
Savegame editing (PC version)

Started by Dercik, July 22, 2012, 10:25AM

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Sorry in advance if i wrote post in wrong category, but couldn't decide which will be more proper.

I have question related with save editing:
1) Is there any savegame editor for MUA?
2) If there isn't - does anyone know where are addresses for stats, money, xp, items, etc. in savegames which can be hex-edited?
I would be grateful if someone post me a link with ANY info about it.

I've already searched for any info about save editing in this forum and google but I found only for MUA2 (which i don't (and won't) have) :(

Quote from: Dercik on July 25, 2012, 05:00AM
MUA1 - read carefully

Oh no, I meant where he said:
Quote from: Dercik on July 22, 2012, 10:25AM
I've already searched for any info about save editing in this forum and google but I found only for MUA2 (which i don't (and won't) have) :(

As for your question, Dercik, I think I would recommend looking for different strings in your savefiles and playing around with them. Try comparing a new game save and a completed game save, so you can see what the differences are.

Quote from: Hyperman360 on July 25, 2012, 11:24AM
I think I would recommend looking for different strings in your savefiles and playing around with them. Try comparing a new game save and a completed game save, so you can see what the differences are.

ehhh... I will stick to old and good Cheat Engine :/

MUA2 can be played with a pc using an emulator..I tried the wii version, but you can't play decently if you only use the keyboard xDD.