Enigma's X-Men Legends II Mod Catalog

Started by Enigma, January 26, 2022, 02:10PM

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Updated Sabretooth Booster to v1.1
Updated XML1 Prototype Skin Pack to v1.2

Check changelogs in threads for details.

I've added the following skin to my Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Deadpool Days of Future Now Skin
Gambit MUA2 Skin

I've updated Beast, Cable, Cannonball, Emma Frost, Jubilee, and Sabretooth.
Check the individual threads for details.

I've updated the following characters. Please see changelogs in individual threads:
Beast, Cable, Cannonball, Dark Phoenix, Emma Frost, Jubilee, Quicksilver, Sabretooth

I've added the following voicepack to my Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods thread:
Deadpool Ryan Reynolds Voicepack