well done.
Quote from: Teancum on August 27, 2007, 06:44AM
Mingy, you seriously are the next superstar modder.  Well done.
yea!!!! This mod totally kicks ass even though I hate she hulk cause she fights you on the anti registration side as a mini boss in mua 2 and I'm siding with anti but still have to appreciate this. :abyss:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Kano9 on December 07, 2009, 07:58AM
I don't want to bump this thread but i gotta speak on the sassy cousin of the incredible hulk. Iammingy, you've done a terrific job with Jen but i did notice when you use the hammer toss special you can hear Luke Cage laughing??? Now i know that your still working hard on her and that she's based off of Luke... it's just something for the next update to fix. By the way, I personally love the color of Jen's skin in the FF4 costume, it's really realistic... hope you choose to re-color all of her costumes with such a rich color (reminds me of the 80's Ninja turtles). :shehulk:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on December 09, 2009, 05:26PM
Haha, actually I am removing that hammer toss move in v1.6.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Pooltastic on December 29, 2009, 09:50PM
She-Hulk SMASH!
I know you made what, like 5 costumes for her already but i was wondering if you could make her last outfit in volume 2?
You know the white, with purple sides, short top and purple pants.
I like to call it her "bounty hunter" outfit.
kinda, but not exactly, like this


Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Kano9 on January 05, 2010, 07:57PM
Mingy, If you delete the Luke Cage sound effects in Jen's sound files for some of her moves and replace her Modern (Purple & White) skin with the Wii's MUA2 model you'd have a fantastic character. :shehulk:

Just my opinion... by the way. :quicks:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Pooltastic on January 05, 2010, 09:22PM
Quote from: iammingy on December 09, 2009, 05:26PM
Haha, actually I am removing that hammer toss move in v1.6.
Quote from: mrcaino9 on January 05, 2010, 07:57PM
Mingy, If you delete the Luke Cage sound effects in Jen's sound files for some of her moves

See? You don't need to remove any moves.
And besides what would you replace it with?:shehulk2:
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: whiteking on February 22, 2010, 11:28AM
Quick update to her voice.
- Deleted the Luke Cage laugh on one of her powers and replaced by the Scarlet Witch laugh.

I have the permission to make this:
Quote from: iammingy on February 18, 2010, 10:49PM
Can you post it in my she-hulk thread, please? Just say you have my permission then you would be ok.
Thank you.

Here's the link:

Just put the file on \Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\sounds\eng\s\h
Thanks to iammingy for the She Hulk mod and for giving me permission to edit his sounds.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: fox456 on February 22, 2010, 03:34PM
I just want to clarify -- this is only an update to her sounds, right?  I thought there were going to be other changes to the mod (skins and powers).
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: whiteking on February 22, 2010, 03:42PM
Quote from: whiteking on February 22, 2010, 11:28AM
Quick update to her voice.

The first line of my post say it, I'll make it bold so no more confusions :)
I won't make any update to her powers since Iammingy is doing it.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: fox456 on February 22, 2010, 03:43PM
OK, thanks for fixing the sounds, whiteking.  You are great at that.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: whiteking on February 22, 2010, 03:56PM
You are welcome ^^
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: dmc01 on April 07, 2010, 07:28PM
Is the mod still posted someplace? The link is dead...
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Slide on May 01, 2010, 04:38PM
Quote from: whiteking on February 22, 2010, 11:28AM
Quick update to her voice.
- Deleted the Luke Cage laugh on one of her powers and replaced by the Scarlet Witch laugh.

I have the permission to make this:
Here's the link:

Just put the file on \Marvel - Ultimate Alliance\sounds\eng\s\h
Thanks to iammingy for the She Hulk mod and for giving me permission to edit his sounds.

whiteking, the file for the new Shulk sounds is missing. It's alright though, because I don't use the hammer toss anyhow, but just for anyone that's looking to download.

Btw, thanks to iammingy and you for working on this mod. She-Hulk has become a favorite of mine now. I can't wait for the update.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: JRog on May 05, 2010, 08:07PM
 :shehulk: Hey this is my first time modding and I wanted to say that this is pretty neat. I just wanted to give some feedback as to help with others that might be using the mods as well. I'm running MAU on windows 7. So far the only challenge with modding has been editing the herostat.engb file. I wanted to remove Dare Devil who is menulocation = 4. By doing this, MUA removed dare devil added silver surfer and yielded no she-hulk. However when I experimented and replaced black panther (menulocation = 10), it replaced dare devil with she-hulk but left the Black panther. I'm not too sure why it did that but maybe someone else can shed light on the subject.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: delvinho on June 07, 2012, 11:32AM
kudos lots and lots of kudos for your she hulk mod, it is absolutely awesome, i was thinking of adding a little alteration, like when she is doing that one two punch attack instead of it getting faster i'm gonna make it like juggernaut's rage where it gets stronger with each hit and probably make her grow bigger with each hit, and i'm gonna try my best to remove the luke cage laugh when she does the throw, but everything else is absolutely perfect
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: delvinho on June 07, 2012, 05:28PM
I fixed she-hulk's sound when she grabs you for the hammer toss, where she laughed like luke cage, i transfered the laugh invisible woman does when she uses her grab smash, so now on hammer toss she sounds like a woman, and the voice is very similar
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: fox456 on June 07, 2012, 07:18PM
That sounds like a good fix, delvinho.  And it's good to see you posting again!
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on June 07, 2012, 07:36PM
I am planning to make a version 2.0, which will feature a totally different mod. Do let me what you like and didn't like about this mod. Thanks.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Tien shinhan on June 07, 2012, 07:40PM
in version 2.0 can you add skins with mua2 shehulk as base model.mua2 shehulk skin blaw converted is really great.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on June 07, 2012, 07:47PM
I want the MvC3 models, too. :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Tien shinhan on June 07, 2012, 10:13PM
i said mua2 not mvc3.though mvc3 models are great,but are not converted yet
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on June 07, 2012, 10:17PM
Read again, I said "too".

Quote from: iammingy on June 07, 2012, 07:47PM
I want the MvC3 models, too. :D
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Tien shinhan on June 08, 2012, 06:51AM
are you going to convert she hulk skin mvc3?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on June 08, 2012, 07:32PM
Quote from: Broly- The Legendary Super Saiyan on June 08, 2012, 06:51AM
are you going to convert she hulk skin mvc3?

I haven't been looking for it, yet. Was it ripped to XNALara by anyone?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Tien shinhan on June 08, 2012, 08:10PM
i think yes,if you want i can send you the model.
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: iammingy on June 10, 2012, 12:07AM
Please send it to me if you have it. Thank you!
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Tien shinhan on June 10, 2012, 12:20AM
here it is (
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: pineapple_poncho on August 27, 2020, 03:34PM
Sorry for bumping such an old topic, but the download links to this site are all busted - the download doesn't start after mashing the "download" button several times until a prompt pops up and even creating an account on their website doesn't help.

Seeing as it's basically a lost cause, is there any chance someone still has a copy of the 1.5 version and is able to re-upload it to a different hosting (like Mediafire or something)?
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: Ceamonks890 on August 27, 2020, 05:58PM
Box downloads still work on my end, but here's a Mediafire link from my public community archives (for people having trouble getting older mods from Box).
Title: Re: SHE-HULK mod v1.5 (sound, etc. + new mannequin)
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on August 28, 2020, 01:32AM
or replace "" w/ this: ""
