
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: War Machine

War Machine celebrates his win with Iron Man in the ring as Tom helps Candy cane out of the ring following he rloss

Backstage we see Pinky and Brain watching

Pinky: Brain we're on a losing streak

Brain: I know that Pinky

Pinky: Shouldn't we like win?

Brain: Yes Pinky we should and i have an idea of how to get that started.

Pinky: Yay, let's do it!

Pinky and Brain walk off as we head back out to the arena.

Chewbacca makes his way down to the ring for the Superstars Main Event. He has the crowd on his side.

Apollo Creed comes out to the ring taunting the crowd that boos him. He's looking to getting a win tonight in this contest

Apollo Creed vs Chewbacca
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Apollo Creed

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Winner: Chewbacca

Chewbacca wins and exits up the ramp but Apollo Creed gets up to his feet

Before anything can be said Autolycus walks out on stage with a mic

Autolycus: Hey Apollo, remember me? I beat your ass on RAW and then you knocked me out like a coward? Well buddy guess where i went when i got here today. Nick Fury's office and pal you and me are going to be going one on one at Summerslam. Be there!

Apollo Creed grabs a mic himself

Apollo: You went and got another match with me? Perfect i'm going to prove that the only place you belong is on the dirt at my feet.

Apollo taunts the crowd as Superstars goes off the air for the night


RAW Episode #20

RAW is ready for another night. Ares the WWE Champion makes his way down to the ring to start off the night.

Ares: So last week Scorpion got the better of me after a pretty hard fought match. Scorpion you want to prove yourself well guess what happend pal, Nick Fury gave me the chance to pick your opponent tonight in the main event. Now i remember when it was the guy who i beat last week who gave you the biggest match of your life that put you in the title picture. So tonight Scorpion i gave someone else the chance of their life at your expense. Scorpion tonight you are going to take on Chewbacca in the main event. Good luck!

Ares exits the ring as we see Scorpion bruding another a monitor in the back.

When we return out to the ring it is clear for our next match.

Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz come down to the ring once again ready for tag team action.

Raphael and Michaelangelo come out to the ring with Leonardo following behind for support.

The ACME official gets both team sets as we get under way

Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz vs Raphael & Michelangelo w/ Leonardo
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Raphael & Michelangelo w/ Leonardo

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Winner: Raphael & Michelangelo

Following the match the Horsemen ride down to the ring and get in the faces of the turtles. Leonardo grabs a mic

Leo: We are sick of you guys trying to take advantage of a situation. How about one of your four face me one on one right now.

Death gets up in Leonardo's face and the others of the each stable exit from the ring as this match really is going to be one on one

Leonardo vs Death
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Death

Death crushes Leonardo in the match tonight and he taunts over the fallen leader of the TMNT

We cut backstage to see Hulk and Jerry in their lockeroom

Hulk: Hulk like mouse but Hulk have issue.

Jerry shrugs

Hulk: Patch Man make Hulk fight Bull Guy at Summerslam.

Jerry gulps

Hulk: No worry mouse, Hulk smash Bull Guy!

The Minotaur breaks down the door to the lockeroom and gets into a brawl with Hulk. ACME officials try to separate them as the Minotaur takes the chance to snarl and retreat.

Back out in the ring it is cleared.

Adam makes his way down to the ring for a non-title match.

Conan the Barbarian is out next to be his opponent. Conan realizes this is a huge shot to beat a champion and also take revenge on the man who eliminated him from the original tournament

Adam vs Conan the Barbarian
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Conan the Barbarian

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS