
Enigma's Havok Mod

Started by Enigma, January 15, 2022, 02:29PM

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January 15, 2022, 02:29PM Last Edit: August 31, 2024, 04:43PM by Enigma
:havok:Enigma's Havok Mod v2.6 :havok:

This is my Havok mod. It contains the following:

*He has a voicepack featuring his voiced lines and grunts by Matt Nolan from XML1, which were leftover from when he was meant to be playable, as well as new voiced lines taken from his XML1 NPC conversations and from the same actor from his role as Sandor in Might and Magic Heroes VI.
-The callouts for both of his Xtremes are from Havok's audio in Marvel Heroes. They're voiced by Liam O'Brien.
*All powers have unique sounds.
-He uses power sounds that were used for Havok in the following games: XML1, X-Men Next Dimension, MUA2 PS3, and Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.
-Plasma Beam and Plasma Nova use the power sounds they use in XML1.

*I've completely recoded and redone everything from the beginning and created new powers, boosts, passives, and Xtremes.
-Matt710's Havok mod had numerous bugs and issues so I've completely recoded and redone everything.
-I've mentioned below where I've created powers based upon ideas Matt710 had, which is all I've used from his mod.
*The names of all powers have a uniform naming scheme.
*I've written new power descriptions so that each power, boost, Xtreme, and passive now has a description that's unique, accurate and descriptive.
*All powers have Energize (this is used for puzzles where an object needs to be charged with Energy).
-This is something Plasma Beam could do in Havok's unused XML1 Prototype powerstyle.
*All powers do Energy damage.
*All powers have been rebalanced to fit in with the default XML2 characters and my other character mods.
*I've written new combo text for all powers.
*I've redone and rebalanced all AI coding.
*I've redone all power requirements.
*He uses the hero fightstyle like his boss version does in XML1.
*He uses Bishop's skeleton.
-Matt710's mod did as well.
-Instead of using Bishop's unique popup, or Matt710's version of it, I've had him just use the popup from his fightstyle, as I felt Bishop's popup didn't really fit Havok very well.
*He has the powers Plasma Beam and Plasma Nova, I used their XML1 Prototype and Retail versions as a starting point and modified them to work in XML2.
-They use their XML1 Prototype playable version power names.
-They use their XML1 Prototype playable version combo text, although I've changed Plasma Beam's starting combo text from UV to Ultraviolet and changed Plasma Nova's combo start text from thermal to radiant because it doesn't do Fire damage.
-Plasma Beam now does knockback like the boss versions in both XML1 Prototype and Retail do.
-I removed weld from Plasma Beam because weld is only used in XML1.
*He has a new power, Plasma Blasts.
-Matt710 had this boost, but I've recoded it completely and renamed it.
*I've created 2 new powers, Plasma Detonation and Plasma Discharge.
*He has a new boost, Plasma Synergy.
-Matt710 had a similar version, but I've done my own renamed and completely recoded version.
*He has a new boost, Plasma Absorption.
-Matt710 had a similar version, but I've done my own renamed and completely recoded version.
-Unlike his version, mine increases his Defense instead of increasing his Physical damage.
*He has the boost Command, like his brother Cyclops.
-Matt710 had this boost, but I've recoded it completely.
*I've created a new Xtreme, Plasma Pulse.
-I've named it this because there is a voiced callout for it in Havok's Marvel Heroes audio.
*His 2nd Xtreme is Plasma Charge.
-I've named it this because it's the name of an unused boost from his unused XML1 Prototype playable version.
-Matt710 had a similar version, but I've done my own completely recoded version.
-Unlike his, mine gives the whole party immunity to the same damage types that Havok's Plasma Immunity passive does.
*He starts with resistances to Energy, Radiation, and Fire.
-Matt710 only had him start with Energy resistance, but it didn't actually work.
*He has the passives Plasma Mastery, Plasma Disruption, and Plasma Immunity.
-Matt710 had similar versions of these passives, but I've done my own renamed and completely recoded versions.
*Plasma Nova and Plasma Pulse can attack enemies on the ground since those powers' effects involve something hitting the ground.
*He has the Leadership passive like Cyclops does, which Matt710 also gave him.
*He uses the same starting stats as Cyclops, which Matt710 also gave him.
*Plasma Beam now pierces through enemies.

*Created an entirely new set of effects. They are now all the same color, blue, to match the colors of his powers in the comics and they have a unified theme. There are no missing texture issues. I've only used the bare minimum number of effects.
-Plasma Beam and Plasma Nova use their XML1 Retail boss effects, which I've recolored to blue. However, for Plasma Beam, I didn't use the rings effect that appears around the around near his hands because it's broken and was unfixable.
-Plasma Nova's glowing hands effects from XML1 Retail has been replaced with Plasma Beam's XML1 Prototype hands glowing effect, which I've recolored to blue.
-I've removed the dust cloud and camera shake from Plasma Nova's power effect.
-Plasma Charge's charge effect is an unused effect of Havok's from the XML1 Prototype, which I've recolored to blue and removed the weird out of place ground crack part from.
-Command's power effect is a recolored version of Cyclops's Command effect.
-For some powers, I've had them use the same charge and impact effects to cut down on the number of effects he uses.
-All other effects are ones I've created.
*I've used a fullsized version of his XML1 loading screen and altered it so that so that all the power effects and the light reflecting off of them in the image are blue, which matches the color I made his in-game power effects. I then AI Upscaled it to improve the overall image's quality.
-I've also created a new character select portrait using this image.
*He now has his unused XML1 Prototype X-Treme Gear skin.
*I've rearranged all his skins to fit better in each slot.
*He uses his XML1 and XML2 conversation huds, which I've AI Upscaled and Denoised.
-hemlot and I each did our own versions of his XML2 hud, which I merged together. I recolored and repainted parts of it, to improve the image which included removing the ugly green glow from the right half (his right) of his face.
-His XML1 and XML2 skins use their respective huds and all other skins use the XML1 hud.
*He uses his XML1 and XML2 3D heads for their respective skins and all other skins use the XML1 3D head.

*He has the new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages.
-I've also added the textures to his package files that won't be in the permanent file in the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch.

*Menu Breaks
*Havok X-Factor Loading Screen: custom loading screen using art by Peter Nguyen, which I've AI Upscaled.
*Alternate Plasma Blasts Effect: A different Plasma Blasts effect I made.

*Matt710: some ideas from his original Havok mod
*BaconWizard17: feedback
*Dorpond: Ripped Marvel Super Hero Squad Online power sounds
*MUALover: Ripped Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 power sounds
*hemlot: help with XML2 conversation hud
*Mongoose: bug report

-Rebalanced multiple powers.
-Plasma Beam now pierces through enemies.
-Plasma Nova's max range no longer levels up and is set at its max leveled up range.
-Made Plasma Synergy's description more accurate.
-Fixed issues with Plasma Discharge and removed knockback from it, since knockback doesn't really work on enemies caught in explosions in XML2.
-Added 2 more Menu Breaks and 1 Level Up line.
-Removed a Low Health line I thought was confusing in that spot.
-Made Command's levelup coding work the same as Cyclops's does.
-Reduced the number of levels Plasma Absorption has.
-I removed the weird of out place crack part from Plasma Charge's charge effect and recolored the yellow part of it to blue to match the rest of the effect.
-Fixed issue with Command not working properly.
-Fixed issue with Plasma Blasts using EP twice.
-Rebalanced how much damage Plasma Nova does.
-Minor text fix.
-Made Plasma Nova's radius/range level up info more accurate.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Command now unlocks at level 14 instead of level 7.
-Plasma Synergy's description is now more accurate.
-Plasma Detonation now actually does popup like it's description says, instead of knockback.
-Plasma Detonation no longer Energizes because it makes no sense for it to do so.
-Corrected error with Energy Mastery's Critical chance leveling.
-Redid readme to be better organized.
-Made a new voicepack using Havok's XML1 x_voice lines and grunts, which I expanded using his XML1 npc converations and lines and 1 additional Death grunt by the same actor, Matt Nolan, from his role as Sandor in Might and Magic Heroes VI.
-The Marvel Heroes voicepack is now available separately.
-Redid all power sounds. Plasma Beam and Plasma Nova now use his XML1 power sounds. The rest use Havok's power sounds from X-Men Next Dimension, Super Hero Squad Online, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.
-Changed how the Xtreme 2 callout works.
-I've completely recoded everything from the beginning. I've used his XML1 Prototype and Retail powerstyles as a starting point, modified them, and created new powers, boosts, and Xtremes.
-Further rewrote power descriptions to be more unique and descriptive as to what the powers do, to add things that the powers already did but weren't mentioned, and to fix typos.
-Fixed various errors in his talents file.
-Rebuilt and reorganized talents and powerstyle files.
-Removed unneeded coding from his herostat.
-Plasma Beam now energizes, which means it can power up machines that have a floating X logo above them. This is something this power could do in Havok's unused XML1 Prototype powerstyle.
-Removed weld from his Plasma Beam power because weld is only used in XML1.
-Plasma Beam now does knockback like the XML1 boss version does.
-Plasma Synergy now properly adds to Melee attack damage.
-Streamlined coding for Plasma Blasts and fixed some bugs with its coding as well.
-Fixed issue with Plasma Blasts' level up text being broken in the character select menu.
-Knockback on Plasma Nova now works properly. It also lists all level up information for the increasing radius of the power.
-Rebalanced all powers and passives.
-Rewrote combo text and added it where it was missing.
-Renamed Plasma Energy Immunity to Plasma Immunity.
-Renamed Energy Conductor to Plasma Charge, which was the name of his unused XML1 Prototype boost.
-Completely recoded Command boost.
-Completely recoded bugs with how Plasma Immunity to fix multiple issues with it.
-Plasma Nova now does Energy damage instead of Fire damage.
-Removed unnecessary and unfinished coding from Plasma Nova.
-Plasma Absorption now increases his Energy damage instead of his Physical damage.
-Plasma Absorption now longer increases his Energy damage to avoid overlap with Plasma Synergy.
-Plasma Absorption now regenerates Havok's health instead of absorbing Energy damage. This is because increasing his Energy resistance by leveling up his Plasma Immunity passive would stop this power from working, because it would make Havok take less Energy damage and therefore he couldn't absorb it anymore.
-Fixed bug with how Plasma Synergy works.
-Fixed bug with how Plasma Mastery works.
-Completely recoded Plasma Charge Xtreme.
-Completely redid all power requirements.
-Plasma Beam and Plasma Nova have the unused combo text they have in XML1 Retail, although I've lengthened UV to Ultraviolet for Plasma Beam's combo start text and changed Plasma Nova's combo start text from thermal to radiant because it doesn't do Fire damage.
-Removed his Plasma Combat passive, as it overlaps with his Plasma Synergy boost and I felt that 4 passives was too many.
-Removed his Cosmic Explosion radial, as it was to similar to his Plasma Nova radial.
-Removed Plasma Charges, as I felt it and Plasma Blasts were too similar and I liked Plasma Blasts better.
-Removed the chance for a Deadly Strike from Plasma Nova.
-Added 2 new powers, Plasma Detonation and Plasma Discharge.
-Completely replaced Plasma Pulse Xtreme. It's now a radial wave that pulses multiple times and has a chance of a Deadly Strike.
-Fixed a bug with Plasma Nova's effects coding.
-Plasma Charge now makes all allies immune to Fire and Radiation damage like it does with Energy damage. This is because an ally might have higher resistance to Fire and Radiation damage then what they power previously set it to.
-Removed his unique popup. It used the animation from Bishop's unique popup, which I felt didn't really fit Havok. He now uses the one from his fightstyle. This also allows me to cut down on his number of effects.
-Completely rebuilt talent, powerstyle, and entities files.
-Plasma Discharge now requires Plasma Blasts.
-Plasma Pulse now requires Plasma Nova.
-Plasma Charge now requires Plasma Absorption.
-Fixed issues with Plasma Blasts leveling up coding.
-Rearranged which skins are in which slots.
-I repainted parts of his XML2 hud to remove the ugly green glow that was on half of his lower face.
-Redid his XML1 hud by denoising the XML1 PS2 version.
-For now, all skins other than his XML1 and 2 skins use the XML1 hud.
-The XML1 and XML2 skins use their own official 3D heads and all other skins use the XML1 3D head.
-I made a new version of his XML1 loading screen so that all the power effects and the light reflecting off of them in the image are blue, which matches the color I made his in-game power effects.
-Made a new character select portrait using my new version of his XML1 loading screen image.
-I've further altered his XML2 conversation hud to so the the right side of his face isn't green and yellow anymore.
-Redid all his effects. They now all have a unified design theme. I also cut down the number of effects to a bare minimum.
-Plasma Beam and Plasma Nova uses the effects those powers use in XML1 Retail, except for Plasma Nova's glowing hands effect, where I've used Plasma Beam's XML1 Prototype effect.
-I've removed the effect that appears around the beam part of Plasma Beam. The effect is broken. It faces a certain angle regardless of which angle Havok himself is facing. This problem is also in XML1. I was unable to fix it, so I've removed the effect.
-Improved effects for Plasma Nova by removing dust cloud and camera shake.
-For Plasma Blasts, I've used Plasma Nova's XML1 Retail glowing hands effect as well as the same impact effect as Plasma Beam and a new projectile effect I've created.
-Plasma Charge now has a charge effect, which is an unused effect of Havok's from the XML1 Prototype.
-Command's charge effect is now one that it shares with other powers so I can cut down the number of effects and also because I felt the shared effect fit Havok better than the Command one, which was a recolored version of Cyclops's Command charge effect.
-The rest of his power effects are new ones I've created.
-Replaced packages with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages
-Removed bonus XML1 Prototype Havok effect bolton model, as it's just the XML1 Retail version but with smaller resolution textures.
-Added a bonus X-Factor loading screen using art by Peter Nguyen.
-Added an improved XML2 conversation hud, which I combined mine with a version hemlot did, with permission
-Added a troubleshooting bit to the installation instructions
*Includes voices by Liam O'Brien from the following sources/performances: as Havok and as Angel from Marvel Heroes as Angel from Marvel Heroes, because the actor is doing exactly the same voice for both of these roles.
*Includes grunts by Liam O'Brien from his performance as Akihiko Sanada from Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.
*Includes Havok's power sounds from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, and X-Men Next Dimension, as well as a power sound from Scarlet Witch's Marvel Heroes sounds that I merged with a MUA2 power sound for his 1st Xtreme, and 1 of Silver Surfer's Marvel Heroes power sounds for his 2nd Xtreme, due to a shortage of suitable Havok Xtreme sounds.
*Wrote his decriptions to fix spelling and grammar as well as to make it more clear what his powers do.
*Renamed the following powers to match his unused/cut XML1 playable character powers, as well as fit their naming scheme and to give his powers better names in general: Energy Beam > Plasma Beam, Energy Charges > Plasma Charges, Nova Burst > Plasma Nova, Plasma Boost > Plasma Synergy
*Renamed his first Xtreme power, Plasma Overload, to Plasma Pulse, since I had an Xtreme callout for that.
*Renamed his combo text to make more sense.
*His Plasma Nova power now does fire damage so that it's not so similar to his other radial attack.
*His powers now all have unique sounds, including his popup.
*His Plasma Beam and Cosmic Explosion powers now have charge sounds.
*His Plasma Blasts power alternates between 2 different sounds.
*His Plasma Pulse Xtreme power sounds now all play correctly.
*His power effects are now all the same color and that color is blue, to match what color they are in the comics and his other video game appearances. Previously, his power effects were mostly orange but with some green, white, yellow, and blue thrown in there. So like Cyclops, his effects are now all his signature color. I also fixed an error/typo in the coding of one of the effects.
*His icons are now blue to match his new effect colors (previously, his icons were yellow and didn't match his power effects colors, which were orange.)
*His icons, packages, and talents are future proofed for the new way icons work in X2UP just in case.
*All his effects now show up properly, including the effects for his first power now work like they do in XML1.
*Corrected multiple issues with his powerstyle referencing effects files that don't exist, which causes many of his effects not to show up at all.
*Fix his Plasma Synergy boost having an ill-fitting animation.
*All missing texture issues have been fixed.
*I AI upscaled his official XML1 and XML2 huds. Their numbers are 1901 (XML2) and 1906 (XML1).
*The conversation huds by Matt710 now properly match the skins they were intended for.
*Added his unused XML1 Prototype X-Treme Gear skin. It reuses his XML1 3d head and conversation hud.
*Skins reorganized.
*Removed his civilian skin, as it was just a minor edit of Iceman's MUA1 civilian/trenchcoat skin.
*I didn't use the 3D heads for skins 1902, 1903, 1905, 1908, and 1909, as I felt they didn't really look like Havok or his skins, and I didn't like how they looked in general, so I've reused his XMl1 3D head for those instead.
*Includes his unused XML1 Prototype X-Treme Gear skin.
*Includes AI upscaled versions of his XML2 and XML1 conversation huds.
*Also included is my much higher quality unletterboxed XML1 Havok loading screen, as well as a character select portrait I made based upon the same image.
*Also included are Menu Breaks. They are labeled based on which characters they reference, so for example, the "With Cable" one is for if Cable is on your roster. If you don't know how to add these, don't worry about it. Just ignore them, as it can be a little complicated. (Hence no instructions here.)

January 15, 2022, 02:29PM #1 Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 10:30AM by Enigma

Here's the power list:


Plasma Beam = Beam = Havok absorbs ambient Energy and converts it into Plasma Energy, which he channels through his body and discharges it, knocking back enemies.
Plasma Nova = Radial = Havok unleashes a wave of Plasma Energy that can knockback enemies.
Plasma Blasts = Projectile = Rapidly discharges blasts of Plasma Energy at enemies.
Plasma Detonation = Special = Havok fills the target with Plasma Energy, which explodes after a time, causing popup.
Plasma Discharge = Projectile =  Havok discharges an orb of Plasma Energy that explodes on contact, knocking back enemies.

Plasma Absorption = Havok absorbs ambient Energy from his environment, restoring his $HP and increasing his $DR for a time.
Plasma Synergy = Adds $DMG_ENERGY to Melee attacks for the entire party.
Command = Uses his natural leadership abilities to boost the effectiveness of all skills for the entire team.

Plasma Pulse = Radial = Havok creates two radial pulses of Plasma Energy, each of which knocks back enemies and has a chance to do a 'Deadly Strike' (33% instant $HP loss).
Plasma Charge = Boost = Havok absorbs all nearby ambient Energy, allowing the entire party to use no $EP for a time, as well as take no $DMG_ENERGY, $DMG_FIRE, and $DMG_RADIATION.

Plasma Mastery = Increases damage and Critical chance with $DMG_ENERGY.
Plasma Disruption = Gives Havok a chance to dodge incoming projectiles.
Plasma Immunity = Increases resistances to $DMG_ENERGY, $DMG_RADIATION, and $DMG_FIRE.

Updated Havok to v1.1:
-Added an improved XML2 conversation hud, which I combined mine with a version hemlot did, with permission
-Added a troubleshooting bit to the installation instructions