Locale wishlist

Started by muafan, March 28, 2008, 02:18PM

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March 28, 2008, 02:18PM Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 06:14PM by muafan
the hostel*
kree world
:xmen_logo: mansion
baxter bldg.
various timelines such as gog** and saqudron supreme and killraven

*runaways base

** no i have not traveled into the DCU. its the Gaurdians Of the Galaxy.

Baxter Building and X-Mansion as hubs definitely.

Olympus maybe.

The old hubs were also pretty good; I think some should stay.

Quote from: Midnight Curse on March 29, 2008, 12:34AM
Baxter Building and X-Mansion as hubs definitely.

well i want at least one good fight at the baxter bldg. thts just my opion tho.

I would like to see Avengers Mansion.

Yeah, I'd rather have the Avenger's Mansion than the X-Mansion.  So far that and the Baxter Building are the only ones I see to be likely.  Since they're building the game for folks who don't know much about Marvel as well as those that do, I wouldn't expect to see some of the others.

A hub battle somewhere perhaps? Besides Doomstark Tower?

April 13, 2008, 05:31PM #6 Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 05:34PM by SpongeSpider
I would like to see both X-Mansion and Avengers Mansion as hubs along with the Baxter Building. Also Stark Tower should be a hub again. And maybe the Helicarrier should be a hub this time? As for non-hubs, how about a New York Street level? It'd be funny if at one point in the level you would have to go in the Daily Bugle to protect JJJ from some baddies.

I'd like more destructible environments, it would be fun to total a car or something

That flashes me back to X-Men Legends II in NYC, with lifting the buses and cars and throwing them: physically or telekinetically. Much fun. In fact, I think I'll do that right now. ;)

May 10, 2008, 01:13PM #9 Last Edit: May 10, 2008, 01:18PM by 3zazer1
all the same hubs including some fights in the baxter building,the x mens masion, and the avengers masion

Oh, for me
- Avengers Mansion
- X-Mansion
- Stark Tower
- Baxter Building
- Helicarrier
as hubs, too, please.

And for levels..., maybe a few more outside levels, but... Surprise me!

They seriously need the X-Mansion, the Avengers Tower, and the Baxter Building.

The last one especially. I was surprised they didn't include as a locale in the first one.

i thought maybe there would be a "hell" hub and they would team up with mephisto cuz the universe was being destoyed cuz of doom.....so hell would be cool
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):