
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Scorpion

Scorpion has done it, he has captured his third WWE Championship and now Ares has no rematch clause to use. Scorpion sets the sell ablaze as he laughs with his newly won championship around his waist as Summerslam goes off the air


The reign of MidnightPhoenix continues. Congrats. Now we begin a new month at last. Good luck to all and if anyone new wants to jump in come on in!

RAW Episode #21

As RAW comes on the air for another night, Ares emerges down the ramp and heads to the ring

Ares: I admit i made a bad decision. I shouldn't have guarenteed a win at Summerslam because now i have lost the WWE Championship and have no rematch clause to use. Well damn it i'm not happy with that and i demand Nick Fury come down here and make me next in line for a WWE Championship match.

Instead of Nick Fury, it is Sub-Zero who comes down into the ring

Sub-Zero: I think you've had enough shots to be champion. You are a three-time former champion already, i think it's time for someone new to get a shot.

Ares: Like who?

Sub-Zero: Like me!

Sub-Zero attacks Ares leading to a brawl. Nick Fury appears on the tron

Fury: Well thanks boys. Looks like i have a main event for tonight. Clear the ring you two will face one another in the main event later tonight.

Ares and Sub-Zero grudgingly do as told and the ring is cleared.

Buffy makes her way down to the ring with the audience on her side.

Darth Vader comes out next to be her opponent.

The ACME referee rings the bell and the opening match is on

Buffy vs Darth Vader
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Darth Vader

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I'll leave this one up for an extra day just in case anyone is curious to want to join the game. This is obviously a perfect jumping on point. If not then i'll do the usual of skipping ahead if all three of you respond quickly.

Also for reference, September is a one PPV month. So 4 RAWs, 4 Superstars, 1 PPV make up this month.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Everybody is positive to kick off the month!

Winner: Darth Vader

Darth Vader celebrates his hard earned win tonight over the Slayer

We cut backstage to Megatron entering Fury's office

Fury: Can i help you?

Megatron: What was that Autobot symbol doing on the tron last night?

Fury: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Megatron: Don't lie to me, i know what you're up to.

Fury: I did not put any symbol on the tron so i can not help you, now leave my office.

Megatron: I'm ready for him when he arrives, i bet he's figuring out a way to get on this show as we speak.

Fury: If you are talking about who i think you are, then tell him to walk into my office he's more than willing to get signed here.

Megatron: Maybe he would already be if he wasn't a coward.

Megatron exits the office and we cut back to another part of the arena.

Hong Kong Phooey and Spot are walking down a hallway as they hear some strange sound the camera goes wit them as they spy Chewbacca has gone on a rampage wrecking a locker room.

As we head back out to the ring, Hulk and Jerry make their entrance.

War and Death ride out to represent the Horsemen in this tag tea contest. Hulk and Jerry look prepared to get back into the thick of it

Hulk & Jerry vs War & Death
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

War & Death

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: War & Death

These Horsemen put another win under their belt and head off from the ring. Hulk and Jerry exit sadly in loss from the ring

With the ring clear Maldor the Malevolent, Time Slime and Demondo come down to the ring to make a statement.

Maldor: We are free!!

Demondo: Yes, you've got that right Maldor.

Time Slime: However we had a problem with something around here.

Maldor: We, part of the thirteen most evil ghosts in the world were expected to align ourselves with a bunch of phony constumes brought to life?

Demondo: We were not impressed.

Time Slime: So we took care of them too.

Maldor: Now it's time for us to make our own impact.

Vincent Van Ghoul interrupts making his way down to the ring

VVG: I've heard you all run your mouths long enough. How about one of you face me one on one.

Time Slime: Oh Vincent Van Ghoul always trying to be noble. Well i accept your challenge.

Maldor: Destroy him!

Maldor and Demondo exit the ring leaving it just the two of them in the ring for the match. The ACME referee rings the bell

Time Slime vs Vincent Van Ghoul
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Time Slime

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS