
Enigma's Iceman Booster

Started by Enigma, August 04, 2023, 09:30PM

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August 04, 2023, 09:30PM Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 07:36PM by Enigma
:iceman:Enigma's Iceman Booster v1.6 :iceman:

This is my booster for Iceman. It makes the following changes to him:
**This includes all Ultimate Patch changes and fixes to him, unless I changed or removed a power that those changes affected.

Sound Changes:
*I've made a new voicepack using the best lines and grunts by James Arnold Taylor as Iceman from XML2, MUA1, and Marvel Heroes.
-He also now has 2 banter lines with Deadpool, taken from Marvel Heroes.
-I replaced the following number of banter lines for the following characters with ones from Marvel Heroes: Cyclops (2), Colossus (1), Jean (1), Gambit (1), Nightcrawler (2), Scarlet Witch (2), Wolverine (2)
-I used one of his MUA1 Menu Breaks as a CMD Follow line because he literally says "Everybody follow me."
*All powers now have unique sounds and no longer share with each other.
*When an enemy is frozen, it will now randomly pick either the sound used for that in XML2 or the one used in MUA1.
*When a frozen enemy's ice shell shatters, it will now randomly pick either the sound used for that in XML2 and MUA1 or the one used in XML1.
*Ice Slide now uses his MUA1 Ice Slide power sound.
*Freeze Beam uses Ice Shards's XML2 charge sound and one of the sounds Freeze Blast does in XML1 for the power sound.
*Ice Shards uses its XML1 power sound and its XML2 impact sound.
*Cold Crush now uses its unused XML2 impact sound. It also uses one of the power sounds that Arctic Burst, Ice Pillar, Ice Gloves, and Ice Armor use in XML2.
*Arctic Burst uses sounds that are used for his MUA1 boosts Frost Bite and Frigid Aura.
*Ice Pillar uses ones of his XML1 Freeze Blast power sounds and his XML2 Ice Armor power sound.
*Ice Gloves uses the sound Ice Armor uses in XML1.
-In MUA1, his Ice Slide sound loops while the power is active. I've changed the sound coding so that it will loop in XML2.
*Ice Form uses the power sound that Polar Explosion, Freeze Beam, and his unique trip do in MUA1. Ice Form also uses the impact sound that Polar Explosion uses in MUA1.
*Cold Snap uses its XML2 power sound.
-This is the same sound his XML1 and MUA1 Xtremes use.
*Ice Sidekick uses ones of the sounds used in XML2 for Arctic Burst and the sound MUA1 uses for Freeze Beam's impact.
*His unique trip uses the power sound that XML2 uses for it, Slow Beam, and Freeze Beam.

Power Changes:
*I've rewritten his power descriptions to sound better.
*He now starts with 5% Cold damage resistance, and I rebalanced the rate at which Cold Mastery increases it to compensate for this change.
*Ice Shards now unlocks at level 7 instead of level 1.
-I've rebalanced it to compensate for this.
*I've removed Slow Beam and made Freeze Beam his starting power.
-This is because once you unlock Freeze Beam, Slow Beam becomes useless, because Freeze Beam also slows enemies once the freeze part wears off.
-I've rebalanced Freeze Beam to compensate for it being his starting power.
-Since Freeze Beam is now unlocked at the start of the game, Arctic Burst no longer requires it.
-It now uses the icon formerly used by Slow Beam.
*Removed Piercing Cold passive and made the powers it affected (and which I've kept in my boost, which are Ice Shards and Freeze Beam) always pierce.
-This balances his powers better with other characters, as that's the way pierce works for everyone else.
*I've added his MUA1 costume passive Frost Bite (which is completely different from his MUA1 boost Frost Bite) and rebalanced it for XML2.
-I've changed it to only reflect Physical damage instead of all damage.
-It uses the icon formerly used by Piercing Cold.
*Instead of freezing nearby enemies and slowing farther away enemies, Cold Snap now just freezes all near and far enemies.
*I've renamed Ice Armor to Ice Form, removed the Ice Armor model itself, and changed the boost to now skin swap him into the MUA1 Classic Ice Form skin I made.
-It shares a change I made to Ice Armor in the Ultimate Patch, which is that it only affects non-powered Melee attacks.
-It also now has adds a chance to dodge projectiles
-It now uses the icon formerly used by Freeze Beam.

Visual Changes:
*Includes my versions of his XML1, XMl2, and MUA1 loading screens.
-XML1 and XML2 loading screens are higher quality versions of those images that I found.
-These are also in the Ultimate Patch.
*Includes my higher quality version of his XML2 character select portrait.
-This is also in the Ultimate Patch.
*Ice Slide's effects have been replaced with his unused XML1 Prototype's Ice Tracks effects.
*The charge effect that Freeze Beam, Ice Shards, and his unique trip use has been replaced with a recolored version of Ice Shards' XML1 Retail charge effect.
*Freeze Beam and his unique trip use the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of his p1_power and p1_shot effects.
*Freeze Beam, Ice Shards, and his unique Trip use the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of his p1_impact effect.
*Ice Pillar uses the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its p10_power effect.
*Ice Combat uses its XML2 Ultimate patch effect.
*Ice Form, Ice Gloves, Ice Pillar, and Arctic Burst use the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of the p6_charge effect.
*Ice Gloves uses the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its p6_power effect.
*Arctic Burst uses the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its p7_power effect.
*Ice Shards and Cold Crush use Ice Shards's MUA1 trail effect.
*Cold Crush uses Iceman's MUA1 Polar Explosion impact effect.
*Freeze Beam, Cold Crush, Cold Snap, and Ice Sidekick use the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of the effect used when a frozen enemy's ice shell shatters.
*Freeze Beam, Cold Crush, Ice Slide, Arctic Burst, Ice Form, Cold Snap, Ice Sidekick use the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of the effect used when an enemy is slowed.
*Ice Form uses the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of Ice Armor's aura effect.
*Cold Snap uses a recolored version of Iceman's XML1 Freeze Frame Xtreme charge effect. For the impact effect, I've combined the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of Cold Snap's impact effect with a recolored version of part of Iceman's XML1 Prototype version of his Freeze Frame Xtreme impact effect.
-I've removed the camera shake from both of these effects.
*Ice Sidekick uses the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its p11_charge effect.
*The shell that appears around frozen enemies is a new version by BaconWizard17.

Misc Changes
*He contains the following changes that I also made to the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of him:
-Includes my versions of his XML1, XMl2, and MUA1 loading screens.
-Includes my higher quality version of his XML2 character select portrait.
-I've changed Ice Pillar to use the unused Ice Pillar model. I modified Cohollow's XML2 Ultimate Patch version of the p10_impact effect to work with that model.
-Power descriptions and level up info rewritten to be more accurate and to fix various spelling errors and typos.
-All powers that can build bridges now say so.
-Ice Gloves only affects non-powered Melee attacks instead of also affecting powered Melee attacks, which was clearly supposed to be the idea originally.
-Cold Crush now uses its unused XML2 impact power sound.
-Iceman's passives are no longer listed in his herostat, as that did nothing anyway.
*Improved ice_gloves, ice_shard, ice_chunk_small effect models by BaconWizard17.
-The color of these is closer to his skins than the default versions.
*The following fixes are ones Cohollow did for the Ultimate Patch version of Iceman:
-He also wrote some power descriptions.
-Fixed issue with Ice Gloves not using EP.
-Fixes to how Ice Armor works.
-Other unknown changes to effects. I didn't see anything different between default and Patch versions, but I could have missed something.
*He also has packages for all 9 skins that allow for each skin to have a unique hud and 3D head. These are also the new Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages.

*Alternate Ice Form Skin: Cel Shaded and Non Cel Shaded versions of the following Ice Form skins:
-By BaconWizard17: Age of Apocalypse, Classic Original, Solo Comic, Ultimate XML1, Ultimate XML2, X-Treme Gear
-By Me: Deadpool The End
*Non Cel Shaded Skins: Non Cel Shaded versions of the default skins and MUA1 Classic Ice Form Skin.
*Alternate Character Select Portraits:
-MUA1: Based upon his MUA1 loading screen.
-XML1: Based upon my version of his XML1 loading screen.
*Alternate Effects:
-MUA1 Slow Effect: This is the effect that's used in MUA1 when one of Iceman's powers slows down an enemy.
-X2UP Cold Crush Impact Effect: This is the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of Iceman's XML2 Cold Crush impact effect.
-XML1 Prototype Ice Shell Melting Effect: This is an effect from the XML1 Prototype. After an enemy is frozen, instead of the ice shell shattering, it will instead melt.
*MUA1 Menu Breaks: These are all his MUA1 menu breaks.
*XML1 Voicepack: This is a voicepack of Darren Scott as Iceman from XML1. I've expanded it using NPC lines. I've also rearranged some of his lines because I thought they fit other types of lines better. Some types of lines that are only used in XML1 and not XML2 have been repurposed for other types of lines. I've also used 2 grunts that are only in the XML1 Prototype.
-Also included is his XML1 Freeze Frame Xtreme Callout. I've included data files that will rename his Cold Snap Xtreme to Freeze Frame.
-He uses the same Ice Sidekick Xtreme callout and Banter lines as my James Arnold Taylor Iceman voicepack.

Skins List:
*Skin: Ultimate XML2 Human (BaconWizard17) (0801)
*Skin_Astonishing: MUA1 Modern (BaconWizard17) (0802)
*Skin_AOA: Deadpool The End Human (Mine) (0803)
*Skin_60s: X-Factor White (Mine) (0804)
*Skin_70s: X-Factor Yellow (Mine) (0805)
*Skin_WeaponX: 90s (BaconWizard17) (0806)
*Skin_Future: X-Treme Gear Human (Mine) (0807)
*Skin_Winter: New X-Men (Mine) (0808)
*Skin_Civilian: Ultimate XML1 Human (BaconWizard17) (0809)
*Skin_Swap: MUA1 Classic (Mine) (0810)

*BaconWizard17: Skins, conversation huds and 3D heads for: Ultimate XML2 Human, MUA1 Modern, Solo Human, 90s, Ultimate XML1 Human; Alternate Ice Form skins: Age of Apocalypse, Classic, Original, Solo Comic, Ultimate XML1, Ultimate XML2, X-Treme Gear; Icons; Packages
*Cohollow: XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of effects.
*BLaw: idea for Ice Form boost

-Fixed issue with Ice Slide's knockback not working.
-Fixed issue with Ice Gloves's Attack Rating not being scaled.
-Rebalanced Arctic Burst and Cold Crush.
-Added XML1 Menu Breaks I picked out.
-Minor fix to how Ice Slide ends.
-Fixed an issue with the packages.
-Added new version of shell that appears around frozen enemies by BaconWizard17.
-Ice Slide's description now says it knocks back enemies.
-Included packages for new skin number for IcemanSimple.
-Rebalanced Ice Shards.
-Added instructions on how to change the skin number of the IcemanSimple NPC version since my booster changes his skin numbers.
-Rebalanced Frost Bite.
-Made Ice Sidekick's levelup info more accurate about how much damage the sidekick does.
-Minor fix to Cold Crush.
-Freeze Beam and Ice Shards's descriptions now say they can pierce.
-Fixed a typo.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.