
[OLD] Enigma's Boosters

Started by Enigma, November 07, 2021, 07:44PM

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November 07, 2021, 07:44PM Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 03:43PM by Enigma
Enigma's Boosters

ATTENTION: I have moved my boosters to their own threads in the Booster section, and I will be no longer posting in this thread, as this thread is getting cluttered due to my habit of doing long posts and this thread has gotten hard to keep track of update wise:
Boosters Are Now Here:,48.0.html

Any voicepacks that aren't boosters and as well as my other sound mods are now here:,11166.0.html

As per Tubular Spaceman's advice, when making a voicepack for XML2, you have to call it "name_v" then add all the voice sounds, then save it as "name_v.zss" and close the program. Then rename it to "name_m.zss" and reopen it and add all the grunt and power sounds, then save it again.

Banshee Booster v2.0:

*Uses his NPC lines from XML2 to give him a robust voicepack with his official voice including grunts. No non-XML2 lines or grunts used!
*I also replaced many of his power sounds with better quality and better fitting sounds.
*I changed a couple of the powerstyle's sound effects entries so that the new power sound effects would work correctly.
*While I was at it, I corrected some spelling and grammar issues in the talent file.
*Also included are Menu Breaks and a couple of options for Menu Callouts that you can add to your x_voice file.

Removed 2 of Banshee's CMD AttackTarget/Any lines and switched them to Sight, as I felt they were a better fit for that and he had no Sight lines.
Changed Banshee's flight sounds to be less generic and more fitting
Included more clear installation folders and instructions
Made it a standalone mode and renamed it.

Just copy the Data and Sounds folders into your X-Men Legends II folder and overwrite when prompted.
In the Extras folder are the Menu Breaks and Menu Callouts. These can be installed into your x_voice file, but that's more complicated and you can just ignore those if you want.

marvel watcher: Banshee mod
Tubular Spaceman: troubleshooting
BaconWizard17: Advice and encouragement

November 14, 2021, 07:57PM #1 Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 03:03PM by Enigma
Angel Booster v2.0:

**There's a choice between 5 voicepacks for you to use (They all have callouts for his 2nd Xtreme):

*XML1 Prototype Voicepack:
-Uses his official XML1 Prototype voices (thanks to Ceamonks890 for cleaning the sounds up), the retail XML1 and unused XML1 Prototype Morlock Thief sounds (done by the same actor as Angel and sound a lot like Angel too. The Prototype set was too loud and the retail set was too quiet, but I think I got them balanced well.), and power sounds from Cohollow's Angel mod (thanks).

*XML2 Angel Voicepack Option A:
-This is a voicepack using voiced lines of Dave Wittenberg as Angel from XML2.
-It also uses grunts and voiced lines by the same actor portraying Kakashi in Naruto Clash of Ninja 1 and 2 and Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising, as he doing pretty much the same voice.

*XML2 Angel Voicepack Option B:
-Same as Option A but uses the Prototype's Wing Hurricane Xtreme callout.

*XML2 Archangel Voicepack Option A:
-This is a voicepack for Cohollow's Angel mod that uses the voiced lines Archangel from XML2, as portrayed by Dave Wittenberg.
-He'll help you if it means he gets his revenge on Apocalypse, but he's no Angel. He's in this for himself, and he'll insult his teammates as much as he does his opponents.
-There are a few lines I had to edit due to lack of appropriate voices, but I'm very happy with the job I did on them, and I don't think they're very noticeable. (And if you do notice them, I think you'll get used to them pretty quickly. I did at least.)
-Because Archangel's XML2 grunts have a much heavier voice filter over them tha his voices, I instead used the grunts by the same actor from his role as Kakashi in Naruto Clash of Ninja 1 and 2, which I also used for the XML2 Angel Voicepack.

*XML2 Archangel Voicepack Option B:
-Same as Option A but uses the Prototype's Wing Hurricane Xtreme callout.

**Also Included:

*Includes high quality versions of his unused XML1 and XML1 Xtreme loading screens.

*A new character select portrait based off of a higher quality version of his unused XML1 loading screen

*I also included a modified talent file that changes his 1st Xtreme's name to "Wing Hurricane" to match the name of his unused XML1 Xtreme power and to match the callout in the XML1 Prototype voicepack. I also changed his 2nd Xtreme's name to "Blood of the Martyr" which was going to be the name of his booster in XML1 and would've been a similar power to this. (Thanks to Cohollow for permission!).

*I modified his powerstyle file so that his new Xtreme names will display.

**Added 3 bonus conversation huds:
-Unused XML1 Prototype Angel: This is the conversation hud he would've used if he hasn't been cut out of XML1
-Angel X-Treme Gear: a conversation hud made using a high quality version of his unused XML1 X-Treme Gear loading screen
-Archangel Gladiator: This is all we have of this skin. It's the button used to select the option to view what would've been a sheet showing skin and most likely some concept art or possibly the loading screen on artist Glen Angus's website. The website is gone and all the Internet Archive saved of this image is this button. Even though there is no skin and we don't know what the rest of it would've looked like, the button was the perfect size for a conversation hud and I figured why let it go to waste.
-XML2 Angel: A remade version of his XML2 conversation hud using a higher quality version of his unused XML1 loading screen

-Added his unused XML1 loading screen
-Added his unused XML1 X-Treme Gear loading screen
-Added a higher quality version of his XML2 Archangel loading screen
-Added a higher quality version of XML2 conversation hud I remade using the same image source as his unused XML1 loading screen
-Added a new higher quality character select portrait based upon his unused XML1 loading screen
-The in-game display text that appears when you use his Xtreme power will now display the correct modified names.
-Changed his Wing Hurricane combo text to fit the new power name.
-Added 2 new voicepacks: XML2 Angel and XML2 Archangel
-Reorganized his XML1 Prototype voicepack so that his voices fit better for the different categories they're assigned to and added a callout for his 2nd Xtreme power.
-All 3 voicepacks have callouts for his 2nd Xtreme.
-Added 4 bonus conversation huds: Unused XML1 Prototype Angel, Angel X-Treme Gear, Archangel Gladiator, XML2 Angel,
-Clarified instructions
-Made it a standalone booster
-Included more clear installation folders and instructions

Cohollow: Angel mod

November 21, 2021, 01:12PM #2 Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 03:24PM by Enigma
*Omega Red Booster v5.0:

**This is a booster for edward's Omega Red mod. It includes:

*A voice and soundfile use voiced lines, grunts, and power sound selected from the following sources: Mark Hamill's cut portrayal from X2 Wolverine's Revenge, Steve Blum's portrayal from X-Men Legends II, and Len Doncheff's portrayal from Marvel vs Capcom 2.
-Also includes voiced callouts for both his Xtreme powers.

**Also includes:
*An updated herostat that's setup for his new soundfile.
*The original Omega Red mod replaces his boss soundfile. This booster uses a new sound file that doesn't do that and restores his original NPC soundfile if you already replaced it.
*A talent file with corrected spelling and grammar, as well as renaming his 1st power from Carbonium Release to Carbonium Blast.
*An updated powerstyle file. I made edits to allow for him to have unique power sounds and make as many fixes as possible to his Xtreme power sounds. I also switched his 4th power, Carbonium Whips, from a hold to charge power to a tap power instead, which fixed all of its animation and usage issues and made the power work properly now, as well as actually be fun to use now.
-I also changed his 2nd Xtreme from Omega Form to Omega Strike because there was a callout for a power with that name from MVC2.

*Removed the puff of smoke from his Red Armor power because it makes no sense for that power to have it.
*Includes a texture file from MUA1 PS2 which fixes Omega Red's missing texture issues.
*Includes 2 loading screens: a version of his default one that I remade using a higher quality source and an unused alternate Omega Red loading screen.
*Includes a character select portrait based upon his unused alternate XML2 loading screen.

-There's an announcer file of Patrick Stewart saying "Omega Red" that I ripped from X2 Wolverine's Revenge, as well as some Menu Breaks. You can add these to your x_voice if you know how. If not, don't worry about it.

edward: Omega Red mod
Tubular Spaceman: troubleshooting

-Did a complete overhaul of his voices. I rearranged some to fit better and added some more.
-Upscaled the icons and altered the packages files and talent file so that the icons how appear in a higher resolution in the character select menu
Xtreme on-screen text is now all capitalized just like all the default characters.
-Corrected review_paths install instructions
-Switched around and changed Low Health and No Power voice clips to be more fitting
-Added Menu Breaks
-Added a character select portrait based upon his unused alternate XML2 loading screen.
-Renamed 2nd Xtreme from Omega Form to Omega Strike, as that power had a voiced callout in MVC2.
-Sound file now properly goes into the right folder (I had forgotten the "eng" folder).
-More powerstyle fixes related to sounds.
-Added another texture file from MUA1 PS2 to fix a missing texture issue.
-Reordered herostat so that skins are in numerical order.
-Added announcer file that you can add to your x_voice if you know how. If not, don't worry about it.

November 27, 2021, 11:11AM #3 Last Edit: December 02, 2021, 02:10PM by Enigma
Avalanche Voicepack v2.0:

This is a voicepack for Cohollow's Avalanche mod.

I made is using Avalanche's XML1 boss voices, his NPC sounds edited into clips, as an unused death sound from the XML1 Prototype.

It also includes all of his XML1 boss power sounds and grunts, which were already in Cohollow's mod.

For his respaffirms, since he didn't have any of the traditional "I understand" type of lines that the default characters and my other voicepacks have, I ended up using what I like to call "deaffirmatives." Basically, when you select him, he'll insult the X-Men he's forced to work with to stop Apocalypse. He'll do it, but he's not happy about it and he'll complain about and insult them every step of the way. I think it fits in well with how he was portrayed in XML1 by his voice actor, Peter Lurie.

There is also 1 Menu Break included that you can edit into your x_voice file if you want.

I was unable to get a line to play for his 2nd Xtreme, but everything else should work fine.


v2.0: added 4 new taunts

Cohollow: Avalanche Mod

December 02, 2021, 02:06PM #5 Last Edit: December 12, 2021, 10:09PM by Enigma
Emma Frost Booster v2.0:

**This is a booster I made for Whiteking's Emma Frost mod. It contains the following:

*Finally gives Whiteking's Emma Frost mod a voice file, which contains Emma's XML1 voices and grunts sounds plus her XML2 npc voices and grunts sounds and new lines created from editing clips out of her NPC lines in both XML games, meaning she has a substantially expanded voiceset versus XML1:

-Since her "I See You" and "Victory" lines were already at the maxmimum limit, I removed 1 XML1 I See You line that I found cringy ("Prepare to lose") to accomodate 1 of her XML2 I See You lines. (Her 2nd XML2 I See You line is just a different line reading of a XML1 I See You line and I liked the XML1 version better so I kept that one. And her 3rd I See You line I felt was a bad line and a bad line reading "This is gonna hurt you a lot." plus the rest of the XML1 ones were better so I left that one out as well.)
-For her Victory lines, I swapped one over to Taunt Knockdown as I felt it worked better there ("Try harder next time dear.") and removed 2 that I felt the line readings were bad ("Mmm, so sorry" and "You really weren't that tough.") so I could replace them with much better XML2 Victory lines.
-She also has 2 new Sight lines, 3 new Taunt Knockdown lines, and 1 new Epitaph lines from her XML2 voiceset.
-She also has the following that I edited from her XML1 and XMl2 NPC lines: 4 more Respaffirms, 3 more Bored lines, 1 more No Work line, and 1 more Sight lines.
-She also has an Xtreme callout for her 2nd Xtreme, Hail to the Queen.

*Her grunts are a combination of all her XML1 grunts and all her XML2 grunts.

*Her power sounds were completely redone and are a combination of her XML1 power sounds (power 1, power 3, 1st Xtreme Psychic Bedlam), 1 of the power sounds from Whiteking's mod (2nd Xtreme Hail to the Queen), and some of her Marvel Heroes power sounds (everything else).

*Also included is the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch version of her powerstyle, which switches her diamond form skin over to 9010.

-I also made changes to this to accomodate her changed power sounds and so that every power sound could have its own unique sound.

-I also fixed her broken Psionic Overload power. This was supposed to be a "hold down the button" power but the coding for this was broken and so the power continues whether you hold the button or not. Not holding it means the power would end on its own eventually in an awkward way and doesn't end properly. The "power sound" would play for a while then cut off abruptly and the "power end" sound would also never play. I have fixed all of this so that it is a proper working hold power, that when you let go of the button, Emma's power end animation plays correctly, the "power sound" ends properly, and the "power end" sound plays properly. (Thanks to ak2ny for advice on how to make the power end more quickly once I'd gotten the end part to actually work.)

-Originally, Whiteking coded her Astral Beam power to play a taunt when she defeats an enemy. My guess is Whiteking did this due to custom voicepacks not being a thing back in the earlier days of XML2 modding. As my voicepack means the Victory voice lines play when she defeats an enemy, I have removed this redundant aspect.

*I also corrected spelling and grammar mistakes in her power descriptions, as well as rewrote some descriptions to be more clear. I also renamed her Astral Beam power to Astral Projection, along with rewriting the description to fit better with what it felt like Whiteking was going for, which was a power from the cartoon Wolverine and the X-Men, where she uses a power like this to astral project.

*A new character select portrait, which I made using the same high quality unletterboxed source as her XML1 loading screen

*Also included are all-new packs for her skins. These now allow for custom conversation huds and custom 3d hud heads for each skin (for use with BaconWizard17's skins).

*The new herostat is just a personal peferrence of mine: I reordered the skins so that skin 01 is the default skin (which is also her NPC skin) and that the skins are in numerical order in the herostat.


*Bonus 1 - 2 new loading screens I made from high quality unletterboxed sources: her XML1 loading screen and an unused uncensored version of her XML1 loading screen.
-These are a bonus because they are pretty similar and you might not want to use both of them. I've included pictures of them, so pick which you like and rename it to 9001. If you want to use the other one too, then rename it to 9002.
-Add the following line to your review_paths (if it isn't there already) and add another for the second one if you're using it too:

   item {
   name = Emma Frost ;
   type = load ;
   value = textures/loading/9001 ;

*Bonus 2 - A version of her XML1/XML2 conversation hud I made using a version of the image from the XML1 Prototype that's higher quality than the version used in the XML1 retail version. (It's at a resolution of 128x128 vs the version used in XML1 retail and XML2 where it's 64x64)
-This is in the bonus folder in case you're using BaconWizard17's skins and huds and such, so this is here if you want to use it and so that you can decide which number you want to assign this to.

*Note about x_voice: this seems to be compatible with the 2020 update version of x_voice (which provides Emma's announcer callout and menu breaks) but if this mod doesn't work, try without the x_voice update and let me know.

Installation Instructions:
Install the latest version of Whiteking's Emma Frost mod
Delete emmaf_m.zsm file in X-Men Legends II/Sounds/e/m
Delete 9001.igb and 9002.igb files from X-Men Legends II/Textures/loading
Install my booster.
Pick which loading screen you want.
Install the XML1 Prototype Conversation Hud if you want to. Change the "X" in the file name to whatever number skin you want.

Whiteking = Emma Frost mod
BaconWizard17 = X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch updated powerstyle
ak2ny = advice on making Psionic Overload end more quickly.

Added solo_end voice lines as CMD Follow, as solo_end aren't used in XML2 and they fit CMD Follow perfectly.
Removed Can't Talk, Sight, and Locked lines, as they are never used in XML2.
Slight installation instructions update (forgot to include "eng" in the sounds installation path)
Included character select portrait instructions.
Minor installation folder update (forgot "eng" in sounds)
Put a note about x_voice.

December 02, 2021, 09:41PM #6 Last Edit: December 02, 2021, 09:46PM by Enigma
Updated Emma Frost Booster to v1.1 (minor installation folder fix) and Omega Red Booster to v3.0 (major update)

December 11, 2021, 06:09PM #8 Last Edit: December 22, 2021, 01:48PM by Enigma
Updated Omega Red Booster to v4.1. Xtreme on-screen text is now all capitalized just like all the default characters.

Psylocke Booster v2.0:

**This booster gives Psylocke her XML1 voices and grunts, as well as 12 additional voiced lines taken from both her XML1 NPC lines as well as from new lines from X-Men New Dimensions, which are by the same voice actress, Masasa Moyo.
*It also includes ___ new grunts taken from X-Men Next Dimension, as well as 1 taken from one of the Epitaph lines, which features a Pain grunt at the start of it.
*It also includes all new power sounds from taken from Psylocke's power sounds in Marvel Heroes (the only non-MH power sound used is her Psychic Onslaught sound).

*Detailed voice changes:
-I used her 1 solo_end sound as a CMD Follow line and the other 2 as respaffirms, since solo_end isn't used in XML2, and those 3 lines were well suited for the purposes stated.
-Added 1 new respaffirm and 1 new epipaph using clips from her XML1 NPC dialogue.
-Added 3 new No Power lines, 4 new Taunt Knockdown lines, 1 new Victory line, 1 new Epitaph, and 1 new Respaffirm using lines from X-Men Next Dimension.
-Added 2 new Jump, 1 new Pickup, and 2 new Throw grunts from X-Men Next Dimension.
-Her 2nd Xtreme now has a callout.

**The following changes were made to her powerstyle and talent files:
*Fixed the issue of her having missing power sounds. She now has power sounds for all powers, they all work properly, and all of them are now unique.
*Removed the whip bolton part of her Psionic Whip power. I felt that it was very out of place, since takes out a pink whip, uses it, holsters it on her hip when she's done which doesn't make any sense, and then she swips with her psychic katana anyway, so it's not needed. I also renamed it to Psionic Swipe, since it no longer has a whip.
*Renamed Psycho Blast to Psionic Blast.
*Fixed typos and grammar errors in power descriptions.

**I've also included a new character select portrait that I made using a higher quality version of her XML1 loading screen.
**I've also included a remake of her XML1 loadings screen I made using a higher quality version of her XML1 loading screen, as well as her unused XML1 X-treme Gear loading screen I made using a high quality version of the image I found.

**Other Changes (Thanks to BaconWizard17 for these):
*Her Xtreme shadow form skin in now 15410. I have modified her herostat to account for this and to put her skin numbers in proper numerical order.
*She has new packages so that she can have unique 3d hud heads and conversation huds for every skin.
*Her files are future-proofed for the new way icons will work in X2UP (1 file for menus and 1 for in-game so that the menu ones will be higher resolution.) Once that's released, you can use the icons files from that with this booster (This booster will be part of the X2UP as well.)

*Her XML1 Prototype Conversation Hud, which is a higher quality image than the version in XML1. It a bonus because BaconWizard's skins have their own huds and you can choose which skin or skins you want to use it with this way.
*Custom Xtreme Conversation Hud: A conversation hud I made using her X-Treme Gear loading screen to fit in with the official huds.

**Installation Instructions:
*Install nodoubt_jr's Psylocke mod
*Delete psyloc_m.zsm file in X-Men Legends II/Sounds/eng/p/s
*Install this booster, including the new herostat.
*Decompile character_heads.pkgb and insert the following line (if it isn't there already) and recompile the file:

   model {
   filename = ui/models/characters/15401 ;

*For the loading screens, add the following entries to review_paths if they aren't there already., alphabetically along with the other loading screens and recompile the file:

   item {
   name = Psylocke ;
   type = load ;
   value = textures/loading/15401 ;

   item {
   name = Psylocke (X-Treme Gear) ;
   type = load ;
   value = textures/loading/15402 ;

*For the Conversation Huds, pick which skin you want to use each for, change the "X" in the number 1540X in the filename to which skin it is and copy the Hud folder to your X-Men Legends II folder and agree to overwrite any files it prompts you to.

nodoubt_jr = Psylocke mod
BaconWizard17 = X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch updated powerstyle and talents that I modified for this booster, updated packages, updated shadow skin,

Removed Can't Talk and Locked lines because they're never used
Added XML1 Prototype and Custom X-Treme Gear Conversation Huds I made
Added loading screens

Updated my Emma Frost Booster to v2.0:
Added solo_end voice lines as CMD Follow, as solo_end aren't used in XML2 and they fit CMD Follow perfectly.
Removed Can't Talk, Sight, and Locked lines, as they are never used in XML2.
Slight installation instructions update (forgot to include "eng" in the sounds installation path)
Included character select portrait instructions.

December 22, 2021, 01:45PM #10 Last Edit: December 24, 2021, 12:04PM by Enigma
Updated Psylocke Booster to v2.0

Magma Booster v2.0:

**This is a booster for nodoubt_jr's Magma mod. It contains the following:

*Added her XML1 voices, which I have expanded using some clips from her XML1 conversation dialogue. (1 more Bored line, 5 more Level Up lines, 2 more Respaffirm lines, and 1 more Too Heavy line.)
-Her 2nd Xtreme now has a callout, by reusing one of her Level Up lines, as there wasn't really anything else that fit, and I feel that the line I picked fits pretty well.
*I rewrote her power descriptions to be more clear and accurate as to what the powers do.
Renamed Rising Fire to Flaming Geyser.
*I gave her new power sounds using Human Torch's power sounds from Marvel Heroes (but I did still use her XML1 Volcano Xtreme and Lava Fissure power sounds) so that now Magma has unique power sounds for all her powers, including replacing the mod's power sound that had the sound of a man grunting in it. Flaming Geyser has 2 different power sounds that can play, as I had access to 2 similar power sounds and figured why not.
*I remade her character select portrait using a higher quality version of her XML1 loading screen.
*I included a remade version of her XML1 loading screen using a higher quality version of the image, as well as her unused X-Treme Gear loading screen using an AI Upscaled version of that image from the XML1 Prototype.
*I reordered skins in herostat to be in alphabetical order
*Her files are future-proofed for the new way icons will work in X2UP (1 file for menus and 1 for in-game so that the menu ones will be higher resolution.) Once that's released, you can use the icons files from that with this booster (This booster will be part of the X2UP as well.)
*She can now have a unique conversation hud and 3d head for every skin, as well. In this booster, all conversation huds are the same (but you can install the Bonus ones if you wish) and all 3d heads are the same except 03, but the option is now there.
*Changed her Magma Form skin to 3610
*All skins from 3601 to 3609 now have packages. There aren't skins 3604 and 3609 in this booster, but you can add them from elsewhere if you wish.

*XML1 Prototype Conversation Hud: I remade her conversation hud using the higher quality version of the image from the XML1 Prototype. It's a bonus so you can pick which skin or skins to use it for.
*Custom Xtreme Conversation Hud: A conversation hud I made using her X-Treme Gear loading screen to fit in with the official huds.

**Installation Instructions:
*Install the original Magma mod.
*Delete the file magma_m.zsm in X-Men Legends II/Sounds/eng/m/a
*Install this booster
*Add the following lines to your review_paths.engb file (if they aren't there already):

   item {
   name = Magma ;
   type = load ;
   value = textures/loading/3601 ;

   item {
   name = Magma (X-Treme Gear) ;
   type = load ;
   value = textures/loading/3602 ;

*Add the following line to your character_heads.pkgb file (if it's not there already):

   model {
   filename = ui/models/characters/3601 ;

*If you are using skins for numbers 3604 and 3609, add their skins, conversation huds, and 3d heads all at the appropriate numbers and add the following to Magma's herostat entry, then add her entry to your herostat:
skin_aoa = 04 ;
skin_winter = 09 ;

**For the Conversation Huds, pick which skin you want to use each for, change the "X" in the number 1540X in the filename to which skin it is and copy the Hud folder to your X-Men Legends II folder and agree to overwrite any files it prompts you to.

nodoubt_jr: Magma mod

-Added new packages to future proof for the new way icons will work in X2UP and so that she can have unique conversation huds and 3d heads for every skin
-Added packs for skins 3604 and 3609 (there aren't skins for these numbers in this mod, but the option is now there)
-Changed her Magma Form skin to 3610