Do people still play this online?

Started by Serris, November 26, 2011, 12:28AM

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I haven't really bothered with the online multiplayer. I've been sticking to local co-op. Is the master server still up? Are people still playing?

I've been playing online, but only through IP addresses.
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How does it work with modded games exactly? My friend and I have been attempting this. We have both of our hero select screens set up to be identical with the same mods installed, but whenever I go to load a saved game over Hamachi, it instantly de-synchronizes. I don't have this problem with X-Men Legends II.

Well, I am playing only unmodded games over the net.  I would like to try to add just one mod and the person I am playing with also adds the exact same mod and see how that goes.  Then, if it works, continue on adding one mod at a time.
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Could it have something to do with the fact that she didn't delete her save files?

I don't think so.  I think it has to with herostats and menu locations but there could be other reasons.
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Well, like I said, I made sure everything was identical on both ends. Should I just give her my files?

That's a good idea.  If that doesn't work, then for some reason, modded files might just be the cause of the problem and we won't be able to play an online modded game.
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Update: Giving her my files didn't seem to fix the problem. I guess this means modded online games are impossible. That's a shame.

Thanks for the update.  I was hoping for better news.  :(
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Do you mean that you can't play someone if you exchange IP addresses anymore?
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Well when i click on play online it said its no longer available. :storm: