
Corvetterules - Heroes and Villains of Cloudream (SoulWorker mod catalog)

Started by corvetterules, August 07, 2020, 08:23AM

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Hello, and welcome to my SoulWorker mod catalog! Thank you for expressing interest. I will be posting any SoulWorker mods I produce here, so check regularly to not miss anything.

If you like these mods, you can also consider checking out the content I post over at my Genshin Impact mod catalog, at this link:,11036.0.html

I am also on the MarvelMods discord, under the nicknames "Rock" and "Corvetterules" (I change it every now and then, but it will always include those words).

Please note that, at this time, I do not accept skin or mod requests. Thank you for your understanding.

RECOMMENDED: Make sure that the Particle Quality setting in Video Settings is set to Low, not High. Otherwise, unintended visual effects may appear as you play with these mods. For the time being, I am unable to fix this issue.

WARNING: This mod clashes with the Thing (vanilla). Remove Thing from your roster and backup ui/models/mannequin/0501.igb as well as textures/loading/0501.igb before installing, in order to prevent certain glitches.
Haru Estia:,10930.msg199442.html#msg199442

WARNING: This mod clashes with Outsider's Quake mod. Remove Quake from your roster and backup ui/models/mannequin/11601.igb as well as textures/loading/11601.igb, 11602.igb and 11603.igb before installing, in order to prevent certain glitches.
Lily Bloomerchen:,10930.msg199577.html#msg199577

WARNING: This mod clashes with Outsider's Falcon mod. Remove it from your roster and backup ui/models/mannequin/24101.igb as well as textures/loading/24101.igb, 24102.igb and 24103.igb before installing, in order to prevent certain glitches.
Jin Seipatsu:,10930.msg199718.html#msg199718

WARNING: These mods clash with BLaw's Firestar mod and Outsider's Ant Man mod, respectively. Remove them from your roster and backup ui/models/mannequin/22401.igb and 25201.igb as well as textures/loading/25201.igb, 25202.igb and 25203.igb before installing, in order to prevent certain glitches.
Stella Unibell and Fuu Chan:,10930.msg199994.html#msg199994

WARNING: This mod clashes with BliZZ's Gambit mod. Remove him from your roster, and backup ui/models/mannequin/21201.igb as well as textures/loading/21201.igb, 21202.igb and 21203.igb. Failure to do so will result in glitches.
Iris Yuma:,10930.msg200302.html#msg200302

WARNING: This mod clashes with BliZZ's Punisher mod. Remove him from your roster, and backup ui/models/mannequin/15801.igb as well as textures/loading/15801.igb and 15802.igb. Failure to do so will result in glitches.

WARNING: This mod clashes with Black Widow (vanilla). Remove her from your roster, and backup ui/models/mannequin/14801.igb as well as textures/loading/15401.igb. Failure to do so will result in glitches.

WARNING: This mod clashes with Iammingy's She-Hulk mod. Remove her from your roster, and backup ui/models/mannequin/15901.igb as well as textures/loading/15901.igb, 15902.igb and 15903.igb. Failure to do so will result in glitches.
Erwin Arclight:,10930.msg201274.html#msg201274

WARNING: This mod clashes with Storm (vanilla character). Before installing, backup ui/models/mannequin/0401.igb, as well as textures/loading/0401.igb and 0402.igb. Failing or neglecting to do so will result in glitches.
Luna Nox:,10930.msg201412.html#msg201412

WARNING: Acculus clashes with the following mods: Anole by Dihan and Fire by Erik Lehnsherr. If you have those mods installed, then before installing the Acculus mod, please backup ui/models/mannequin/24001.igb and textures/loading/24001.igb, and remove those two from your roster. Failing or neglecting to do this will result in issues.

WARNING: This mod clashes with Outsider's Kingpin mod, as well as Erik Lehnsherr's Baron Mordo mod. Before installing, make sure these mods are not in your roster, and backup ui/models/mannequin/25101.igb, as well as textures/loading/25101, 25102 and 25103.igb. Neglecting or failing to do so will result in issues.

WARNING: This mod clashes with Outsider's Quan Chi, Outsider's Black Knight and Ceamonks890/Jake's Fire Giant mods. Before you install this mod, make sure you backup 14901.igb from ui/models/mannequin and 14901.igb, 14902.igb and 14903.igb from textures/loading, and make sure those mods are not in your current roster. Failure to do so will result in duplicate mannequin glitches.

Effects fix (get this if, in-game, your effects are being replaced by yellow and pink squares, credit goes to Ninja Kyden from the Discord server for helping me fix this):

<more to come>
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

Announced 2 months and a half ago on Discord, the Haru Estia mod is now finished!


When the catastrophe known as the Vacuum befell Stair Second, the Earth of an alternate universe, the entire world was turned upside down under the reign of chaos and the march of endless armies of extraterrestrial monsters, known as SoulJunk. The teenage girl named Haru Estia proved no exception to this inexorable influence. Over the course of her life, her name became associated with many descriptions, from young medical prodigy, to one of mankind's worst criminals, to even its last hope.

At the height of her professional background, a general evacuation order rang throughout her home town. Though she anticipated returning home to celebrate her achievements along with her loved ones, that was only to see her mother crushed under debris, depleted of life. Her despair complete, Haru grieved soundly near her lifeless body, failing even to notice the Vacuum overhead consuming her.

Eventually, with the surrounding area converted by the strange energies of the Vacuum, a young man called Tenebris chanced upon her and, overcome by pity, welcomed her into Grasscover Camp, the refugee site which he had established in this now dangerous place. Catching up with events, she learned not only that the camp was incessantly threatened by monsters, but also that her unceasing thoughts of revenge against the apocalypse that took her parent earned her superhuman physical attributes, as well as a puzzling power to materialize weapons out of thin air.

Awakened from her grief, but broken still, Haru gradually dedicated herself to the total destruction of these abominations, and put it before even the most basic of human needs such as rest. This was much to the concern of Tenebris and to the convenience of the villainous Kant, the one responsible for the Vacuum, hidden among the humans as one of them to observe and savor their self-made depravity.

Haru soon realized that, confined in this camp and abiding by its established rules, she would never achieve her ultimate goal of vengeance. Though many had tried to steer her away from this path, she saw it only as refusal to help, and was left to fester in her own negativity in a tent. One fateful night, she joined the SoulForcer known as Erwin Arclight in an act of escape, at first under the promise of leading her to the one who created the Void.

Eventually, while roaming the SoulJunk infested wastelands, they found another establishment to settle in, known as Azland Camp. There, Haru's bitterness started to fade, as she opened up to its people, sharing her misery and struggles with them, and before long, she could bring herself to speak of protecting them. Finally, her heart began to heal, only for it to be broken again.

The people of the settlement discovered the true nature of the two wanderers, that they were humans corrupted by the infamous power called Desire, and in an act motivated by paranoia, plotted to kill them both. Forced to slaughter every inhabitant in self-defense, Haru could endure hardship no more. She snapped under the tremendous emotional weight and gave in to Desire.

With a new belief, that all living beings in the Vacuum, human or alien, need to perish for her retribution to be complete, she laughed away the last remnants of her sanity and took her first step towards the fulfillment of a bloody ambition - genocide. Her tenacity inspired other misguided humans twisted by Desire to join her, and so, over the next 15 years, thousands would meet a terrible end at the tip of her blade, or at the mercy of her followers.

After 15 years, the goddess Rosca descended from the heavens to stop Kant. In response, he took over the minds of a precious few DesireWorkers left in the Vacuum, Haru Estia included, so that he may use them to defeat her. The combined might of his subjects was not nearly enough to challenge this divine being, and following a swift defeat, she sent each of them to a separate timeline, outside of the Vacuum, in order to stray them from the path which the progenitor of the Vacuum had laid out for them.

This resulted in permanent amnesia of all the events that had taken place up until that moment in Haru's life. And so, upon witnessing the suffering in the world, her first instinct was to protect everyone from the danger posed by the SoulJunk, as well as a warlike alien race going by the name of Vessi. As if history itself was ignorant to her dark deeds, the world accepted her as a beacon of hope, with threat after threat dispatched by her awesome powers. To this day, she remains the last line of defense against the pitiless villains seeking to crush mankind underfoot.

This mod features:
-four skins: SoulWorker, Advancement, DesireWorker and SoulJustice
-five basic offensive powers
-two boosts
-one Xtreme
-two effects packs - a regular one and one that fits the DesireWorker skin
-two voice packs - a default hero one and a villain one
-a grab smash whose damage can be upgraded by ranking up the first power

Switching between effects packs is done by overwriting the effects files inside effects/char/haru_estia (in the game directory) with whichever effects files you want - either from the effects/desire folder or from the effects/default folder. You will also need to do the same thing for models/bolton/haru_soulum.igb and models/chunks/soulumRain.igb, two entities which are used as effects for powers.

The procedure is the same for switching between voice packs. Replace sounds/eng/h/a/haru_v.zss and haru_m.zsm (in the game directory) with the same two files from either sounds/default or sounds/desire.

VERY IMPORTANT: Before you install this mod, make sure to backup 0501.igb inside ui/models/mannequin and inside textures/loading. They are, respectively, the model for Thing that you see when you're in the character selection screen and he's not on the team, and his loading screen. Haru's mannequin and loading screen overwrite his. Also, make sure that Thing is not on your roster when you start a new game. Not taking these measures can result in glitches.

Link to the mod:
Mod showcase: (the mod version in this video is 1.0)
Gameplay video link:
DesireWorker effects and voice packs showcase video:
Mod power combo recommendations:
Character synergies showcase (vanilla characters only):

Credits can be found inside the README.txt file inside the mod archive.

All in all, I sincerely hope you enjoy this mod. It's my first ever, and I couldn't be more excited to share it at long last and join the circle of modders. Let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve it, or if you've found issues with the mod not mentioned inside the README file. Until next time, have a good one mates. Corvette, taking off.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

Congrats on your first release! I know you've put a lot of time and effort into it. I've added it to the non-marvel catalog!

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on August 07, 2020, 09:20AM
Congrats on your first release! I know you've put a lot of time and effort into it. I've added it to the non-marvel catalog!
Thanks man. I never could've done this without your help and the help of a lot of other people.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

It has come to my attention that the grab smash ability was not working. This issue should be fixed now, as I had forgotten to include two interact files.

I have updated the download link as well. Download the mod again and take the interact files from the actors and data/fightstyles folders and place them in those respective folders in the game files. That should fix the grab smash not working.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

Congratulations Corvetterules! I saw your mod on youtube and I really enjoyed your work! I will test it and I will certainly present it in my gameplay videos. There are guys who really enjoy the forum content and I'm sure they will like your mod a lot.
Continue with this excellent work!
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 08, 2020, 07:02AM
Congratulations Corvetterules! I saw your mod on youtube and I really enjoyed your work! I will test it and I will certainly present it in my gameplay videos. There are guys who really enjoy the forum content and I'm sure they will like your mod a lot.
Continue with this excellent work!
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Thanks, Mr. Anderson! I appreciate the kind words. And don't you worry, I ain't even close to finished pumping out mods yet, especially from the SoulWorker IP.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

It has been brought to my attention that people have had issues with power textures for Armor Smash and Best Served Cold, and for people playing with consoles, icon related issues as well. In addition, there were issues with the way powers and power ranks were being unlocked. This has been hotfixed. If you experienced such issues, please visit the first post on this thread and download the mod again. And my deepest apologies extended to you for this goof-up.

For the texture problem, very much worth noting is that there are new .igb assets inside the texture folder, and two new folders, decals and nextgen, which also contain .igb files. Make sure you add those to your respective game files, and make sure that you overwrite the talents file and the effects files from the previous Haru mod version with this latest hotfixed version's.

Many thanks to the people who let me know of these issues, A.K.A. UltraMegaMagnus and Anderson Brazil, and as always, thank you very much for your consideration of downloading and playing with my mod! I hope these fixes will suffice.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

Upon further consultation with some people, my most recently posted hotfix did not resolve the icons issue. However, some modifications I made in the package files have been confirmed to make them appear for console users as they should. I have made a mediafire link to an archive with the good package filesw which you can download and overwrite the current package files with. Thank you for your patience.

All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

I updated my Haru Estia mod with some minor bug fixes and changes.

What you can expect from this update:

-two new loading screens for the Advancement and DesireWorker skins
-fixed an issue which caused HUD effects such as the low HP ring or the Xtreme ready ring appearing behind the actual HUD icons
-fixed an issue which caused control users to not be able to see power icons while in-game
-added a texture to the hair of the Advancement skin

Big issues that still remain:

-for some people (don't know, but maybe even for everyone), the power textures appear corrupted. On my end, everything looks fine. I'm not sure how to fix this yet, but fixes I tried yesterday and the day before didn't work. I'll have to think something up.

Link to the update:

For those of you who have already installed the first version, 1.0, you only need the following:

-all the files inside packages/generated/characters
-all the .igb files inside textures
-all the files inside textures/nextgen
-all the files inside textures/decals
-0502.igb and 0503.igb from textures/loading
-all the files inside hud

Replace where necessary.

Thank you, as always, for your patience and for your continued interest in this mod! Until next time.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

It's been roughly 3 weeks since I first announced this mod on Discord, and now, the time is finally upon us! Everyone, welcome my second mod ever, the Lily Bloomerchen mod, to the fold!


Lily Bloomerchen was an affluent teenager from Stair Second, the planet Earth from an alternate universe. She once lived a luxurious life inside the mansion of the reputable Bloomerchen family. However, even that lifestyle would end in the blink of an eye when a catastrophe befell her world, caused by a phenomenon known as the Vacuum, spawning countless nightmarish creatures, dubbed SoulJunk, as well as the attention of a warlike alien race known as the Vessi.

In a single night, Lily lost everything, and was forced to helplessly watch her brother being savagely devoured by a monster. Mentally overwhelmed by the horrific image of what she witnessed, and the inconceivable idea that everything she had was gone, she snapped. As the Void's unknown energies consumed the area, the ruins of her brother's room were filled with maniacal laughter, and they became the birthplace of one of the most vicious enemies mankind has ever known. Lily gave in to Desire all too easily, and she became the DesireWorker of Madness, granting her superhuman physical attributes, as well as the ability to materialize a scythe out of thin air from Desire.

Since that moment, like air for the lungs and rest for the weary eyes, bloodshed and the prospect of death became necessary for Lily's happiness. She joyously slaughtered thousands of creatures, no matter their alignment, in a relentless pursuit of one foe who would be powerful enough to kill her. So intoxicated she came to be by this ambition, that no wound, however grievous, would faze her anticipation for that which could deal a final blow to her. Eventually, a young man named Tenebris faced Lily, and proved capable of reigning victorious against her. However, much to the mad girl's dismay, he spared her life and took her as a prisoner and DesireWorker in rehabilitation of the refugee site known as Grasscover Camp.

After many failed attempts by numerous people at restoring Lily's humanity, the two fought once again, with the initial promise that this battle would be her last. However, before the moment of execution, Tenebris understood at long last that it was not carnage that she craved, but her own demise. Taking advantage of this mindset, and in a final attempt to convince the girl to hang onto her life even just a little longer, he struck a deal - if Lily can aid him and the other warriors in the camp in their efforts to defend Grasscover Camp and push back the horrors of the Vacuum threatening it, he would use his great power to kill her. Reluctantly, she accepted, knowing power as great as his was not so easy to come by, and for years, her time would be spent either in a holding cell or on the battlefield in defense of the camp.

In the end, the man who promised her death disappeared, in which she saw enough reason to leave the camp to continue her pursuit of strong enemies, until eventually, she joined the villainess Haru Estia and her followers in her quest to destroy all life in the Vacuum.

Fifteen years since the tragedy, whatever remained of Lily's mind was taken over by Kant, in an attempt to use her power, as well as that of five other DesireWorkers, to defeat a goddess called Rosca. After a crushing defeat in the favor of the divine, each of Kant's mind controlled warriors were sent to separate timelines, outside the Vacuum, inducing permanent amnesia of all the events that took place up until the present.

When she first opened her eyes, Lily saw a world in danger, and her new greed became the salvation of its people. This former menace to society soon became lauded as a hero, winning countless battles against foes who would've otherwise destroyed mankind.

To this day, Lily remains humanity's last true hope against the many threats it faces.

This mod features:
-four skins: SoulWorker, Advancement, DesireWorker and SoulJustice
-five basic offensive powers
-two boosts
-one Xtreme
-two voice packs to choose from - a default hero one, and a more villainous one to better fit the DesireWorker skin
-two effects packs to choose from - default, and one that better fits the DesireWorker skin
-three loading screens

In order to install either voice pack, you must overwrite lily_v.zss and lily_m.zsm inside sounds/eng/l/i (in the game directory) with the same two files located in sounds/desire or default/eng/l/i, inside the mod directory.

The procedure is the same for installing either effects pack - overwrite the .xmlb effects files in effects/char/lily_bloomerchen (in the game directory) with the same .xmlb effects files located in effects/default or desire/char/lily_bloomerchen inside the mod directory.

Please also make sure that you have overwritten the powerstyle file with the one from this newest update, as it contains changes necessary for the full implementation of the alternate voice and effects packs.

VERY IMPORTANT: If you have Outsider's Quake mod, then before you install this mod, make sure to backup 11601.igb inside ui/models/mannequin and 11601.igb, 11602.igb and 11603.igb inside textures/loading. They are, respectively, the model for Quake that you see when you're in the character selection screen and he's not on the team, and her loading screens. Lily's mannequin and loading screens overwrite hers. Also, make sure that Quake is not on your roster when you start a new game. Not taking these measures can result in glitches.

Link to the mod:
Mod showcase: (the version of the mod in this review is 1.0)
Gameplay video link:
DesireWorker voice and effects packs showcase video link:

Credits can be found inside the README.txt file inside the mod archive.

All in all, thank you for showing interest in this mod. I am very excited to be sharing it with you all, and if you're impressed by my work so far, then you can definitely expect more content from me down the line.

Until next time, have a good one. Corvette, taking off.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

I've put together a hotfix of minor issues for the Lily Bloomerchen mod. The link can be found at I'd recommend everyone to download this update, because it also adds an effect that I neglected to include in the first archive, but you should especially download this if you downloaded V1.0 and experienced issues resembling texture corruption.

This also features a hotfix to her talents file, which fixes an issue causing the Xtreme power to be available from level 1.

For those of you who already have V1.0, you only need to overwrite all of Lily's effects files inside effects/char/lily_bloomerchen, her talents file, and drag and drop the .igb files inside textures and textures/nextgen to the respective folders inside the game files.

Hopefully this should fix what I believe would be broken otherwise. I would once again like to thank you for your interest in my work, and I sincerely hope you enjoy playing as Lily! Corvette, taking off.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

My showcase video for the Lily Bloomerchen mod is up:
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

I have put together a new update for my Haru Estia mod. This update features:

-a new skin, called SoulJustice, as the fourth skin
-a new HUD for the fourth skin
-major fixes to an issue which caused a sword to appear in Haru's hand at seemingly random times

The link to the archive is here:

For those of you who have already installed my Haru Estia mod (presumably V1.1 - if not, I'd recommend just overwriting everything to be safe), the only files of interest are the 0509 files inside packages/generated/characters, the 0509.igb file inside actors, the talents file, the powerstyles file and the herostat entry (you will have to replace the old Haru Estia herostat entry with the new one, inside of your herostat.cfg/herostat.engb file).

I wouldn't consider this update to be big, but I would still say that a lot of people will be happy with the fixes at least. I have the creator's bias, so to speak, and even I found it annoying to encounter that sword issue over and over again during gameplay. That, and those who enjoy magical girl shows will love the new skin.

Thank you once again for your interest in my work, and I hope you have a joyous time with it! Until next time, have a good one. Corvette, taking off.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.