Enigma's Angel Mod

Started by Enigma, January 23, 2022, 03:32PM

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January 23, 2022, 03:32PM Last Edit: June 24, 2024, 02:04PM by Enigma
:angel_hero: Enigma's Angel Mod v6.9:angel_hero:


This is my Angel mod. It contains the following differences from Cohollow's mod:

Sound Changes:
*A voicepack using lines taken from Angel's NPC lines from XML2, voiced by Dave Wittenberg.
-It also uses grunts and voiced lines by the same actor portraying Kakashi in Naruto Clash of Ninja 1 and 2 and Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising, as he doing pretty much the same voice.
-It uses Angel's XML1 Prototype Wing Hurricane Xtreme callout.
*A new set of power sounds.
-All powers now have unique sounds.
-He now uses his XML2 Archangel boss sounds for Feather Shot and Wing Sweep.
-His Dive Bomb uses the power sounds for the boss power that's similar to this
-He also uses boss sounds for his flight sounds. (I did reuse the Dive Bomb take off sound for his Flight take off sound, but that's the only power sound that's used for 2 different things.)
-For all other powers, he uses powers sounds taken from the ones he uses in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.
-His Wing Hurricane Xtreme uses an unknown power sound from Marvel Heroes, which may or may not be his or Quicksilver's.
-He no longer uses the generic XML2 flight landing sound. He has a unique one now instead.
-Aerial Dash now has a proper looping sound and not just 1 sound that keeps getting repeated.
-His unique stun now has a power sound and not just one of XML2's generic whooshes.
*Fixed and redid power sounds coding.
*Changed how coding for Xtreme 2 callout works.

Power Changes:
*I renamed his 1st Xtreme from Killer Angel to the name of his Xtreme in the XML1 Prototype and the files of the N-Gage version of XML2, Wing Hurricane.
-I also changed this Xtreme into a new Xtreme to fit the name better and because before it was exactly the same as his Dive Bomb power.
-It also now does Wind damage.
-I've also removed 1 effect that is now no longer needed.
*I renamed his 2nd Xtreme from Transfusion to Blood of the Martyr. This is the name of his boost in XML1 Prototype, which would've been a similar power to this.
*I renamed his Quill Copter power to the name of a power listed as being Angels's in the files of the N-Gage version of XML2, Wing Sweep.
*I renamed his Feather Darts to the name of a power listed as being Angel's in the files of the N-Gage version of XML2, Feather Shot.
*I rebalanced Angel's passives to fit in better with the default characters.
*I made it so that he starts with 1 point in Flight instead of 3 to be balanced with other characters.
*I modified his powerstyle file so that his new Xtreme names will display.
*I fixed various typos in his talent file and reworded a couple of power descriptions to sound better.
*I rewrote some power descriptions to make it more clear what the powers do.
*Feather Shot now always pierces through enemies.
*Feather Shot and Toxic Plume now does Blade damage, since Feather Shot's description says the feathers are razor sharp and both powers use the same feathers model.
*Rebalanced Wing Sweep's knockback.
*Wing Sweep now does Wind damage.
*Wing Sweep now puts out fires.
*Wing Hurricane now says that it puts out fires.
*Change animation speed and power speed of Feather Shot to match Archangel boss version.
*Blessed Blade said it did Physical damage but it actually did Blade damage. Now it says it does Blade damage.
*Dive Bomb now requires Aerial Dash
*Blood of the Martyr now requires Regeneration.
*Wing Hurricane now requires Wing Sweep.
*Wing Mastery now requires Mutant Master.
*Various assorted other powerstyle, talent, and entities fixes.
*Rebalanced all powers.
*Coding fix to herostat.
*Rewrote combo text.
*Rewrote some power descriptions to make it more clear what the powers do.
*Names of both Xtremes are now in all capital letters.
*Feather Shot now only uses EP once instead of for every feather that is shot as part of the volley, which meant he didn't have enough EP to use the power at level 1.
*Renamed Toxic Plume to Barbed Plumage because it's not really toxic in any way.
*Feather Shot and Barbed Plumage no longer put out fires because it doesn't really make sense.

Visual Changes:
*Includes high quality versions of his unused XML1 and XML1 X-Treme Gear loading screens.
*A higher quality version of ther XML2 Archangel loading screen.
*New, updated skins and 3D head by BaconWizard17. I've reordered the skin lines in his herostat to accomodate these.
*Remade versions of his 02 (XML2 Angel), 07 (XML2 Archangel), and 08 (XML1 Angel X-Treme Gear) XML2 conversation huds.
-I've also replaced the NPC/Boss Archangel's hud with this new version.
-New conversation huds for all other skins by BaconWizard17
*A new character select portrait based off of a higher quality version of his unused XML1 loading screen.
*Replaced the non-Cel Shaded sword he was using (Valkyrie's sword from MUA1) with a new sword bolton I made. I separated Corsair's sword skin segment from his MUA1 skin and made it into a standalone bolton. I also did Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions.
*Removed camera shake from all effects that had it.

Misc Changes:
*Replaced packages with new streamlined packages.

*Bonus Converation Huds:
-Unused XML1 Prototype Angel: This is the conversation hud he would've used if he hasn't been cut out of XML1.
-Custom XML1 Archangel Gladiator: This is all we have of Archangel's unused XML1 Gladiator skin. It's the button used to select the option to view what would've been a sheet showing the skin and most likely some concept art or possibly the loading screen on artist Glen Angus's website. The website is gone and all the Internet Archive saved of this image is this button. Even though there is no skin and we don't know what the rest of it would've looked like, the button was the perfect size for a conversation hud and I figured why let it go to waste.

*Bonus Character Select Portraits:
-One based off of Archangel's loading screen and one based off of Angel's X-Treme Gear loading screen.

*Matt710: 1st Angel mod
*Cohollow: 2nd Angel mod
*BaconWizard17: skins, 3D heads, and conversation huds, advice
*Dorpond: ripping the audio from Marvel Super Hero Squad Online
*Mongoose: bug report

-Wing Mastery now works properly.
-Rebalanced multiple powers and starting stats.
-Removed dodge talent entry from herostat since that doesn't do anything anyway.
-Removed a weird unneeded unused fightmove from powerstyle.
-Removed Attack Rating and Critical chance increase from Archangel boost because they overlap with multiple passives.
-Replaced sword model with improved version.
-Fixed issue with Feather Shot using more EP than it says it does.
-Aerial Dash no longer uses EP when you hit an enemy.
-Renamed Toxic Plume to Barbed Plumage because it's not really toxic in any way.
-Rebalanced Aerial Dash, Barbed Plumage, Dive Bomb, and Wing Mastery.
-Feather Shot and Barbed Plumage no longer put out fires because it doesn't really make sense.
-Completely redid voicepack with more and better fitting lines, grunts, and Menu Breaks.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Rebalanced how much damage Wing Sweep does.
-Minor typo fixes.
-Rewrote some power descriptions.
-Replaced sword bolton with a new sword bolton I made. I separated Corsair's sword skin segment from his MUA1 skin and made it into a standalone bolton. I also did Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions.
-I've separated the XML1 Prototype and XML2 Archangel Voicepacks into separate downloads.
-Overhauled Menu Breaks so that none are too long and that they all fit as Menu Breaks better.
-Removed camera shake from all effects that had it.
-I did some further rebalancing of his powers.
-Feather Shot now only uses EP once instead of for every feather that is shot as part of the volley, which meant he didn't have enough EP to use the power at level 1. Thanks to Mongoose for reporting this bug.
-Replaced Archangel's loading screen with a higher quality version from the XML2 PC/Console press kit.
-Rebalanced knockbacks on all powers that have them.
-Added scale factor back in because his right wing clips through his body a little bit without it.
-Replaced packages with new streamlined packages.
-Rereleased as a full standalone mod.
-Changed his Wing Hurricane Xtreme into a new Xtreme to fit the name better and because before it was exactly the same as his Dive Bomb power. It also now does Wind damage. I've also removed 1 effect that is now no longer needed.
-Renamed Feather Darts to match the official XML2 N-Gage Archangel power name Feather Shot.
-Renamed Quill Copter to match the official XML2 N-Gage Archangel power name Wing Sweep.
-Replaced the non-Cel Shaded sword he was using (Valkyrie's sword from MUA1) with the Viking Warrior's sword from the MUA1 Prototype, which is Cel Shaded. Because a non-Cel-Shaded version of this sword isn't in a format that is useable in XML2, Valkyrie's sword is included in the bonus Non-Cel-Shaded Assets folder.
-For the XML2 voicepacks, I split a jump sound in 2, because it was 2 sounds in one, and made 1 a land sound.
-I've overhauled his power sounds. All powers now have unique sounds. He also now uses his XML2 Archangel boss sounds for Feather Shot and Wing Sweep. His Dive Bomb uses the power sounds for the boss power that's the same as that one.
-For all other powers, he uses powers sounds taken from the ones he uses in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.
-Aerial Dash now has a proper looping sound and not just 1 sound that keeps getting repeated.
-His unique stun now has a power sound and not just one of XML2's generic whooshes.
-Fixed and redid power sounds coding.
-Feather Shot now always pierces through enemies.
-Feather Shot and Toxic Plume now does Blade damage, since Feather Shot's description says the feathers are razor sharp and both powers use the same feathers model.
-Rebalanced Wing Sweep's knockback.
-Wing Sweep now does Wind damage.
-Wing Sweep now puts out fires.
-Wing Hurricane now says that it puts out fires.
-Change animation speed and power speed of Feather Shot to match Archangel boss version.
-Blessed Blade said it did Physical damage but it actually did Blade damage. Now it says it does Blade damage.
-Dive Bomb now requires Aerial Dash
-Blood of the Martyr now requires Regeneration.
-Wing Hurricane now requires Wing Sweep.
-Wing Mastery now requires Mutant Master.
-Removed Angel's scale factor because his friendly NPC is XML2 doesn't have it.
-Various assorted other powerstyle, talent, and entities fixes.
-Rebalanced all powers.
-Coding fix to herostat.
-Rewrote combo text.
-Rewrote some power descriptions to make it more clear what the powers do.
-Names of both Xtremes are now in all capital letters.
-Changed how coding for Xtreme 2 callout works.
-Change voicepack options to just be the versions that use his XML1 Prototype Wing Hurricane callout, because 5 options was too much for me to manage and also because I wanted them all to use the official Wing Hurricane callout.
-Added 1 new I See You line to the Archangel voicepack.
-Reorganized and rewrote readme.
-Included screenshots of his powers list.
-Fixed many spelling, punctuation, and assorted other text errors in his talent file.
-Removed a hiteffect from his Wing Hurricane Xtreme, as having impact effects on radials can cause issues and they don't work properly anyway (they appear on objects they can't affect, like parts of the map that can't be destroyed and such.)
-His entities file is now a .xmlb like all the others characters' are.
-Remade the XML1 Prototype Angel conversation hud by denoising the image to improve its quality.
-Updated skins, 3D heads, and conversation huds by BaconWizard17
-Remade his character select portrait based on a higher quality AI Upscale.
-Added bonus character select portraits based on AI Upscales of his X-Treme Gear and Archangel loading screens.
-Remade his XML2 conversation hud, his XML2 Archangel converstion hud, and his X-Treme Gear conversation hud and made them the defaults (02, 07 and 08 respectively)
-Added a new herostat to accomodate reordered skins.
-Added a new taunt to the voicepack XML2 Archangel Option B (since it's using the XML1 Prototype Wing Hurricane Xtreme callout, I'm repurposing the line I used for that in Option A as a taunt)
-Fixed some audio popping issues in the voicepacks.
-Added his unused XML1 loading screen
-Added his unused XML1 X-Treme Gear loading screen
-Added a higher quality version of his XML2 Archangel loading screen
-Added a higher quality version of XML2 conversation hud I remade using the same image source as his unused XML1 loading screen
-Added a new higher quality character select portrait based upon his unused XML1 loading screen
-The in-game display text that appears when you use his Xtreme power will now display the correct modified names.
-Changed his Wing Hurricane combo text to fit the new power name.
-Added 2 new voicepacks: XML2 Angel and XML2 Archangel
-Reorganized his XML1 Prototype voicepack so that his voices fit better for the different categories they're assigned to and added a callout for his 2nd Xtreme power.
-All 3 voicepacks have callouts for his 2nd Xtreme.
-Added 4 bonus conversation huds: Unused XML1 Prototype Angel, Angel X-Treme Gear, Archangel Gladiator, XML2 Angel,
-Clarified instructions
-Made it a standalone booster
-Included more clear installation folders and instructions

« Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 03:03pm by Enigma »

September 18, 2022, 12:16PM #4 Last Edit: September 18, 2022, 12:18PM by Enigma
I've rereleased Angel as a standalone mod at v6.0.
Check first post and changelog for details.