
Enigma's Colossus Booster

Started by Enigma, July 13, 2024, 07:33PM

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July 13, 2024, 07:33PM Last Edit: August 31, 2024, 04:22PM by Enigma
Enigma's Colossus Booster v1.1

This is my Colossus Booster. It contains the following differences from the default XML2 version:

**I've expanded his XML2 voiceset using lines from his XML2 NPC conversations, his XML2 Menu Breaks, all voiced by Jim Ward.
-2 of his No Work lines double as No Power lines.
-I've reused some of his unused types of lines as other types of lines.
-I've changed a few lines to be other types of lines, in some cases because the original type wasn't used and in others because I felt they fit better elsewhere.
-By default, his Death grunt and 1 of his Pain grunts are reused from Colossus's XML1 grunts, which are by a different voice actor. I've removed them and added 6 new Death and 6 new Pain grunts from Jim Ward's role as an SS Officer in Wolfenstein 2009.
-One of his Epitaph lines has a grunt as part of it, so I edited that out and turned in into a Death grunt.
*The whoosh sound that his unique stun has no longer plays way too early.
*All powers now have unique sounds and none share with each other anymore.
*I've replaced all of his power sounds with new power sounds that are taken from Colossus's Marvel Heroes power sounds, except for Energy Projection's power sound, which is 1 of Nanite Nick Fury's power sounds from MUA2 PC and Colossal Roar's power sound, which is the same one it uses in XML2.
*He now has his own unique footstep sounds, which also work in hubs. I used Nanite Nick Fury's footstep sounds from MUA2 PC. He has a total of 6 different ones that he randomly picks from.
-These are also used for the footstep sounds for his Siberian Express power.

*I've also rebalanced all powers taken from XML2, changed the order they unlock in, changed their power descriptions, changed their combo text, changed their unlock requirements, and streamlined their coding where possible.
*He starts with 5% resistances to Physical, Elemental, Fire, and Cold damage types.
*I've made the following changes to his XML2 Iron Fist power:
-I've renamed it Titanic Smash, which is one of his XML1 power names.
-This power no longer attacks twice and no longer uses EP twice.
*I've made the following changes to his XML2 Thunder Clap power:
-I've renamed it to Colossal Clap.
-The power no longer attacks twice.
-It now does knockback that also levels up.
-It's max range no longer levels up and is now set at a rebalanced number.
-Increased its arc so that it now affects enemies all around him.
*I've made the following changes to his XML2 Uppercut power:
-I've renamed it to Steel Uppercut.
*I've made the following changes to his XML2 Massive Strike power:
-I've renamed it to Concussive Strike.
-It's now made clear in the description that this has a chance for a Deadly Strike.
-It now stuns enemies.
*I've made the following changes to his XML2 Siberian Express power:
-The AI can now use it.
*I've made the following changes to his XML2 Bounding Smash power:
-I've renamed it to Bounding Crash.
-It now also affects enemies on the ground.
-It now also immobilizies enemies.
*I've made the following changes to his XML2 Roar boost:
-I've renamed it to Colossal Roar.
-In the level up info, Strength is now called what the game calls it, which is Strike.
*I've made the following changes to his Demolition Xtreme:
-It can now damage enemies on the ground.
-It now properly functions as a radial instead of as a blast.
-The knockback now works properly.
*I added a new power that's a boost and a radial combined called Energy Projection, which is loosely based on a power he has in the X-Men arcade game.
*Removed his passive Metallurgy and his boost Steel Skin and replaced them with a new passive called Steel Skin.
*Combined his Galvanize and Brawler passives together and kept the name Galvanize.
*Added new Melee Mastery passive.

*Uses a version of his MUA1 loading screen as well as higher quality versions of his XML1 and XML2 loading screen I found and AI Upscaled.
*By default, his character select portrait uses art from one of his XML1 loading screen. I've made a new one based upon my afforementioned version of his XML2 loading screen.
*He uses BaconWizard17's higher quality version of the icons.
-I've rearranged which ones go to which powers.
*He uses skins, huds, and 3D heads by BaconWizard17.
*Titanic Smash uses modified versions of its XML2 Ultimate Patch fixed charge and impact effects. The Ultimate Patch version of the charge effect was modified to now actually show up. I've removed the full screen white flash from the impact effect, and I've recolored both effects.
*Colossal Clap uses a recolored version of Concussion Slam's XML1 Retail charge effect that I modified to remove a part that was broken and an effect I created.
*Steel Uppercut uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.
*Concussive Strike uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.
*Siberian Express uses a recolored version of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effect.
*Bounding Crash uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.
-I removed the camera shake from the impact effect.
*Energy Projection uses a recolored version of 1 of his XML1 Retail boost's effects and the rest I created.
*Colossal Roar uses a roar effect I created and a recolored version of his unused XML2 aura effect.
*Demolition uses a recolored version of the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of its charge effect. The power effect is a recolored version of his XML1 Retail Xtreme power effect that I've also modified to remove the full screen white flash and camera shake from. The impact effect is a version of his XML1 Prototype Xtreme effect that I've modified to remove everything but the ground crack and flying debris chunks from.
*Unbreakable uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.
-I modified the charge effect to remove the camera shake.
*His unique stun uses recolored versions of the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its effects.

*He also has packages for all 9 skins that allow for each skin to have a unique hud and 3D head. These are also the new Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages.
*He contains the following coding changes made to him by Cohollow for the XML2 Ultimate Patch:
-Colossal Clap can now put out fires.

*XML1 Voicepack: A voicepack using his lines and grunts from XML1, voiced by Earl Boen. I've added more lines and grunts using his XML1 NPC lines as well as reusing some types of lines that aren't used in XML1 for various other types of lines. I've made 2 of his No Work lines also double as No Power lines. I've switched around a few lines to be different types of lines as I felt they fit in better there. I've also files that rename his Demolition Xtreme to the name of his XML1 Xtreme, Seismic Smash, so that he can use his XML1 Xtreme callout. It uses the same Unbreakable Xtreme callout and Banter lines as the XML2 voicepack.
-XML1 Menu Breaks: I've picked out some Menu Breaks to go with the XML1 voicepack.
*MUA1+2 Voicepack: A voicepack using the best of his lines and grunts from his MUA1 playable version and his MUA2 PC NPC version, all voiced by Nolan North. I've made 1 of his No Work lines also double as a No Power line. I've reused some of his Menu Breaks as various types of lines. I've also included files that renames his Demolition Xtreme to the name of his MUA1 Xtreme, Colossal Crush, so that he can use his MUA1 Xtreme callout. It uses the same Unbreakable Xtreme callout and Banter lines as the XML2 voicepack.
-MUA1 Menu Breaks: These are 5 of his 6 MUA1 Menu Breaks. One of them mentioned MUA1's plot so I replaced it with a new one.
*Bonus Loading Screens:
-MUA1 Epilogue Colossus and Wolverine's Graves: This is one of MUA1's epilogue images.
-MUA1 Epilogue Legacy Virus Vaccine: This is one of MUA1's epilogue images.
-MUA1 Epilogue Xavier's Grave: This is one of MUA1's epilogue images. I edited it to remove Nightcrawler to eliminate the continuity error of him being there even though this epilogue image is only used if he dies in MUA1.
-Unused Ultimate XML1 Alternate: An unused XML1 loading screen I found and AI Upscaled to further improve its quality.
-Unused XML1 X-Treme Gear: An unused XML1 loading screen I found and I AI Upscaled to improve its quality.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits:
-I made bonus character select portraits based upon my versions of the following loading screens: MUA1 Original, XML1, XML1 Alt, X-Treme Gear
*Bonus Conversation Huds:
-I made bonus conversation huds based upon my versions of the following loading screens: XML2, MUA1 Original, XML1, XML1 Alt, X-Treme Gear
*Bonus Skins:
-Includes the following bonus skins by BaconWizard17 (each has their own hud, 3D head, and Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded versions): Astonishing (Alt), Ultimate MUA1, Ultimate MUA1 (Dark).
*Bonus Human Skin Swaps:
-By default, his Energy Projection power uses a human version of his Ultimate XML2 skin by BaconWizard. These are Cel Shaded and Non-Cel Shaded human versions of all his other skins and bonus skins, all hex edited to be used with Energy Projection.
*Non-Cel Shaded Skins:
-Non-Cel Shaded versions of his default skins.

Skin List:
-Skin Swap: Ultimate XML2 Human (0900)
-Skin: Ultimate XML2 (0901)
-Skin_Astonishing: Astonishing (0902)
-Skin_AOA: Age of Apocalypse (0903)
-Skin_60s: Original (0904)
-Skin_70s: Outback (0905)
-Skin_WeaponX: Muir Island (0906)
-Skin_Future: X-Treme Gear (0907)
-Skin_Winter: Gladiator (0908)
-Skin_Civilian: Ultimate XML1 (0909)

*BaconWizard17: skins, huds, 3D heads, icons
*Cohollow: XML2 Ultimate Patch coding fixes and versions of effects
*Ninja Kyden: XML2 Ultimate Patch fixes to p1_charge effect
*tubularspaceman: idea to give him unique footstep sounds

-Fixed issue with his first power not having a point in it at the start.
-Fixed issue with Colossal Clap's knockback.