When is the game hapening?

Started by muafan, February 26, 2008, 02:55PM

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Quote from: msmarvel2007 on February 28, 2008, 03:01PM
I think it is more of a "What if?" type story than anything else. "What if Dr. Doom had the powers of Odin?" would be a good title probably.
ya but whats ifs have a certain point were they branch out from 616

I did not say that it was exactly a "What If?" but it could almost be considered one from a certain point of view.

If this was a "what-if" i would say it would be what would happen if the civil war ended with iron man and captain america stopping the war together and then doom strikes when there weakened . Or maybe what if , doctor doom has been doing somthing else in his spare time ... yeh lol