
Hulk vs. Juggernaut

Started by LX - Rampage, March 07, 2009, 10:32AM

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Okay, this time it's different. First of all, this time, there won't be anything like on Wolvie vs Cyc. Second thing, if you can't decide, than vote Both. (Sorry nodoubt for the last topic, I hope, this will be way better).

If this is World War Hulk then definitely the Hulk. Otherwise I think it would be quite close. I can't remember, can the Hulk move the unmovable?
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I do remember a story by Peter David(?) a looooooong ago, when Marko took off his costume and surprised the Hulk (very intelligent version, with Bruce Banner in control) and really kicked his emerald green ass!

But still, quoting Hulk himself, "Hulk is the the strongest!" or "Hulk Smash!"
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Well, this Hulk is an original Hulk, nothing World War Hulk.

actually, this was merged hulk, that was a lot weaker than the classic savage hulk.

I think that even with his current full cyttorak empowerment Hulk is still more powerful. If Juggernaut used all his strength to beat the hulk senseless at the beggining of the fight he could perfectly well win. But Hulk's potential energy is INFINITE. So if the battle lasted longer than a few minutes, the Hulk would get mad enough to overpower Cain.

Since Cain is overconfident and not very bright I doubt he'd do what I said. So I vote for HULK.
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