
Enigma's Hulk Mod

Started by Enigma, July 04, 2023, 09:57AM

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July 04, 2023, 09:57AM Last Edit: June 24, 2024, 02:25PM by Enigma
:hulk_icon:Enigma's Hulk Mod v1.8 :hulk_icon:

This is my Hulk mod. It contains the following:

*Uses his MUA1 lines and grunts by Peter Lurie as well as more lines taken from his MUA1 simulator mission dialog.
-Since Throw Taunts aren't used in XML2, I've used them as Taunt KDs.
-I've made his No Work lines double as No Power lines because they fit that perfectly and No Work lines aren't used very much.
-I've made his Menu Breaks double as various types of lines.
-I've turned his struggle grunt (which is a long series of grunts. I don't know if MUA1 uses this type of audio file, but XML2 certainly doesn't) into 2 smaller grunts, which I've used.
-I've created an Xtreme 2 callout.
*Unlike in MUA1, all powers have unique sounds and don't share sounds with other powers.
*Hulk has his own unique footstep sounds, which are the ones he uses in MUA2 PC. He has a total of 4 different ones that he randomly picks from. These also work in hub maps.
*Hulk Punch uses power sounds from Hulk's Marvel Heroes power sounds and also no longer uses XML2's generic wooshes for the punching sounds.
*Hulk Pound uses power sounds from Hulk's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
*Hulk Crash uses power sounds from Hulk's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
*Hulk Charge uses Hulk's MUA1 DLC Hulk Knockdown loop sound, his MUA2 PC step sounds, and one of Hulk's Marvel Heroes power sounds for the end of the power.
*Hulk Roar uses one of the sounds that Hulk's MUA1 power Hulk Knockdown uses.
*Hulk Tough uses one of Hulk's MUA1 PC power sounds.
*Hulk Strong uses one of Hulk's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
*Hulk Smash uses two of Hulk's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
*Hulk Strongest uses two of Hulk's Marvel Heroes power sounds.

*After Hulk was cut from MUA1 due to licensing issues, his skeleton and powers seem to have been modified and reused for Colossus's MUA1 playable version because of how very very similar Colossus and the later MUA1 DLC version of Hulk are. Because of this, I've used Colossus's MUA1 skeleton for Hulk.
-I've hex edited it to remove Melee animations that didn't work properly in XML2.
-He uses the skeleton's MUA1 idle in the character select menu and the wrestling fightstyle idle in-game. This is because the animation that contains the MUA1 idle has him crouching down first and it looks weird and unnatural in-game but I needed a menu idle so that he wouldn't be invisible in the character select menu. This animation works well enough as a menu idle, and it was the best option.
*He uses the wrestling fightstyle.
*He can see cloaked enemies.
*Hulk has 10% Mental resistance and starts out with a 5% Radiation resistance.
*He has Grab, Block, and Might.
*I've given him Double Jump.
*He has the same height scaling he has in MUA1 and which Juggeranut also has in XML2.
*He doesn't have his MUA1 rage ability.
*I've rewritten all powers descriptions.
*I changed the combo text where necessary to fit renamed and altered powers and added it in where it was missing.
*I've used the OCP MUA1 PC conversion of his DLC version as a starting point and reworked and recoded all powers so that they'll work in XML2. I've also incorporated coding from the OCP MUA1 PC conversion of Colossus where necessary.
-I've also removed all unnecessary coding and steamlined his powers' coding.
*All powers have been rebalanced for XML2.
*All AI coding has been rebalanced. It's also been changed where necessary to fit how it works in XML2.
*When controlled by AI, Hulk can now use all his powers, unlike the MUA1 version.
*He has his MUA1 power Cyclone Punch.
-I've renamed this to Hulk Punch.
-It is now a tap power instead of a hold the button power.
-He now punches the enemy twice. The first punch stuns the enemy and the second punch knocks them back.
-The cloud of dust that appears at the end of the power now appears around Hulk's feet and body instead of being bolted to his right hand.
*He has his MUA1 power Hulk Stomp.
-I've renamed it Hulk Pound. I've had it use a different animation that otherwise went unused which features Hulk pounding the ground with both fists. I think this animation suits how this power works far better. Also, based upon the power being depicted like this on one of his unused MUA1 loading screens and on one of his unused MUA1 power icons, I suspect this power was originally meant to use this animation.
-The radial part of the power now does knockback and can hit enemies on the ground.
-The shockwave's maxrange no longer levels up and instead is set permanently at a fixed balanced value.
-I've recoded the shockwave part so that it works in a more satisfying way and moves faster.
*He has his MUA1 radial power Hulk Smash.
-I've renamed this power to Hulk Crash because his MUA1 Xtreme was also called Hulk Smash and since the Xtreme has a voiced callout by that name, I've renamed this power instead.
-It now does knockback instead of popup.
-It now does Physical damage, whereas in MUA1 it has no damage type listed.
-I've completely reworked and recoded how this power works because the animation for it in this skeleton is in 2 parts.
-I used some coding from nodoubt_jr's XML2 Hulk mod's Hulk Smash radial power to help get mine working and to get the ending animation hex edited correctly, because for some reason, the ending animation only works if the name of that animation is changed via hex editing.
*He has his MUA1 power Hulk Roar.
-I've made it also decrease enemies' Damage Rating.
*He has his MUA1 boost Hulk Boost.
-I've renamed it to Hulk Tough.
-I changed it to increase his Defense Rating, make him immune to stun and slow, and only affect him instead of the whole part.
*I've created a new boost, Hulk Strike.
*I've created a new power, Hulk Crush You.
-His MUA1 power Hulk Knockdown doesn't work in XML2, so I've given him a modified version of Juggernaut's Bullrush power that I've named Hulk Charge because that's as close as I could get to Hulk Knockdown.
*I've created 2 new passives: Gamma Battery and Hulk Incredible.
*He has his MUA1 Xtreme, Hulk Smash.
*He has a new Xtreme Boost, Hulk Strongest.
*I've given him the Regeneration passive.

*Includes Cel Shaded PS2 versions of his official MUA1 DLC skins by UltraMegaMagnus (MrKablamm0fish provided the skin textures).
-I fixed the Cel Shading on the Classic Green, Original Gray, and Joe Fixit skins.
-I redid the Cel Shading for the Planet Hulk skin.
*I made a new skin. On his unused official MUA1 Gray Hulk loading screen, he doesn't have the torn white shirt that the Original Gray skin does, so I made a version of that skin that doesn't have that.
*I made another new skin. In the early MUA1 screenshots featuring the Hulk, his Classic Green skin textures are significantly brighter in color, but when the Hulk DLC was released, the textures were significantly desaturated. So I've recolored his skin textures to match this as closely as possible.
*I made 3D heads for every skin.
*I made XML2-compatible versions of the Official Characters Pack versions of his 4 MUA1 DLC huds.
*I made a new hud for my Unused Original Gray Alternate skin.
*I made restored versions of his unused MUA1 green Hulk and gray Hulk loading screens.
-These were cut when he was cut as a playable character, and although Marvel and Activision used them for promotional purposes for MUA1, they wasn't actually used when he has added back in as DLC for the Xbox 360 version of MUA1.
-For the green one, I've edited it to fill/paint in the missing parts covered by the logo in the lower left corner, then I denoised and AI Upscaled it.
*I've used his MUA1 DLC icons, which I've added BaconWizard17's version of the Regeneration and Block icon.
-I've changed which icons are used for which powers, and all his icons are now used, unlike in MUA1.
*All MUA1 Hulk effects have been modified to work in XML2 where necessary.
*I removed camera shake from all effects that had it.
*Hulk Punch uses its MUA1 effect.
-I've split it apart into multiple effects because in MUA1, it was 3 different effects in 1 file that didn't work very well and were hard to code because of this. In MUA1, it was a green charge on his right hand, then a green trail only on one of the 2 hands even though both punch as part of this power, then a dust cloud that is bolted to his right hand. I've changed this to first the charge effect on the right hand, the green trails on each hand when it punches, then the dust cloud around his feet after he moves forward.
-I've recolored the charge effect so that it's the same color as the green trail effect.
*Hulk Pound uses modified and recolored versions of its MUA1 effects.
-The shockwave effect was been replaced with a modified and recolored effect from my Avalanche mod. The reason is because the existing shockwave effect didn't really work very well and it was pretty slow and underwhelming.
*Hulk Crash's effect in MUA1 is exactly the same as Hulk Pound's MUA1 effect and the trail part of Hulk Punch's MUA1 effect but all in 1 file, so I've used those other 2 effects files instead.
*Hulk Crush You uses a recolored version of Juggernaut's XML2 Bullrush effect.
*Hulk Roar uses a recolored version of one of Sauron's XML2 boss effects.
-The effect that's on enemies who are scared as part of this power now use the standard XML2 fear effect instead of it using Hulk Roar's MUA1 power effect.
*Hulk Tough uses a recolored version of Hulk's MUA1 boost Hulk Boost effect.
*Hulk Strong uses the same arm trails and small gray smoke cloud that Hulk Tough uses and the rest is an effect I created.
*Hulk Smash uses its MUA1 effect.
*Hulk Strongest uses the same arm trails that Hulk Tough uses and the rest is an effect I created.

*Non-Cel Shaded Skins: I made non-Cel Shaded versions of his skins.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits:
-I made a grey Hulk character select portrait using my version of his unused grey Hulk loading screen.
-I made a character select portrait based on Hulk's art from the cover of MUA1 Gold for the Xbox 360, which I restored, AI Upscaled, and denoised.
*Bonus Conversation Huds:
-I made conversation huds for green Hulk and grey Hulk using my versions of his unused loading screens.
-I made a conversation hud based on Hulk's art from the cover of MUA1 Gold for the Xbox 360, which I restored, AI Upscaled, and denoised.
*Bonus Loading Screens:
-Custom Joe Fixit - I made this using a variant cover of Joe Fixit Vol 1 # 3.
-Custom Planet Hulk - I made this using a textless version of the World War Hulk Vol 1 #1 cover.
*Announcer Callout: This is callout of Patrick Stewart saying "The Incredible Hulk" which I took from the audio files of the video game X2: Wolverine's Revenge.
*Fred Tatasciore voicepack by tubularspaceman, which includes audio from multiple different games.
*Alt Torn Shirt Hulk Skin: A skin by tubularspaceman that replaces the gray skin parts of the Original Gray skin with my Unused Classic Green Alternate skin texture.

-Fixed problem with both boosts not ending.
-Hulk Incredible now requires Mutant Mastery.
-Added Hulk Fred Tatasciore voicepack from tubularspaceman.
-Replaced Hulk callout with audio balanced version by tubularspaceman.
_Added new bonus skin by tubularspaceman.
-Fixed issues with unique melee animations.
-Fixed issues with Hulk Charge.
-His unique melee attacks now use their MUA2 Wii effect.
-Rebalanced multiple powers.
-Fixed issue with a few of his lines being too loud.
-Hulk can now see hidden enemies, which he can do in the comics.
-Rebalanced Hulk Punch and made its knockback level up.
-Rebalanced Hulk Crash.
-Rebalanced Hulk Smash.
-Rebalanced Hulk Pound.
-Fixed issue with Hulk Crash's knockback not working properly. It also now levels up.
-Rewrote Hulk Smash's description to be more accurate.
-Rebalanced Hulk Crash's damage.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-I made a new skin, Unused Classic Green Alternate. This skin is now the default skin and the normal Classic Green skin is now in the Astonishing slot. This is because his unused MUA1 Classic Green loading screen and MUA1 Gold Cover depict the unused version instead.
-I made a couple of very minor fixes to his powerstyle.
-Rebalanced Hulk Crash's damage.
-Fixed minor coding mistake with Hulk Charge.
-Fixed a couple of coding mistakes with Hulk Smash.
-Removed some unneeded coding.
-Added a bonus conversation hud and a bonus character select portrait based on Hulk's art from the cover of MUA1 Gold for the Xbox 360, which I restored, AI Upscaled, and denoised.

*UltraMegaMagnus: skins
*MrKablamm0fish: skin textures
*Official Characters Pack: MUA1 Colossus and Hulk PC conversions
*Cohollow: original version of the Avalanche effect that I also used in my Avalanche mod that I modified and recolored for Hulk Pound's shockwave.
*nodoubt_jr: I used some coding from his XML2 Hulk mod's Hulk Smash radial power to help get mine working and to get the ending animation hex edited.
*BaconWizard17: higher quality version of Regeneration and Block icons
*Generic Unit: coding that allows unique footstep sounds in hub maps
*tubularspaceman: see hidden enemies ideas, audio balanced version of callout, bonus Alt Torn Shirt Hulk Skin