
Enigma's Invisible Woman Mod

Started by Enigma, March 05, 2024, 07:38PM

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March 05, 2024, 07:38PM Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 12:42PM by Enigma
:iwoman: Enigma's Invisible Woman Mod v1.3 :iwoman:

This is my Invisible Woman mod. It contains the following:

*I've expanded her voicepack using the best of her MUA1, MUA2 PC, and MUA2 Wii lines and grunts, all voiced by Danica McKeller.
-She now uses her unused MUA1 and MUA2 Wii Bored lines.
-Her Stats lines are used for other things, since that type of line isn't used in XML2.
-I've also added her MUA1 Dark Boss grunts and the fixed MUA2 Wii versions of her broken MUA1 pickup and land grunts.
-Her MUA1 Throw grunt has been changed to a land grunt because it fits better there.
-She only has 3 MUA2 Wii grunts that aren't also in MUA1. I used 2 of them as pain grunts and 1 as a throw grunt.
-I've split her Struggle grunt into 4 smaller grunts, which I've used for various types of grunts.
-I've had her some of her MUA1 Menu Breaks double as various kinds of lines.
-Some of her No Work lines are also used as No Power lines because No Work lines aren't used very much and they also fit very well as No Power lines.
-I created a callout for her new Xtreme Boost.
*All powers now have unique power sounds.
-For Kinetic Bolts' power sounds, it uses its MUA1 power and impact sounds and the power and impact sounds the MUA1 Invisible Woman Dark NPC uses for her version of this power. For its impact sounds, it uses 3 of Invisible Woman's MUA2 PC impact sounds.
-Concussive Blast uses 1 of Invisible Woman's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
-Kinetic Levitation uses its MUA1 power sounds.
-Kinetic Surge uses 2 of Invisible Woman's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
-Kinetic Snare uses its MUA1 power sound.
-Invisible Slide uses 1 of Invisible Woman's MUA2 PC power sounds.
-Invisibility uses Ultimate Overload's MUA1 power sound.
-Fantastic Shield uses its MUA1 power sound.
-Ultimate Overload uses 2 of Invisible Woman's MUA2 PC power sounds.
-Invisible Shield uses 1 of Invisible Woman's MUA2 PC power sounds.

*I've used her MUA1 PS2 skeleton.
-I've hex edited it to remove Melee animations that didn't work properly in XML2.
-I've hex edited it to give her a menu idle animation.
-She uses the psionic fightstyle's idle in-game.
*All powers kept from MUA1 have been recoded to work in XML2.
*All power descriptions and combo text have been rewritten and combo text has been added where it was missing.
*I've rebalanced the AI.
*She has the psionic fightstyle because it fits in well with her unique melee animations.
*She can see cloaked enemies.
*She has block.
*She has her MUA1 power Concussive Blast.
-It's now a tap the button power instead of a hold the button power.
-It's now listed as a Blast instead of a Projectile.
-It now does Crushing damage instead of Physical damage.
-It's knockback now levels up.
-I've increased its max range to match up with how far the main power effect's reach is.
*She has her MUA1 power Telekinesis.
-I've renamed it to Kinetic Levitation, as I felt that fit better with her other power names.
-The lifting part now does Crushing damage instead of Physical damage.
*She has her MUA1 power Kinetic Bolts.
-It now does Crushing damage instead of Physical damage.
*She has her MUA1 power Kinetic Surge.
-It now does Crushing damage instead of Physical damage.
-The power is now listed as a radial instead of a projectile.
-It's now a tap the button power instead of a hold the button power.
*She has her MUA1 power Kinetic Snare.
-It now does Crushing damage for every part of it instead of doing Physical damage for some parts.
-Enemies now bounce off the ground when it ends.
-I've rebalanced how long it lasts.
*She has her MUA1 boost Invisibility.
-The AI can now use this boost.
-I've had to remove the part where enemies hit by Criticals are stunned because I couldn't get it working in XML2.
*She has her MUA1 boost Fantastic Shield.
-It now deflects projectiles and beams rather than just deflecting projectiles.
-It now affects the entire party.
-Its level up info now includes more info.
*I've added a mastery passive that I've named Concussive Mastery because that's what one of her MUA1 costume passives is named.
*I've added her MUA1 costume passive Unstoppable Force.
-I've renamed Reactive Force.
*I've added her MUA1 costume passive Elusiveness.
*She has the Invisible Slide power from Canino's MUA1 Invisible Woman booster.
-I've made some fixes to it.
-I've recoded it to work like Iceman's Ice Slide does.
-It now does Crushing damage instead of Cold damage.
-It now activates when she double jumps like Iceman's does.
*She has her MUA1 Xtreme Ultimate Overload.
-It now does Crushing damage instead of Physical damage.
-The part of critically hitting enemies who are already stunned has been removed because it doesn't work in XML2. I've replaced it with a chance for a Deadly Strike.
-I slowed down the speed of the power, as it was way too fast.
-I rebalanced its max range, as it was way too far and didn't fit with how far the effect reaches.
*I've created an Xtreme Boost called Invisible Shield.
*Created power requirements.

*Includes a version of her MUA1 loading screen which I edited to remove any trace of the portrait of her on the right side.
*I've made XML2 versions of her MUA1 huds. They use a background taken from her loading screen.
-Her custom MUA1 Modern skin uses the Ultimate hud.
*She uses her MUA1 icons.
-I made a new icons for Kinetic Surge and Concussive Mastery.
-I used one of her MUA2 Wii icons which I AI Upscaled and recolored.
-I rearranged which ones went to which powers.
*I made 3D heads for every skin.
*She uses her 4 MUA1 playable skins, her MUA1 NPC Dark skin, and Quentin Hex's Modern skin.
*For all effects I've used of Invisible Woman's from MUA1, I've recolored them to be the same shade of blue, because some of them have parts that are a weird out of place pinkish red color, as well as some other out of place non-matching colors.
*Her Block uses an effect I've created.
*Invisible Slide uses the effects Canino used for it, which are one of Invisible Woman's effects from her Concussive Blast power and the aura effect her Invisibility boost uses in MUA1.
*Kinetic Levitation's effects didn't really work in XML2, so I've had to heavily modify the one I kept and create a new one to replace the one I didn't.
*Concussive Blast uses its MUA1 power effect and a version of its MUA1 charge effect that I removed the intensly overpowering white glow from.
*Kinetic Bolts uses its MUA1 power effect and a version of its MUA1 impact effect that I modified to remove the out of place orange explosion cloud.
*Kinetic Surge uses a version of its MUA1 power effect I modified to remove some things that weren't working, and it uses Concussive Blast's MUA1 charge effect.
*Kinetic Snare uses a modified version of its MUA1 effect for the suspending part and an effect I made for the charge part.
*Invisibility uses its MUA1 power effect and an aura effect I made.
*Fantastic Shield uses an aura effect I made and a modified version of Fantastic Shield's MUA1 charge effect  .
*Ultimate Overload uses a modified version of its MUA1 effect.
*Invisible Shield uses an aura effect I created and the same modified version of Fantastic Shield's MUA1 charge effect that Fantastic Shield uses.

*Bonus Conversation Huds:
-MUA1 LS: A custom conversation hud I made using the part of her MUA1 loading screen.
-MUA1-Style Huds: The MUA1 versions of her huds. Her custom MUA1 Modern skin uses the Ultimate hud.
*Menu Breaks:
-This is a replacement 6th Menu Break, which is actually one of her MUA2 Wii Menu Breaks, because her default 6th one mentions MUA1's plot.

Skin List:
-Skin: Ultimate (MUA1 PS2) (17501)
-Skin_Astonishing: Modern (Quentin Hex) (17502)
-Skin_AOA: None
-Skin_60s: Original (MUA1 PS2) (17504)
-Skin_70s: Classic (MUA1 PS2) (17505)
-Skin_WeaponX: New Marvel (MUA1 PS2) (17506)
-Skin_Future: None
-Skin_Winter: Dark (MUA1 PS2) (17508)
-Skin_Civilian: None

*Canino: Invisible Slide coding
*Quentin Hex: Modern skin
*Fr3ddy: bug report

-Fixed issue with Elusiveness's leveling.
-Rebalanced multiple powers.
-Removed unneeded coding from Invisibility's talents entry.
-Minor fix to Ultimate Overload's coding.
-Rebalanced Concussive Blast.
-Fixed issue with a power requirement.
-Fixed issues with unique melee attacks.