
(HUGE ^D8) CR's USM Skins

Started by Carnage_Rules!, May 29, 2010, 12:00PM

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Also, another question. If you didn't use Texmod, then how did you make these? Also, can you post the images you used to convert these to .tpf files...?(If you want)

I did use Texmod is what I was saying.

Some people around the boards have claimed you CAN'T use Texmod, which I was disproving as false.

If you're interested in trying this for yourself, I recommend you give this link a visit.

June 25, 2010, 01:05PM #32 Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 01:10PM by VarimathrasXX
The texmod link is broken. I think I have found an offset for Spiderman to replace him with Ultimate Carnage. Not a mod, the Ultimate Carnage you know, the MONSTER, the one in your avatar. I thought to export some kind of skin/image.

Sorry for such a late reply. To Varimathras, that was actually the first thing I tried. I exported the Carnage in-game skin, and tried to see if it could be used to overwrite the Spider-Man skin, but unfortunately they are of two completely different Dimensions (x by x pixels) and arrangements (different parts in different places.)

Hmm... And it seems there's no way to put tendrils to Carnage... Hmm... I could help if the texmod link wasn't broken O_O

By the way... About the advertising... Video ads are possible right?

Working Texmod here.

Oh, and as a matter of fact, yes!
I've already delved into it a little bit on YouTube

June 29, 2010, 04:30AM #36 Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 01:27PM by VarimathrasXX
I actually had Texmod, but it didn't have Texmod.log O_O

Anyway, I'm glad I found your mods. If it weren't for you, I'd STILL be messing with the Bull**** people say about Carnage. They just TOY with people like me. They say, go to pause menu and push continue. do that 15 times and you'll play as Carnage.(There's not even continue there, man, I tried going to pause menu and then exiting and nothing). They also say, complete the game delete your file, complete again, delete your file, start a new game and you'll play as Carnage(This also doesn't work). Others say 600 people. I don't even know how many people I ate as Venom <_< I tried, this doesn't seem to work either. 1 last thing is to download GBA version, yeah right <_< The GBA version has NOTHING to do with the PC version. Probably for DS not the PC. This all is just CRAP.

That's why I really like your mods. So don't think they're bad. They're the best.

Wow, that video does a good job of showing everything off. Thanks! =D

And I feel your pain. The old Spidey games for the PS1 were my favorites because of all of his different costumes you could unlock, but I've always wanted the chance to play as a different character (the Green Goblin in the movie games didn't count xP)

So if anyone can get enjoyment out of these, I feel all the work I've done is worth it.

I'm gonna keep trying on hacking though. You see at hacking something cannot be replaced with something bigger, so... If I replace Spiderman's values with Carnage's, the images will become one, and we could export the skin and make a mod out of it. I also tried this with Green Goblin, but I didn't bother using that skin searching option of Texmod... You should keep up the good work too :)

EDIT: Just to let you know I have a save before the fight with Carnage, in case you need it.

Hey there everyone! Sorry, no new skins today, BUT

Happy 4th of July!

My download numbers have almost tripled since making the downloads individual, as well as Varimathras's video ads. And, I'm happy to say that my own video ad has become the featured YouTube video for Ultimate Spiderman mods!

So, big thanks to Varimathras, and a HUGE thanks to everyone who offered kind words, spread the word in any way, or gave a download!

July 04, 2010, 11:03AM #40 Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 11:15AM by VarimathrasXX
There is also a killing spree I had done with the classic Venom mod, I might upload a video with the real Carnage too :)
(Replaced Carnage fight with a video playlist @ signature)

CR, you just rule! I can only say: Keep up the great work!

Let's not rush him though. We shouldn't be greedy. Have some time to enjoy the current mods, until he finishes the next skins.

I didn't mean to rush him. I meant, that he is just awesome

Can't help. Just need to wait :P

Also @ Carnage Rules, can you put tendrils to the Carnage mod(I don't think it's possible though :()