
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Well this match has been going on for quite a while. So we now return to our show already in progress.

Winner: Conan the Barbarian

Conan looks down at Adam's belt knowing he's earned himself a shot at in the future and he walks out of the arena

As Adam leaves the ring the lifts flash in the arena and the creepy organ plays. Adam looks around as a steel chair comes flying at him from the rafters as the Phantom sings while unseen.

Adam shakes it off and walks out of the arena.

We go backstage to Lois Lane

Lois: My guest now Tigger!

Tigger: hooo-hoooo-hooooooo.

Lois: Tigger are you ready for your first title shot.

Tigger: Why of course i am. I'm Tigger, Do you know how to spell that?

Lois: Ummmm...

Tigger: T-I-Double Gur-Ur!

Lois: Wait..

Tigger: Well i've got to go now, Ta-Ta-For-Now.

Tigger bounces off leaving Lois standing their by herself.

We cut to another part of backstage with the monsters standing by

Black Knight: Mystery Inc we thought about your challenge, we accept. It doesn't matter which combination it is see you then.

We cut back to the arena as Scooby Doo, Shaggy and Scrappy Doo come out to the ring

Scrappy: Well those monsters saw the light. You guys are looking at your Summerslam opponents.

Shaggy: Scrappy's right, it's going to me, Scooby Doo and Scrappy going against you three in a huge match at summerslam.

Scooby: Reah Rummerslam

Scrappy: But Uncle Scooby, we're in action tonight too.

Scooby: Rhat?

Shaggy: Yeah Rhat? I mean what?

Scrappy: I got us a match tonight too.

Shaggy: Zoinks

Scooby: Ruh Roh!

Evil Ash comes down to the ring as apparently the first part of their enemy team.

Starscream comes down to the ring next to be his partner.

Megatron comes out last but he stops on the stage and pulls out a mic

Megatron: I'm afraid you people aren't getting a six-man tag tonight, you're only getting a handicap match. You see i'm not competitng tonight i'm only here to tell Starscream, that this alliance between us is no longer a thing. You see our partnership ends officially at Summerslam where Starscream you will get the beating of your life courtesy of me. See you then.

Megatron exits leaving Evil Ash and Starscream short a partner and Starscream looks angry

Scooby Doo, Shaggy & Scrappy Doo vs Evil Ash & Starscream
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Evil Ash & Starscream

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

I left that one up a little longer with us getting the site back, but time to open up the new one.

Winner: Scooby Doo, Shaggy & Scrappy Doo

Backstage Raiden is talking with Buffy

Buffy: Thanks for the lightning bolt the other week, i never got a chance to thank you.

Raiden: Don't mention it. Are you concerned about Parallax?

Buffy: Nah Nick Fury informed me earlier today that i've got a match one on one with him at Summerslam.

Raiden: You'll be able to teach him a lesson.

Ermac and Parallax both show up behind them

Parallax: I do believe i'm being talked about.

Ermac: We are not surprised by Raiden's arrogance.

Raiden: Well hello to you too.

Buffy: What are you two doing here.

Parallax: Just here to inform you Nick Fury has booked the four of us in a tag match up next.

Ermac: We shall see you out there.

Ermac and Parallax walk off as Buffy and Raiden shake hands

Ermac comes out to the ring area first.

Parallax follows shortly behind.

Buffy comes out next.

Raiden's lightning bolt hits the stage next and he comes out to be the least man for the match.

The ACME official rings the bell

Ermac & Parallax vs Buffy & Raiden
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Hopefully the others return.

Buffy & Raiden

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Ermac & Parallax

Ermac and Parallax clear the ring of their enemies tonight. Both go their seperate ways for the night

We once again cut back to Lois Lane

Lois: My guest now Doctor Doom.

Doom: Get on with it.

Lois: So Doom you don't have a match at Summerslam.

Doom: I am aware of this.

Lois: How do you feel about it?

Doom: I'm disgusted

Doom walks off the interview following that.

We cut backstage to see Daphne walking around. Vincent Van Ghoul walks up to her

Daphne: Mr. Van Ghoul what are you doing here?

VVG: Daphne i'm glad i've found you. I came here to warn you.

Daphne: Warn me about what.

VVG: I need to tell the whole gang about this/

Daphne: They are resting they had a match.

VVG: Hurry we must find them

The two of them walk off as we head back out to the ring

Autolycus comes down to the ring for his next match.

Batman comes out to the ring next to be his opponent. Both men have other things on their mind for SUmmerslam but as of tonight it's just the two of them one on one

Batman vs Autolycus
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: Batman

As soon as the match ends both Apollo Creed and Joker rush down to the ring and start brawling with their respective enemies. Batman and Autolycus manage to get the upperhands and throw their enemies from the ring. Both stand tall we cut backstage.

In the Mystery Inc lockeroom Daphne and Vincent Van Ghoul walk in

Shaggy: Mr. Van Ghoul what are you doing here.

Scooby: Rister Ran Rhoul!

VVG: Nice to see you too but i'm here because we have really bad trouble

Scrappy: Like what?

VVG: The Chest of Demons has been stolen. An airplane from a place called Southfork landed near the temple and not the chest is gone.

Shaggy: Oh No!

VVG: This is serious.

Daphne: Dahak must have gotten JR Ewing's help.

VVG: I have decided to sign a contract to this organization to be able to help you all now since i know you are going to be needing it.

Scooby: Re reed rall ra relp.

Scrappy: Don't worry Uncle Scooby we can take on more ghosts.

VVG: I sure hope we can too.

We cut back out to the arena.

Chewbacca comes down for his main event chance of a lifetime.

Scorpion arrives next for this main event match. It's his last match for SUmmerslam and Scorpion wants to look strong.

Ares arrives out too and raises his old throne and sits down to watch this big main event

Scorpion vs Chewbacca
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: Scorpion

Scorpion wins a good contest and Ares stands up clapping on his throne. He holds his belt up in the air. Scorpion lights the ring on fire and turns to Ares

Scorpion: GET OVER HERE!

Scorpion shoots his spear out and snatches belt and holds it up in the middle of the flaming ring. He tosses it back to an angry Ares as RAW goes off the air


Superstars Episode #12

Superstars come on the air for another huge night.

Ash Williams comes down to the ring for a tag match.

Sub-Zero comes out next to once again team with Ash.

Doctor Loomis & Fonz make their entrance last to finish off the lineup for this friendly tag team match. The ACME official rings the bell

Ash Williams & Sub-Zero vs Doctor Loomis & Fonz
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: Doctor Loomis & Fonz

Loomis and Fonz pick up a win and shake hands with Ash Williams and Sub-Zero. Both exit from the ring but we see that both Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers are watching them from the crowd in different spots.

Loomis grabs a mic

Loomis: Before we get on with the next show let's have a little talk.

Fonz: Ayyyyy tell 'em Doc.

Loomis: Last week you guys saw us work pretty well with another individual. Yoda we'd like to invite you to officially join up with the two of us.

Yoda comes down to the ring with a mic of his own

Yoda: If joining is what you wish, Join with you i shall.

Yoda shakes hands with Loomis and Fonz

Fonz: From here on out you guys out there are looking at the Three Wise Men!

The newly formed Three Wise Men exit the ring as we cut backstage

In the back we see Pinky and the Brain are now on their way down to the ring. The camera follows them as the two of them grab some chairs and sit down for our main event.

Tom makes his way down to the ring with Candy Cane following him down to the ring.

War Machine is out last once again with Iron Man in his corner for this high impact main event.

The ACME official rings the bell and we get under way

Tom W/ Candy Cane vs War Machine w/ Iron Man
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

I apologize for my absence, I had some severe health problems.

War Machine with Iron Man

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Welcome back MidnightPhoenix. It is a little bit of luck that this story can keep going on in times of absence, because of the rules. But always nice to see a return.

Also with the slower pace and the forum being down, this is the last match before the PPV, so this month is almost over. And maybe we'll get some new people's interest when we kick off the next month.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: War Machine

War Machine picks up another win but Pinky and the Brain hop off their chairs and run into the ring and huge brawl breaks out between all six of the superstars. The show itself goes off the air as ACME officials rush out to separate them all

(For the sake of being busy i'm skipping the recap)

Summerslam Pre-Show 01

The pre-show is set to begin with a huge battle of mortal kombat.

Ermac levetates down to the ring first as the crowd boos him.

A lightning bolt hits the stage to signal the arrival Raiden. He comes down to get ready for this pre-show contest.

Ermac vs Raiden
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way