
PSP - Gambit mod help!!

Started by KaiserBreath, June 16, 2007, 10:26PM

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What about Moon Knight's animations for Gambit?

Have at it if you're interested.  None of the active modders have a PSP, so really unless someone new steps up nothing new is gonna happen.

If someone gives me the mod of Gambit,or what it has that mod I can give it a try, but I'm not a Marvel Modder so don't expect too much that I'm going to finish it

Download the PC mod, convert it to FB, then start changing animations.  xDisciplex never actually got the Xbox Gambit mod to work on the PSP.  Later I found out it was due to different texture formats (I don't use all PS2 textures). 

Just start experimenting, because to be honest there really isn't anything to work with.