Fave chars y and when???

Started by P.Frost, April 20, 2011, 05:05PM

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Fav is Jean of course. I like her with or without the Phoenix. X-Factor or 90s Jean is just as great but I think the Phoenix Saga gave her more depth. Not only was it one of the best comic book stories but it really transformed Jean from a young girl into a woman with a fiery personality and paved the path for more comic book women to advance.

Cyclops is another because he isn't the typical hero. His power is a curse to him and he is burdened with leadership but because he is such a good person he takes all of this to make the world a better place. As for current Cyclops...well I am positive that he is a skrull doppleganger or Apocalypse is still possessing him because I know Cyclops and that isn't Cyclops lol.

Psylocke became one of my favorites when I reread the Outback issues. She was in some ways the original Emma Frost, because she could be a b*tch, she was a high-society, sophisticated person, she wasn't afraid to kill or harm others for herself or the X-Men. She also enjoyed using telepathy to control others and could care less what you said to her but at the same time she struggled being a hero. When she was body-swapped she became the warrior she always longed to be and now is a living weapon in the form of a butterfly.

I also love Sue Storm because I was introduced to Marvel from the FF and Sue was my first fav character (before Jean) as I loved her powers and her role as the glue of the FF. Scarlet Witch and Polaris are both awesome because of their messed-up histories with Magneto and their instabilities. Potentially I consider them, and Jean, the most powerful women in the world. Besides their powers and origins, I really like how these two women also develop both personality-wise, power-wise, and love-wise.

The Power of Three xd! These three along with Betsy and Sue are my top five females.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 25, 2011, 08:57PM
Fav is Jean of course. I like her with or without the Phoenix. X-Factor or 90s Jean is just as great but I think the Phoenix Saga gave her more depth. Not only was it one of the best comic book stories but it really transformed Jean from a young girl into a woman with a fiery personality and paved the path for more comic book women to advance.

Cyclops is another because he isn't the typical hero. His power is a curse to him and he is burdened with leadership but because he is such a good person he takes all of this to make the world a better place. As for current Cyclops...well I am positive that he is a skrull doppleganger or Apocalypse is still possessing him because I know Cyclops and that isn't Cyclops lol.

Psylocke became one of my favorites when I reread the Outback issues. She was in some ways the original Emma Frost, because she could be a b*tch, she was a high-society, sophisticated person, she wasn't afraid to kill or harm others for herself or the X-Men. She also enjoyed using telepathy to control others and could care less what you said to her but at the same time she struggled being a hero. When she was body-swapped she became the warrior she always longed to be and now is a living weapon in the form of a butterfly.

I also love Sue Storm because I was introduced to Marvel from the FF and Sue was my first fav character (before Jean) as I loved her powers and her role as the glue of the FF. Scarlet Witch and Polaris are both awesome because of their messed-up histories with Magneto and their instabilities. Potentially I consider them, and Jean, the most powerful women in the world. Besides their powers and origins, I really like how these two women also develop both personality-wise, power-wise, and love-wise.

The Power of Three xd! These three along with Betsy and Sue are my top five females.

O_O wow interesting points : D its like ur doing a pro interview : D nice yea Bettsy : D how could I forget about her xD she rox xD :psylocke: I like ur stuff really cool : D
Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 25, 2011, 02:20PM
For my Jill one or the Gif?

Here is the Gif, but if its the other just let me know http://s821.photobucket.com/albums/zz137/tempus_01/?action=view&current=resident-evil-3d_o_GIFSoup_com.gif

ty : D and its the other one xD the one on ur profile pic xD but ty anyways : DDD

Quote from: P.Frost on April 26, 2011, 03:56AM
ty : D and its the other one xD the one on ur profile pic xD but ty anyways : DDD

Here it is http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/160/1/1/Jill_Valentine_BSAA_by_toughraid3r37890.jpg sorry lol I didnt know which one to send :D

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MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Oh I forgot to mention when I liked these characters. After watching X2 and then the rest of the X-Movies I instantly liked Jean Grey. My friend told me that Jean would turn evil so when I was watching X2 I didn't trust her at first. Buy saying she would turn evil was completely wrong if you watch X3, because its much more complicated than that. My liking to Jean Grey increased when I bought the Dark Phoenix Saga TP (my first comic) and was delighted to see how great a story it was. After that X-Men became a huge part of my life.
However I had already been introduced to Marvel before X-Men thanks to the FF. I used to see FF promos on food items I took to lunch and after watching the movie I took a liking to it. I began to read FF comics from my local library and after watching and reading about X-Men, I realized that X-Men and FF were all part of Marvel. Sue had been my fav character back then until my friend introduced me to the X-Men.
Reading more 90s stories got me introduced to Psylocke but I didn't really care for her too much until after reading the 80s Outback issues. After that Psylocke became one of my favs and brought me into the "current" X-Men issues when I started buying UXM for the Sisterhood arc which featured Psylocke's return. Wanda and Polaris came after but I haven't started liking them until recently.