Enigma's Professor X Booster

Started by Enigma, February 09, 2024, 09:48PM

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February 09, 2024, 09:48PM Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 07:36PM by Enigma
:xavier: Enigma's Professor X Booster v1.1 :xavier:


This is my booster for Professor X. It makes the following changes to him:

***I've always felt that Professor Xavier was unfinished in XML2.
*He only has 1 more power than he did in XML1, since in XML2 he only has 3 powers, 1 boost, 1 Xtreme, and 2 passives. And one of those powers, Psychic Storm, is just Storm's Chain Lightning power with no changes whatsoever. And his powers overall don't make much sense and are pretty terrible, especially when compared to XML1.
*His effects colors are inconsistent. He has 5 unused effects, which are just placeholders from other characters.
*For a character that's a bonus unlockable for completing the Danger Room mode, Professor Xavier is a pretty lackluster prize as-is. All in all, he feels very unfinished and pretty unless compared to all the other characters in XML2.
*I wanted to change that and make him both a worthwhile unlockable and a worthwhile character to use. I have tried to fix these by combining his XML1 Retail and Prototype powers and effects and creating new stuff to fit alongside them.

Sound Changes:
*By default, he uses all his XML1 grunts in XML2 except for 2 of his Pain grunts. This has been fixed.
*I've expanded his voicepack to be as large as possible by combining the best of his lines from both his XML1 and XML2 voicepacks, as well as more lines from his XML1 and 2 NPC conversations, all voiced by Patrick Stewart.
-By default in XML2, he had no Low Health lines, so he now uses his XML1 ones.
-I've used 1 of his unused Can't Talk lines as a Bored line because it fit and because Can't Talk lines aren't used.
-I've used 1 of his XML1 Solo End lines as a Bored line because it fit and because Solo End lines aren't used in XML2.
-I've used both of his XML1 Incoming lines as Cmd Attack Any lines because they fit and because Incoming lines aren't used in XML2.
-I used one of his Victory lines for a Cmd Follow line instead and one of them as a Bored line instead because they fit better there.
-Some of his No Work lines double as No Power lines because they fit and because No Work lines aren't used much.
*He uses his XML1 power sounds for Psychic Hammer, Psychic Burst, Psychic Barrier, and Psychic Maelstrom.
*Psionic Spheres uses 1 of Nebula's MUA3 power sounds and 1 of Iron Man's MUA3 power sounds.
*Psychic Seal uses 1 of Doctor Doom (God)'s MUA3 power sounds and 1 of Nebula's MUA3 power sounds.
*Telepathic Link uses one of Klaw's MUA3 power sounds.
*Psychic Beam uses a sound from Lego Dimensions.
*Psychic Shock uses 1 of Proxima Midnight's MUA3 power sounds.

Power Changes:
*He now uses his XML1 Gladiator skeleton.
-This means he now uses his unique XML1 Gladiator melee animations and stun animation. (This is the only difference between his XML1 Astral and Gladiator skeletons).
-This also means he now uses his unused XML1 character select menu animations.
-I've edited his skeleton so that he also now uses his unused XML1 menu idle animation as his in-game idle. He doesn't have an XML1 in-game idle by default, and I think the menu idle looks great.
*I've started completely over using his XML1 Prototype and Melee normal and Gladiator versions as a starting point. I've made various changes as detailed below, and I've altered everything to work in XML2.
*He's now immune to Mental damage.
*He can now see cloaked enemies, like he can in XML1.
*He has the generic talents leadership and block.
*Redid combo text.
*He now has the fightstyle wrestling, which is what he had in XML1.
-This also fits in better with his XML1 Gladiator unique melee and stun animations.
*The only power I've kept from his default XML2 version is his Telepathic Link boost, which has a new animation since he's using a different skeleton now.
*Added Psychic Hammer, which is my version of his XML1 power Hammer Legend.
-The name I used is the XML1 Prototype's unused name for Hammer Legend's 2nd tier version.
-Its knockback now levels up. Its maximum is what it is by default in XML1.
*Added my version of his XML1 power Blast Legend.
-I've renamed it Psionic Cascade.
-It now trips enemies instead of knocking them back.
-Unlike in XML1, this power is now listed as a Radial instead of a Blast, because it already functions like a Radial.
-Also unlike in XML1, it doesn't have a hiteffect, because Radials having hiteffects can cause issues in XML2 and don't work properly.
*Added my version of his XML1 Psychic Defense boost.
-In the XML1 Prototype, this boost protects the whole party, so I've made it do so here.
*Added his XML1 passive Psionic Combat, which I've redone to be like the version of this passive various XML2 default characters have.
*I've added my version of his XML1 Xtreme Psychic Maelstrom.
-I've made this power into a normal radial because the 3 different ways it worked across XML1 Prototype and Retail didn't work in XML2.
-Instead of slowing and freezing enemies, it now converts any who survive and makes them explode when the conversion wears off.
*I've added a version of his XML1 boost Psychic Defense.
-I've renamed it Psychic Barrier.
-This boost does many various different things across the XML1 Prototype and Retail versions, so I've picked all of them. (By the way, as far as I know, pain immunity appears to stop character from flinching when attack from behind or by bosses.)
*I've created a new power, Psionic Spheres, which is loosely inspired by a power he has in Lego Marvel Super Heroes 1.
*I've created a new passive, Field Trip.
*I've created a new Xtreme and given it the name Psychic Shock so that I can reuse his XML2 Xtreme callout.
*I've used the name of his XML2 boost Telepathic Link for a new boost.
*I've added a new power, Psychic Seal.
*I've added a new power, Psychic Beam.

Visual Changes:
*He uses new skins, huds, and 3D heads made by BaconWizard17.
*Includes the new and improved version of his XML2 loading screen. I AI Upscaled it and scanned the higher quality partial version of it from the XML2 strategy guide and ak2ny combined these together.
*Also includes my AI Upscaled unletterboxed versions of both of his XML1 loading screens from the XML1 Prototype.
*Includes a new character select portrait I made based off of the aforementioned new version of his XML2 loading screen.
*I made a new set of icons for him using recolored versions of the follow icons by BaconWizard17: Colossus's Iron Fist, Emma's Psionic Slam, Psionic Combat, and Mental Spheres, Jean Grey's Psionic Boom, Juggernaut's Balanced Form, X-Man's Mental Mastery, and Professor X's Clairvoyance, Crushing Ego, Psychic Storm, and Telepathic Link.
*His unique stun uses a recolored version of its XML1 Retail effect.
*Psychic Hammer, Psionic Cascade, and Psychic Defense use recolored versions of their XML1 Retail effects.
*Psionic Spheres uses an effect I created and the same impact effect that I used for Psychic Hammer.
*Psychic Seal uses an effect I made and the same impact effect that I used for Psychic Hammer.
*Psychic Maelstrom uses a recolored version of its XML1 Retail version of its power effect, which I've also removed the screen flash from.
*Psychic Barrier uses the effects it uses in XML1 Retail.
*Psionic Combat uses an effect I made.
*Telepathic Link uses an effect I made.
*Psychic Beam uses an effect I made and the same impact effect that I used for Psychic Hammer.
*Psychic Shock uses an effect I made.

*Bonus Skins: 3 bonus skins by BaconWizard17: Unused XML1 Ultimate, XML1 Ultimate Civilian, and XML2 Ultimate Captive.
*Bonus Loading Screens: 2 bonus loading screens I made using images from the MUA1 epilogues: Illuminati and With Senator Kelly.
*Bonus Conversation Huds: 3 bonus conversation huds based upon his loading screens: XML1 In Mansion, XML1 With Cerebro, and XML2 New X-Men.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits: 2 bonus character select portraits based upon his loading screens: XML1 In Mansion and XML1 With Cerebro.

Skin List:
-Skin: XML1 Astral (1102)
-Skin_Astonishing: XML2 New X-Men (1103)
-Skin_AOA: None
-Skin_60s: Original (1105)
-Skin_70s: Savage Land (1106)
-Skin_WeaponX: Exoskeleton (1107)
-Skin_Future: X-Treme Gear (1108)
-Skin_Winter: Gladiator (1109)
-Skin_Civilian: XML2 Ultimate Civilian (1110)

*BaconWizard17: skins, huds, 3D heads, packages, the following icons: Colossus's Iron Fist, Emma's Psionic Slam, Psionic Combat, and Mental Spheres, Jean Grey's Psionic Boom, Juggernaut's Balanced Form, X-Man's Mental Mastery, and Professor X's Clairvoyance, Crushing Ego, Psychic Storm, and Telepathic Link
*nodoubt_jr: I used his Professor X XML1 Direct Conversion mod to help me get the powerstyle formatting right for Xavier's XML1 powers.
*ak2ny: Combining elements to make new version of XML2 loading screen

-Fixed issue with a power requirement.
-Rebalanced starting stats and multiple powers.
-Added missing info to Telepathic Link's levelup info.
-Made Psychic Barrier's description more clear.
-Field Trip now affects XP instead of Combo XP so that it doesn't overlap with Leadership.
-Fixes how levelup works for Telepathic Link.
-Removed part of Telepathic Link that increases Critical chance for party because that overlaps with Leadership.