Enigma's Storm Booster

Started by Enigma, May 27, 2024, 10:51AM

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May 27, 2024, 10:51AM Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 01:54PM by Enigma
:storm: Enigma's Storm Booster v1.1 :storm:


This is my Storm booster. It contains the following differences from the default XML2 version:

*A new voicepack using the best of Storm voiced lines from XML2, MUA1, MUA2 Wii, and MUA2 PC, all voiced by Dawnn Lewis.
-I used some unused types of lines as various other types of lines.
-I've had some of her No Work lines double as No Power lines because they fit and No Work lines aren't used very much.
-I've also used some of her XML2, MUA1, and MUA2 Wii Menu Breaks as additional voiced lines.
*I've also used the best of her grunts from XML2 and MUA2 PC.
-She has no MUA1 grunts. She has almost no MUA2 Wii grunts (only 4 Pain grunts) and her MUA2 PC Pain grunts were much better so I used those instead.
-The grunts I used from XML2 are now much louder.
*She uses her MUA1 flight take off and landing sounds.
*Lightning Strike uses its XML2 power sounds.
*Electric Shock uses Blitz's MUA1 power sound.
*Whirlwind uses the charge sound that Chain Lightning and Whirlwind use in MUA1.
-For the sound the tornado makes while it's active, it randomly picks from between the loop sound Whirlwind uses in MUA1 and the loop sound that Whirlwind and Funnels use in XML2.
*Hail Storm uses the following sounds:
-Its MUA1 charge sound.
-It now has impact sounds and for those, it randomly picks from among 3 different hail sounds from the BBC sound library.
-The sound it uses for when it disappears is the one it uses in MUA1 for when it hits an enemy.
*Chain Lightning uses Storm's MUA1 Lightning Strike's charge sound and Chain Lightning's XML2 power sound.
*Static Charge now has a unique power sound, which is Storm's Lightning Strike's MUA1 power sound.
*Cyclonic Shield now has a unique power sound, which is Storm's Whirlwind Armor's MUA1 power sound.
*Refreshing Rain uses the sound Storm's MUA1 Conduction power uses and a sound from a sound effects website that I edited down to be shorter.
*Raging Tempest now has a unique power sound, which is Storm's XML1 Xtreme Cyclone Fury's power sound.
*Will of the Goddess now has a unique power sound, which is 1 of the power sounds Storm's Chain Lightning uses in MUA1 and 1 of the power sounds Storm's MUA1 Xtreme Thunder Struck uses.
*Her unique Melee stun uses the same power sound it uses by default, but it no longer shares it with Chain Lightning.

*For all powers from XML1 Prototype, XML1 Retail, MUA1, and MUA2 Wii that I've used, I've rebalanced them for XML2, recoded them to work in XML2, rewrote the power descriptions, rewrote the combo text (and added it in where it was missing), added in damage types where they were missing, and recoded the AI (and added it where it was missing).
*I've also rebalanced all powers taken from XML2, changed the order they unlock in, changed their power descriptions, changed their combo text, changed their unlock requirements, and streamlined their coding where possible.
*She now has the generic passive Leadership like she does in XML1.
*I've made the following changes to her Lightning Strike power:
-The MUA2 Wii version of this levels up to create more lightning strikes but since that doesn't work in XML2, I've increased it to always create 2.
-It now does Electricity damage instead of Energy damage.
-Its maximum range is now what the MUA2 Wii version's maximum leveled up range is.
-I removed the weld damage mod because that only works in XML1.
-It can now hit enemies lying on the ground.
*I've made the following changes to her Electric Shock power:
-Its max range, which had coding to level up but never did, was removed, and it's now a static number.
*I removed the Wind Mastery and Lightning Mastery passives and replaced them with a new passive called Weather Mastery that affects all her powers.
*I've renamed her Elemental Combat passive to Electricity Combat.
*Since Whirlwind and Funnels are almost identical so I've combined both and used the Whirlwind name.
-I redid the AI to make more sense.
*I removed her XML2 power Blizzard, which doesn't do Cold damage and is listed as a Debuff, neither of which make any sense, and replaced it with her MUA1 power Hail Storm, which is similar but does do Cold damage and is listed as a Special, both of which make a lot more sense.
-It now does the same amount of damage to all enemies it affects.
-I removed the part where it also spreads to nearby enemies because it didn't really seem to work anyway.
-It now immobilizes enemies.
-It now puts out fires.
*I've made the following changes to her Chain Lightning power:
-It now does the same amount of damage to all enemies it affects.
-I removed the weld damage mod because that only works in XML1.
*I've made the following changes to Static Charge:
-Its max range, which had coding to level up but never did, was removed, and it's now a static number.
*I've made the following changes to Whirlwind Armor:
-I've renamed it to Cyclone Shield.
-By default, what this power does is very confusing, not explained very well, and works in a weird way. Basically, it absorbs a small amount of damage from 3 specific damage types. I've changed it to increase her Defense Rating instead, which I feel is more useful. I've also changed it to only affect Storm, which is how the MUA1 version of this works and how other boosts that damage enemies upon contact work in XML2. The other boosts like this in XML2 also increase Defense Rating, so I feel overall this version is more useful and balanced.
*I've removed Storm Shield and replaced it with a new Boost I created called Refreshing Rain.
*I've made the following changes to Raging Tempest:
-It no longer stuns enemies, which it never tells players it does amd because it does Electricity damage, it doesn't need stun anyway.
-By default, this power has an effect that looks like a tornado and says it does Electricity and Wind damage, but that's not actually true. The tornado is actually just an effect that's just for show and it doesn't actually do anything. To fix this, I've added a radial wave that does Wind damage, knockback, and puts out fires.
-The lightning bolts can how hit enemies on the ground like the similar lightning bolts from Lightning Strike can do.
-It's now listed as a Special instead of a Radial.
*I've made the following changes to Will of the Goddess:
-The amount it increases max EP by now levels up and is no longer a static number.
-The AI can no longer use this, just like every other Xtreme.

*Includes new skins, huds, and 3D heads by BaconWizard17.
*Includes my versions of her XML2 and MUA1 loading screens.
-The XML2 loading screen is a higher quality version of that image that I found.
-I made XML2-compatible versions of her MUA1 Astonishing and 80s loading screens.
*I've made a higher quality version of her XML2 character select portrait, which I made using the afforementioned higher quality version of his XML2 loading screen.
*Uses BaconWizard17's higher quality versions of Storm's XML2 icons.
-Weather Mastery uses Wind Mastery's default XML2 icon.
-Electricity Combat uses Lightning Mastery's default XML2 icon.
-Refreshing Rain uses uses Elemental Combat's default XML2 icon.
*The way her lightning effects in XML2, MUA1, and MUA2 Wii work and are colored by default are such that I was unable to recreate their look on effects from XML1, which work differently and are colored differently. Because of this, I've recolored all lightning effects from all games I've used them from to be a different color that was easier to use and I think looks better and also modified them to be as consistent as possible with each other.
*She uses recolored versions of the XML1 Retail versions of her flight effects.
*Her unique stun uses a recolored version of the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its effect.
*Electricity Combat uses a recolored version of the effect from Storm's MUA1 costume passive Static Charge.
*Lightning Strike uses a recolored and modified version of its XML1 Prototype charge effect combined with a recolored and modified version of the part of the XML2 effect that's the ball that gets thrown into the air.
*Electric Shock uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.
-I also used a recolored version of one of Lightning Strike's XML1 Prototype lightning bolt effects which I modified to remove the fullscreen flash from.
*For her Whirlwind effect, I've used a recolored version of Jean's unused unique XML1 Prototype Telekinetic combo effect.
-Whirlwind also uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its charge effect.
*Hail Storm uses its MUA1 aura effects and a recolored version of its charge effect.
*Static Charge uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of Electric Shock's effects. As with the default version, it shares all its effects with Electric Shock, although the effects files all contain 2 slightly different versions of each effect that they each use.
*Chain Lightning uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.
*Cyclone Shield uses recolored and modified versions of its MUA1 effects.
*Refreshing Rain uses a recolored version of the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of Hail Storm's aura effect and the same charge effect that I used for Whirlwind.
*Raging Tempest uses a recolored version of the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its effect which I also removed the camera shake from.
-It also uses her XML1 Prototype Xtreme's charge effect which I recolored and removed the camera shake from.
*Will of the Goddess uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.

*She also has packages for all 9 skins that allow for each skin to have a unique hud and 3D head. These are also the new Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages.

*Menu Breaks: A new set of Menu Breaks using some of hers from XML2, MUA1, and MUA2 Wii as well as 2 of her Fusion lines from MUA2 Wii.
*Bonus Loading Screens:
-Unused XML1 X-Treme Gear: a high quality unused XML1 loading screen I found.
-XML1: a higher quality version of her XML1 loading screen I found and AI Upscaled.
-XML1 Promo Rogue and Storm: a promo image I found and AI Upscaled
-XML2 Promo Storm and Bishop: a promo image I found and AI Upscaled
*Bonus Character Select Portraits: 5 bonus character select portraits I made using her non-XML2 loading screens
*Bonus Conversation Huds: 6 huds I made using art from my versions of her loading screens and 2 huds I made by denoising her 2 unused XML1 Prototype huds.
*Bonus Skins: 2 bonus skins by BaconWizard17: Ultimate MUA1 and Ultimate XML1
*Non Cel-Shaded Skins: non Cel Shaded versions of her default skins

Skin List:
-Skin: Ultimate XML2 (0401)
-Skin_Astonishing: Astonishing (0402)
-Skin_AOA: Age of Astonishing (0403)
-Skin_60s: Original (0404)
-Skin_70s: 80s (0405)
-Skin_WeaponX: 90s (0406)
-Skin_Future: X-Treme Gear (0407)
-Skin_Winter: Winter (0408)

*BaconWizard17: skins, huds, 3D heads, icons, packages,
*Cohollow: XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of effects

-Whirlwind can now affect enemies on the ground.

Couldn't you make a small video preview of your mod please? My laptop had a problem with the battery and I'm missing this game so much. Also wondering to see how your Storm mod is going! Thanks!