Expanded Game (EXG) v1.3

Started by Outsider, December 31, 2022, 09:58PM

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Quote from: amelinium3000 on August 10, 2024, 01:42PMHi Outsider! I have a problem after leaving Doom's Castle. After defeating Jean Gray, I should fight her again in the Big Top. Unfortunately, when I enter the arena, there is a dialogue with Jean and nothing happens. The fight doesn't start.

Are you able to visit our Discord? I notice that people that have this problem usually use MO2 and have the order incorrect, or is using the EXG along with some other non-character mod, which causes a clash. Our Discord is the best place to determine what is happening with your game, as it's hard to figure it out otherwise. You can find the link here: https://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,10301.0.html