
Started by Lady SoiFon, August 07, 2012, 08:53AM

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Hay y'all, just curious do y'all play your PC games on the computer or laptop (⊙o⊙)?which one feels more fun

I love playing in my laptop that broke on me, once in a while I hook my pc on my tv.

I'd play on my laptop if I had a Dutch adaptor. I bought my laptop in USA so I can't use it here unless I have a converter T_T

My PC has better specs but works like crap. Weird huh? Even after upgrading all the hardware...

My laptop is surprisingly awesome for it's specs. But I won't turn it on till I have a converter :P

My desktop is only used as a media server for the house. I use my laptop for everything.

Thank y'all so much for replying, I was just curious