
Enigma's Blob Mod

Started by Enigma, April 22, 2022, 04:51PM

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April 22, 2022, 04:51PM Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 01:36PM by Enigma
:blob:Enigma's Blob Mod v4.0 :blob:

This is my Blob mod. It contains the following differences from Cohollow's mod:

Sound Changes
*Blob now has his own voicepack separate from the NPC version.
It features his XML2 NPC x_voice lines combined with many more lines taken from his NPC conversation dialogue, voiced by Peter Lurie. Also contains his XML2 grunts as well as more grunts taken from his NPC dialogue.
*I've redone his power sounds.
-Previously, Cohollow used Blob's XML2 power sounds which are reused from XML1. The issue with that is that his XML1 power sounds include grunts by his XML1 voice actor, who's different from his XML2 voice actor. Cohollow had added new power sounds that also use unknown grunts. He's also the only character to have grunts in his power sounds, which makes them feel out of place.
-Now, he uses a combination of the XML1/XML2 power sounds that don't use grunts, his Marvel Heroes power sounds and a couple of Rogue's Marvel Heroes power sounds. Also, every power now has a unique power sound, so he no longer reuses power sounds and no longer uses XML2's generic "whoosh" sounds for the charging sound for almost every power.
*He can has callouts for both Xtremes (neither had one before).
*Changed timing and coding on his power sounds to fit his new power sounds, remove the generic "whoosh" sounds and allow for unique sounds for every power.
*His Bully boost no longer uses one of his I See You lines. Instead, it uses a clip of him laughing.
*Cohollow's mod overwrites his NPC sound file "blob_m.zsm." Mine doesn't, and I have also named his playable version's sound file "theblob_m.zss" so that they won't conflict.
-This mod no longer includes Blob's default NPC voicefile. That was only included because this used to be a booster for Cohollow's mod and his mod overwrote that sound file, and this is now a standalone mod, and it has a completely separate sound file.

Power Changes
*Fixed some typos, grammar errors, and punctuation errors in his talent file.
*I removed Mental and Energy resistance from Thick Skin and added Physical.
*Rewrote some power descriptions.
*I rebalanced passives and resistances to match default characters.
-I've also unscaled all his powers except Rump Rumble because of the special way that works.
*I fixed bugs with his resistances.
*Minor herostat coding fixes.
*All his powers now do actually Physical damage, which all their descriptions said they did but none of them were actually coded as such.
*Renamed Bully to what nodoubt_jr called it: Big Bully.
*Renamed his Wrestler passive to Mass Shifting, which is a power he has in the comics and I felt fit this passive.
*Belly Flop, Rump Rumble, and Gravity Bomb are now listed as Radials instead of Specials, because they already functioned as Radials.
*Replaced his Glutton passive with Projectile Redirection, which deflects projectiles, because he has that power in the comics, and I didn't like the idea of his Glutton passives because it just increases his Body stat and I also felt that could quickly become unbalanced.
*He now starts with only 1 point in Might instead of 2.
*Rebalanced powers.
*Rebalanced his Mind stat.
*Flesh Bomb now requires Belly Thrust.
*Belly Flop now requires Flesh Bomb.
*Rubberized Recoil now requires Thick Skin.
*Added dmg_ground to Belly Flop.
*Removed dmgmod_ground_only from Stomp.
*Replaced Rump Rumble's dmgmod_ground_only with dmgmod_ground.
*Removed Rump Rumble's vertical range coding, which was preventing it from damaging objects in the environment.
*Added combo text to Big Bully.
*Rebalanced AI.
*Added AI to Big Bully.
*I had accidentally not fully changed his Thick Skin resistances before, so I've fixed that.
*Fixed how Physical Resistance appears in Thick Skin's description and level up information.
*Changed which icons go with which powers and passives so that now each of them has a unique icon.
*Made Thick Skin resistance text more clear.
*I changed Heavy Fist's animation to be his own skeleton's punch animation, as it wasn't being used for anything and so that it has a different animation from his normal Melee attacks. I also changed the speed of the animation to compensate for this change.
*Changed Gravity Bomb Xtreme to now be listed as a Radial in his talent file to match how the default characters' Xtremes are listed.
*Removed Striker talent from herostat, as that was a leftover Cohollow added as part of his custom shared talents mod.
*Blob's passives now all have 15 levels like the default characters do and their levels each level of them unlocks match the default characters as well.
*Rebalanced Stomp, Rump Rumble, and Mass Shifting.
*Gravity Bomb now always slows enemies for a rebalanced amount of time.
*Amount Gravity Bomb slows enemies now levels up.
*Gravity Bomb can now affect bosses like other Xtremes that slow enemies can.
*Rubberized Recoil said it reflected some damage but actually reflected all of it. It also overlaps with his Mass Shifting and Projectile Redirection passives. I've removed Projectile Redirection, removed this boost's defense boost, and made it now reflects a percentage of beams and projectiles.
*Fixed issues with various powers' number of levels.
*Rather than always have knockback immunity, I've created a new boost called Gravity Field that increases his resistance to knockback, trip, and pain.
*Belly Bounce is now listed as a Melee power, Stomp is now listed as a Blast power, and Immovable Object is now listed as a Boost power.
*Immobilize Object is now properly considered an Xtreme.
*Fixed an issue with herostat.

Visual Changes
*A better version of his XML1 loading screen I made using a higher quality source image that I AI Upscaled.
*His XML1 Gladiator loading screen I made using a higher quality unletterboxed source image that I AI Upscaled. I also improved it by using the higher quality version of his XML1 Gladiator conversation hud from the XML2 Demo, upscaled it, and merged it with the loading screen and painted in some parts to add missing pieces as well as to replace the blue lit part of his face, and removed the upper right corner logo remnant.
*A higher quality version of his XML1 conversation from the XML1 Prototype that I denoised to further improve the quality of it.
*A higher quality version of his XML1 Gladiator conversation hud that was included (unused) in the XML2 Demo. I denoised this to further improve the quality of it.
*I AI Upscaled his icons and altered his talent and package files so that the icons will appear in higher quality in the character select menu.
*A remade version of his unused XML2 character select portrait I made using the same higher quality image I used for his XML1 loading screen.
*I included the Mutant X Cannonball skin and 3D Head by Shafcrawler that's included in nodoubt_jr's Cannonball mod because the skin is a reskin of Blob, and with BaconWizard17 having done new skins for Cannonball, this one isn't probably isn't going to be used for Cannonball much anymore.
*Recolored the blue parts of the following powers' effects to fit the orange colors of the rest of his effects: Flesh Bomb, Belly Flop, Rump Rumble
*Removed the camera shake from all the effects that had it.
*Removed the impact effects from Belly Flop, Rump Rumble, and Gravity Bomb because having impact effects on radials can cause issues and they don't work properly anyway (they appear on objects they can't affect, like parts of the map that can't be destroyed and such.)
*Gravity Bomb's slow now has an effect I made which appears near enemies' heads like other characters' powers that slow do.

Misc Changes
*Replaced all packages with new streamlined packages.
-There are now packages for new skins 06, 07, 08, and 09. Only 06 skins are included, but the option is now there.
-Changed packages so that all skins can now have unique conversation huds and 3D heads. Some of them are the same ones copy and pasted, but the option is now there.
-These are also the X-Men Legends II-style streamlined packages.
*Reorganized skins in herostat so they're in numerical order.
*Removed his scale factor from herostat because he doesn't seem to need it and he isn't scaled as an NPC.
*I've included a moveset file made by Generic Unit that allows him to have his unique footstep sounds in hub/non-combat maps. I've changed this to work with the voicefile I made, which has a different name. Here are his comments on this file:
-"Most of his issues he suffers should be fixed such as slightly clipping forward as he begins running, as well as no longer getting stuck an infinite strafe loop (and the only way would free him is by shoving him with another character). He also has the Colossus Infinite Sprint Glitch (referencing XML 1) where if you switch to him while he's sprinting towards you while holding a direction to run to, you can take advantage of it and move faster in sprint mode. This is most likely something to do with his animation file and can't be fixed (though, it comes in handy)."

*Gladiator Character Select Portrait: a bonus character select portrait I made using my improved version of his XML1 Gladiator loading screen.

*nodoubt_jr: 1st Blob mod
*Cohollow: 2nd Blob mod
*Shafcrawler: Mutant X Cannonball skin and 3D head
*Generic Unit: moveset_blob_hero file which allows him to use his unique footstep sounds in hub maps

-Rebalanced multiple powers.
-Rebalanced Stomp, Rump Rumble, and Mass Shifting.
-Gravity Bomb now always slows enemies for a rebalanced amount of time.
-Amount Gravity Bomb slows enemies now levels up.
-Gravity Bomb can now affect bosses like other Xtremes that slow enemies can.
-Rubberized Recoil said it reflected some damage but actually reflected all of it. It also overlaps with his Mass Shifting and Projectile Redirection passives. I've removed Projectile Redirection, removed this boost's defense boost, and made it now reflects a percentage of beams and projectiles.
-Fixed issues with various powers' number of levels.
-Rather than always have knockback immunity, I've created a new boost called Gravity Field that increases his resistance to knockback, trip, and pain.
-Belly Bounce is now listed as a Melee power, Stomp is now listed as a Blast power, and Immovable Object is now listed as a Boost power.
-Immobilize Object is now properly considered an Xtreme.
-Gravity Bomb's slow now has an effect I made which appears near enemies' heads like other characters' powers that slow do.
-Rewrote some power descriptions.
-Fixed an issue with herostat.
-Fixed an issue with packages.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Blob's passives now all have 15 levels like the default characters do and their levels each level of them unlocks match the default characters as well.
-I've unscaled all his powers except Rump Rumble because of the special way that works.
-Fixed a typo and rewrote some power descriptions.
-Rewrote Immovable Object's description to match other Xtreme Boosts that do the same thing.
-Rebalanced starting life of Rubberized Recoil.
-Changed how coding for Xtreme 1 and 2 callout works.
-Fixed issues with audio popping.
-Added missing 3006 skin file.
-Removed Striker talent from herostat, as that was a leftover Cohollow added as part of his custom shared talents mod.
-Fixed issue with bonus Gladiator Character Select Portrait.
-Changed his XML1 voicepack to be a separate release.
-Added Menu Breaks.
-I changed Heavy Fist's animation to be his own skeleton's punch animation, as it wasn't being used for anything and so that it has a different animation from his normal Melee attacks. I also changed the speed of the animation to compensate for this change.
-Changed Gravity Bomb Xtreme to now be listed as a Radial in his talent file to match how the default characters' Xtremes are listed.
-Made minor herostat coding fix.
-Made Thick Skin resistance text more clear.
-Rereleased as standalone mod.
-Removed his scale factor from herostat because he doesn't seem to need it and he isn't scaled as an NPC.
-Now uses his unique footstep sounds in hub maps thanks for Generic Unit.
-All his powers now do actually Physical damage, which all their descriptions said they did but none of them were actually coded as such.
-Renamed Bully to what nodoubt_jr called it: Big Bully.
-Renamed his Wrestler passive to Mass Shifting, which is a power he has in the comics and I felt fit this passive.
-Belly Flop, Rump Rumble, and Gravity Bomb are now listed as Radials instead of Specials, because they already functioned as Radials.
-Removed the impact effects from Belly Flop, Rump Rumble, and Gravity Bomb because having impact effects on radials can cause issues and they don't work properly anyway (they appear on objects they can't affect, like parts of the map that can't be destroyed and such.)
-Replaced his Glutton passive with Projectile Redirection, which deflects projectiles, because he has that power in the comics, and I didn't like the idea of his Glutton passives because it just increases his Body stat and I also felt that could quickly become unbalanced.
-He now starts with only 1 point in Might instead of 2.
-Rebalanced powers.
-Rebalanced his Mind stat.
-Flesh Bomb now requires Belly Thrust.
-Belly Flop now requires Flesh Bomb.
-Rubberized Recoil now requires Thick Skin.
-Added dmg_ground to Belly Flop.
-Removed dmgmod_ground_only from Stomp.
-Replaced Rump Rumble's dmgmod_ground_only with dmgmod_ground.
-Removed Rump Rumble's vertical range coding, which was preventing it from damaging objects in the environment.
-Added combo text to Big Bully.
-Rebalanced AI.
-Added AI to Big Bully.
-I had accidentally not fully changed his Thick Skin resistances before, so I've fixed that.
-Fixed how Physical Resistance appears in Thick Skin's description and level up information.
-Changed which icons go with which powers and passives so that now each of them has a unique icon.
-Rewrote some power descriptions.
-No longer includes Blob's default NPC voicefile because that was only included because this used to be a booster for Cohollow's mod and that overwrote that file, and this is now a standalone mod.
-Since only 6 skins are included, I've removed the 07, 08, and 09 huds and 3D heads, which were just duplicates of his 01 hud anyway.
-Replaced packages with new streamlined packages.
-Minor herostat coding fix
-Added screenshots.
-Rebalanced passives and resistances to match default characters.
-Fixed bugs with his resistances.
-Added a bonus Gladiator Character Select Portrait.
-Fixed typos in talent file.
-Had forgotten to include original unaltered Blob NPC sound file.

October 04, 2022, 05:38PM #3 Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 05:40PM by Enigma
I've rereleased him as a standalone mod at v3.0.
Check changelog for details.